Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1191

The sky was overcast.

Especially depressed.

Yang Ping felt that the world had changed. It was strange. There was no familiar air and breath. The smell of seaweed floating from the South China Sea became clearer and clearer. It seemed that there was an endless ocean and black despair in front of him.

It doesn\'t feel good.

"Don\'t scare me, old man."

Yang Ping walked quietly on the long street and experienced that strange feeling of loneliness. The old man said that the world is a lonely star before. Yang Ping did not admit that he felt that man can conquer heaven. What bullshit fate wheel is nonsense, so he competed with heaven again and again, risking death and life again and again. He felt that fate can be broken, and the miracle is in his hand.

But now he felt very desperate.

Unexplained despair.

Is it just because of the smell of seaweed from the South China Sea?

Wet, salty, with the smell of blood and the taste of despair. Yang Ping had never been so flustered. He walked through three long streets and more than a dozen alleys. He passed by all kinds of ordinary people, including tall girls, old men who went out for a walk, a bunch of couples with happy smiles on their faces, and a beggar who broke two legs and crawled step by step.

Life is full of forms.

nothing more than this.

Yang Ping\'s eyes were red. He knew that something must have happened to the old man. He would not leave to go to the South China Sea to see the so-called battlefield and see if the old man lived so natural and unrestrained on the phone. He was accompanied by women every day and could flirt with women all the time.

But he can\' [email protected] ^^$

Longcheng still needs him.

The deteriorating array and the dormant desire of the people waiting for the outbreak may erupt anytime and anywhere. Yang Ping can\'t go but pray. He suddenly hated that his strength was so poor that he didn\'t even have the qualification to go to the South China Sea, because going to the South China Sea must be the realm of heaven, otherwise it would be difficult to come back. The old man told him sternly to wait quietly.


A long sigh.

Yang Ping shook her head and unknowingly came to the fate cafe on the Bank of the Luoshui river. Near the river, she met Zhu Xi for the first time after a quarrel. The picture of the two met was very beautiful, harmonious and calm, just like the sunset in the sky. Although it was beautiful, everyone knew the result.! $*!

The irreparable beauty of the sunset will eventually bring darkness.

During this period, a lot of calls came. They were all local famous families and familiar friends in Longcheng. They were terrified. I hope Yang Ping can forgive them. Yang Ping didn\'t even know why they did so, and didn\'t realize that his power could scare the rich people known as the four families to such a degree.

Liu Junya, the young master of the Liu family, offended the Lord of the Dragon City, causing Liu Junya\'s pulse to be destroyed. From Liu Junya\'s grandfather to Liu Junya\'s sister, they suddenly lost all their power and went into the cold palace. Those relatives who had a relationship with Liu Junya in the car were inexplicably beaten and also lost their rights. They didn\'t know that they would get such a chilling treatment just because Liu Junya offended Yang Ping.

But no one dared to show anger. They just hate and curse the man who made them lose everything, Yang Ping.

Yang Ping looked at the new call and connected it.

"Boss, I want to see you."

Liu Chenggong said on the other end of the phone, with a tired voice and a wry smile.

When Liu Chenggong came to the fate cafe, he wanted to plead with Liu Junya straight to the point. He found that Yang Ping\'s face was not lustful, and his heart clicked. He had a bad feeling.

I\'ve never seen Yang Ping\'s face so pale.


Liu Chenggong\'s nose was sour. He held back his tears and didn\'t mention Liu Junya again, because now he finally found that the boss in front of him was different from before. He had a more color, such as the gray sky, emitting inexplicable sadness.

"Long time no see. How are you doing in the army?"

After relative silence, Yang Ping returned to his senses and asked with a smile, "your strength has reached the level of eight grades. You can create a special unit in the army. Don\'t treat you badly to the East."

Liu Chenggong\'s face is no longer overbearing and arrogant, but more introverted, more mature and more terrible. This Liu madman who will definitely become the leader of the Liu family in the future will be extremely shocked if seen by acquaintances. Because Liu madman is no longer a madman, but an introverted man.

"Commander Li is very kind to me."

Liu Chenggong showed concern and asked tentatively, "boss, I don\'t know what to say. There\'s something in your heart. Your face is not good. It wasn\'t like this before. I\'ve heard about Longcheng these days. Boss, you\'re too tired."

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "it\'s not a tired problem." it seems that he doesn\'t want to tangle on this issue and change the topic, "what are you looking for me?"

Liu Chenggong hesitated and explained Liu Junya\'s affairs, including the family\'s handling opinions and the fate of Liu Junya.

Yang Ping was stunned.

He suddenly found that the world around him had really changed.

Because of offending oneself, the whole family has suffered great changes. Isn\'t this bullying or bullying. Liu Junya offended him. It\'s just a small thing. It takes a lot of trouble to punish him?

Yang Ping was furious.

He really wanted to slap him. Unexpectedly, Liu Chenggong, who had been with him for a long time, was as tacky and eyeless as his family.

Feeling Yang Ping\'s anger, Liu Chenggong was uneasy.

"Why punish them? I didn\'t say anything, let alone what to do to Liu Junya. Do you Liu family think I\'m more affectionate than Liu Junya?"

Yang Ping gritted his teeth.

Liu Chenggong bowed his head and dared not look at each other, but his tone was bitter and said: "Boss, it\'s different now. Don\'t you know your weight in Longcheng? One look and one word can even determine the fate of a family! If you don\'t seriously deal with this matter, what do others think? If the Liu family wants to continue to gain a foothold in Longcheng, they must have two attitudes. Now many families are watching and want to replace it!"

Yang Ping was completely stunned.

After Liu Chenggong finished, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn\'t want to come. He was afraid of death. He was afraid that Yang Ping would become the person he hated most before. However, seeing the boss\'s expression, Liu Chenggong knew that he had misjudged. The boss was still the boss, and there was no change.

"Go back and say I\'m not angry."

Yang Ping waved his hand and said.

Liu Chenggong tried to stop talking.

Yang Ping frowned and said, "what\'s the matter? Say something directly and hide it, just like a woman."

Liu Chenggong hesitated and finally decided to go out and said, "boss, if you don\'t mean any harm to the Liu family, please be sure to make a voice. Many people are watching the end of the Liu family and may destroy the Liu family at any time."

Yang Ping was furious and shouted, "it\'s a joke. I\'m not happy. Can I let the first family of Tangtang dragon city destroy the door? What do you think of me!"

"I don\'t have so much power, and I\'m not interested in paying attention to your contradictions."

Liu Chenggong twitched from the corner of his mouth and said helplessly, "but with the boss\'s current position, a word can determine the fate of a family. You just don\'t know. All local families in Longcheng are looking at your face."

"Those who hate you and those who want you to die will not be less or even stronger in Longcheng than outsiders."

Liu Chenggong finished, his head lower.

When Yang Ping heard this, his chest was blocked and his face trembled with anger.

Hard work just gets the hatred of local forces?

The dormant dark Qi in the body surged again and was hard to suppress. Suddenly, I don\'t know why, the dark Qi was crazy, incomparably crazy, more terrible than any time.

Eyes instantly red.

"Is there water?"

An old man appeared at the table, looked at Yang Ping and asked with a smile.