Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1273

The man in green shirt suddenly appeared, lying between the old man of Tianmu and the three heavenly kings, just like a mountain, overlooking the world. For the people of the world, the heavenly king is an insurmountable mountain, while for the heavenly king, the man in green shirt is an insurmountable mountain.

Seeing the green man coming, the old man of Tianmu gasped: "why did you come? I\'m dying."

"I also came here with the help of the seal of heaven, otherwise you think it\'s so fast." the green man has no good way. He can talk and laugh freely in the face of the three heavenly kings. He has dared to do so since ancient times.

The old monk\'s face was dignified and unprecedentedly serious. He raised all his strength and focused on alert. The butcher and the drunkard looked at each other, showing helplessness. When the man in green shirt shows up, he misses the best chance to kill the old man in Tianmu.

"You still showed up."

The wrinkles on the old monk\'s face are deeply buried in the years. There is a long river of time and space in his eyes. He may hit a shocking blow at any time, but there is no, because he is afraid of the green man in front of him. The butcher and the drunkard shook their heads and sighed.

Who can make the king sigh?

Only the people in front of us.

"If you break the rules, I will naturally appear. It can also be said that heaven breaks the rules and I just appear in advance. Everyone is his own people. Why fight and kill? You know I don\'t like fighting."

The man in green shirt had a bitter face and said helplessly.

The old monk sneered in his heart and said to himself, if you don\'t like fighting in the world, no one else likes it. You kill from below to above, from China to beyond the stars, it\'s a killing star.

Naturally, butchers and drunkards would not believe the lies of men in green shirts and sneered.

The man in green shirt was surprised and said, "what\'s your expression?"

The old man of Tianmu couldn\'t support it and scolded, "can you solve the problem quickly? I\'m dying."

The green man shrugged, looked at the three and said, "do it yourself, or I\'ll give you a ride."

The old monk turned pale, then showed his guard and said, "don\'t be afraid of him. He\'s just a brand of heaven\'s way, and his strength can\'t compare with us at all. We are a real separation, so it\'s easy to kill him."

The butcher and the drunkard nodded.

At the moment, the green shirt man is indeed a part of heaven\'s brand, not a real part, and his strength is weakened a lot. After Lao he and Shang Daopo, the butcher and drunkard were eager to try and thought it was possible to beat the green man this time.

"You really want to fight?"

The man in green shirt was helpless and asked, "can\'t you fight?"

The old monk was cruel and took the lead. A long river of time and space shot out of his eyes. He wanted to trap the green man. The butcher and drunkard acted according to their circumstances and shot at the same time. The three heavenly kings work together to scare people to death. Anyone who can support two moves under the heavenly king is proud to be a legendary figure for a lifetime. It has been possible for the heavenly kings to join hands, and there have been few since ancient times.

But the man in green is one of them.

Because he is invincible.

The long river of time and space trapped the man in green shirt. He couldn\'t break free for a while. The black and yellow spirit appeared on the butcher\'s head and turned into a pig killing knife. I don\'t know how many heroes and Wulin experts this knife killed. The knife is branded with all sentient beings. All sentient beings suffer. Cut them with one knife! The pig killing knife turns into a wisp of dark yellow, symbolizing the most primitive and terrible power of chaos. It hits a point and shoots at the man in green shirt. The drunkard opens the wine gourd at his waist, removes the plug, emits a ray of golden light, and then turns into a Starry Sea to suppress it directly.

Old man Tianmu couldn\'t help turning pale when he saw the power of the three people working together. If the three people could use this degree of attack before, how could he still have the strength to speak? It is estimated that he would have stopped cooking directly for more than ten rounds, but although he was shocked, he couldn\'t see the man in green shirt who was worried.

The man in green shirt saw that three people shot at the same time. A long river of time and space, a dark yellow knife and a Starry Sea are all invincible ways and invincible thousands of power, as if summoned by distant time and space.

The heavenly king is the ultimate of the road and the ultimate of power. The realm of longevity is destroyed in front of the heavenly king.

The three heavenly kings of the old monk shot together and finally showed their tusks.

The man in green shirt smiled and didn\'t seem to care. He said, "since you don\'t want to go, I\'d better give a ride. After all, it\'s an old friend." he stretched out his jade like hand, grabbed the long river of time and space, and then burst out a force that dominates the world from his arm, but he heard a click and a whine of the long river of time and space, which broke directly.

The old monk turned pale and wanted to summon the long river of time and space. However, the strength of the green man was invincible. He was hurt by a blow.

The man in green shirt repelled the old monk, then stretched out his other hand, grabbed the terrible dark yellow knife, threw it at random, and split the drunkard\'s star in half. He disappeared and appeared behind the drunkard the next moment.

The old monk shouted, "be careful."

The drunkard felt a bad feeling in his heart. Just about to leave, he clapped his hand on his head and roared, breaking the drunkard\'s body.

The old monk and the butcher turned pale one after another and looked at the man in green shirt in horror.

How is that possible?

Isn\'t he a part of heaven\'s brand? Why can he have any terrible power? Without time to think about it, the man in green shirt turned sideways and punched the butcher. This fist silenced Taigu, and the power of countless stars was forcibly drawn into the fist and hit the chest of the massacre. The massacre was too late to scream, and the body burst into pieces. As a result, he left the world like an alcoholic.

The old monk\'s complexion changed. After the butcher and drunkard died, they completely lost their capital to compete with the green shirt man. Looking at him, they were full of helplessness and said, "sixty years ago, you blocked everyone\'s way out. Now you appear again. Do you still want to rob our opportunities?"

"You should understand this truth. Why maintain it?" the old monk sighed with no sorrow or joy on his face.

The green shirt man carries his hands and exudes invincible style. If Yang Ping is here, he will definitely yearn for it, because the style of the green shirt man is really invincible. How spectacular it is to blow up the king of heaven with one punch. Others think the king of heaven is superior, but the man in green shirt is easy to kill.

This is the gap.

The old monk still wanted to talk. Suddenly he was caught by one hand. The stars changed. The immediate environment changed. He came to the South China Sea. The green man shook his head and said, "you shouldn\'t have appeared in the world. You\'d better go back and wait."

Mentioning Lao he Shang\'s impulse to throw into the South China Sea, the green man took a deep breath, his body flickered, frowned and said, "it\'s almost to the limit."


The old monk was thrown into the wormhole seal in the South China Sea. It is impossible to appear in a short time.

The man in green shirt wanted to strengthen the seal, but the part of the transformation of the brand of heaven exhausted his strength, shook his head and said, "unfortunately, if the real body is not too far away to come in time, otherwise he can strengthen the seal. Let him never come out."


The South China Sea wormhole sealed the old monk. As soon as the green man turned around, the sea changed and fell in the Castle Peak cemetery. He smiled at the old Tianmu who was meditating and said, "you look bad and can\'t be a man. Otherwise, how can the other three deal with you at the same time."

The Tianmu old man opened his eyes and scolded, "you\'re right to say that if I hadn\'t kept your apprentice, I\'m afraid he would have been killed. At this time, I\'m going to die. Help me continue for a while."

The man in green shirt said, "look at my body."

The old man of Tianmu said angrily, "I\'m too lazy to see. What\'s good about a man\'s body? It\'s disgusting." although he said that, when he saw the man in green shirt flickering, he said with a bitter smile, "it\'s really balanced. All those who break the rules have to leave."

Looking at the hut, old Tianmu hummed, "forget it, I\'ll go first. I\'ll come back again ten years later. I hope I can see you again at that time."

The body turned into starlight, and the old man Tianmu left.

"Nonsense, of course you can see me." the green man looked at the sky and murmured, "boy, don\'t disappoint me."