Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1272

If you want to be a saint, you must kill the people in front of you.

When Yang Ping walks out of a road against the sky, he must surpass all the people against the sky. There is great destruction between the waving of the green man in front of him. It seems that he has seen it somewhere, but he can\'t think much at this time. The man has already shot.

With a wave of his hand, the earth fell apart.

Yang Ping turned pale. Even though he had invincible power, he still didn\'t see enough in front of the other party. The man in green shirt strode forward, step by step, trampled on the void, and then punched him, directly shaking him away.

"So strong."

Yang Ping was shocked and his chest was sunken. If he hadn\'t inspired the ultimate mystery of Jiuyang body, I\'m afraid the green shirt man would blow him up with one punch. What a terrible fist, what a terrible strong man.

The man in green shirt gave a light sigh, and there was a humanized tone.


The green shirt man attacked again. They were both in the same state, but he was so powerful that he threw his hands and feet to destroy the sky and the earth. With a simple punch and one foot, Yang Ping was injured all the time.


Yang Ping vomited blood, seriously injured and looked at his opponent in horror.

The green man said, "the invincible road is lonely. It is also made of blood and dead bones. You are not strong enough."

Yang Ping gritted his teeth and said, "come then!"

The two started a startling war. Yang Pingyuan thought he was invincible, but he met a more terrible guy. He was almost destroyed in this strange space. Yang Ping has a hard time saying, NIMA, is this still human?

Constantly retreating and avoiding for the time being, Yang Ping took a defensive stance, but finally regretted it. The opponent became braver and braver. He had almost endless power, and each punch was superimposed. Finally, he was overwhelmed. Yang Ping was pale.

"The last punch!"

The man in green shirt laughed. His golden fist broke the void, suppressed the world, and came to him in an instant. Yang Ping wanted to resist, but his fist came in front of him and hit him in the chest. He looked down and saw his body crack inch by inch. He smiled bitterly and said, "who are you?"

The man in green shirt carried his hands, showed an invincible smile and said, "guess."

Yang Ping vomited blood and scolded secretly. If I guessed, I wouldn\'t fight you. I thought I was invincible before. Now I\'m good. I just achieved the heart of a saint and was knocked down. I looked at the green man helplessly and sighed secretly.

After all, I didn\'t break through.

Is this the disaster of heaven?


The voice of the man in green shirt came into his mind, smiled, bared his teeth and said, "I am me, and the way of heaven is the way of heaven. It\'s impossible for the way of heaven to simulate me. So you\'re facing me who I simulated."

Yang Ping was out of shape and gasped, "who the hell are you?"

The man in green shirt said again, "guess."

Yang pinghuo is very angry. I\'m almost dead. I don\'t have time to joke with you. This time, the heavy blow is very deep and almost fatal. The other party looks intact. I can\'t help feeling sad. The green shirt man uses the realm of saints, just like himself, but his combat effectiveness can\'t be justified.

Yang Ping guessed that the strength of Castle Peak men in the realm of saints could beat the strong at the level of daozun with one punch.

"Unfortunately, I didn\'t see the last side of the Pearl after all."

Yang Ping lost his strength, lay on the ground and said with a bitter smile.

This man is too strong to beat.

Yang Ping smiled and said to himself, "I thought I was invincible. I didn\'t expect to underestimate the people in the world. You are stronger than me."

The man in green shirt shrugged and said, "nonsense, of course I\'m stronger than you, because my strength is a little higher than you. If I can\'t even beat you, how can I be your master?"

Yang Ping was stunned and his pupils widened.

"You are..."

Yang Ping showed an incredible color and became excited.

Isn\'t he dead?

The green man nodded and said, "you finally know who I am. Yes, I am that person. I may not be sure of defeating you in the same realm, so you passed."


Yang Ping couldn\'t figure out what the other party meant and shouted, "pass? What do you mean?"

The man in green shirt said, "of course, I\'ve passed my level. What else? Since you know who I am, you should hear my name. This separation is not my power, but the mark simulated by the way of heaven, but everything I want between heaven and earth, even the way of heaven can\'t be simulated, so I enter the brand."

Yang Ping didn\'t understand. He shouted, "you\'re old and immortal. You\'re in the South China Sea. I thought you were dead. I didn\'t expect you to be so young. You beat me badly this time."

The green man frowned and said, "what do you mean by the South China Sea?"

Yang Ping scolded, "don\'t pretend, you\'ll never die."

The man in green shirt suddenly remembered someone, then smiled, shook his head and said, "NIMA, I\'m so ashamed this time. I\'m even amorous. The master in this guy\'s eyes must be the man in the whirlpool of the South China Sea."

"Well, I don\'t have much time to force you. Since heaven dares to use the brand of the strong, I have to pay a price."

"Remember, the invincible is not strength, but heart."

After the man in green shirt left directly, Yang Ping was left wondering what the other party\'s purpose was. He didn\'t want to beat me up. After recovering, Yang Ping looked at the starry sky above her head and felt a strong mark hanging on the sky.

"These were once invincible strong men."

Yang Ping said indifferently.

Looking up at the sky, the surrounding environment disappears and becomes the land of Longcheng. Standing in the soil, Yang Ping felt a breath of rebirth and murmured, "the way of heaven makes people, but people make them."

Tiandao wanted to change the brand of the green shirt man. Unexpectedly, the brand was occupied as soon as it came out.

This is the terrible part of the green shirt man\'s mind. He takes control of the brand between breathing. The wound on the body recovered quickly and soon recovered as before. With the crazy growth of spiritual power, if we used to explore only one dragon city, now we can explore almost the whole province.

Mental strength, physical strength, I do not know how much stronger than before. Anyone who dares to provoke will be killed without amnesty.

"Is this the realm of saints?"

Yang Ping felt the boundless power in her body and couldn\'t help sighing.

Castle Peak cemetery.

The old man fell from the void and coughed up blood. In the face of the joint attack of the three heavenly kings, even the strongest under the starry sky should drink hate. Tianmu old man is one to three, with many crises. He tried his best to hurt the old monk, but he is dying.

After the old monk appeared, he closed his hands and sat cross to heal his wounds, but when he opened his mouth, the vitality around him disappeared and turned into wisps of energy like streams and disappeared into his body. He recovered quickly, and then looked at the old man lying on the ground with complex eyes.

"Why bother?"

The butcher came forward, shook his head and said, "you will be the first Heavenly King I killed. Although you are separated, it symbolizes the arrival of a new era."


When Tianmu old man had no choice, a man in green shirt appeared in front of him.