Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1176

"You\'re crazy!"

Yang Ping is angry. He has told Zhu Xi many times that the villages in the city can\'t move. Although he doesn\'t know what\'s hidden below, it\'s certainly not a good thing. It\'s not comparable to the treasure Pavilion, but what can be blocked by seals will be easy to deal with?

So many experts are lurking, and no one dares to touch here. Those people who have no background, but honestly wait and see, are not obvious enough.

But Zhu Xi insisted.

"Here is my team, please don\'t intervene, and Yang Ping, you must not rely on the contribution to the company before has the final say, China Airlines Group, I have the final say."

Zhu Xi\'s attitude was very tough. With a wave of her hand, another batch of excavators continued to work. Yang Ping was so angry that he used hypnosis. The excavator driver who was just about to work fell asleep and didn\'t wake up until a few hours later.

Yang Ping said in a deep voice, "stop making trouble. If you are angry, you can come to me, but don\'t make fun of the people in Longcheng."

Zhu Xi stared at Yang Ping with cold eyes.

"You are the most narcissistic person I have ever seen. Do you think all women are crazy because of you?"

Yang Ping was dumbfounded. His old face turned red and said, "it doesn\'t mean that."

"Please don\'t disturb my work again. For the progress of the project, the village in the city must be developed. And please get out of the way and hypnotize me again and again. My patience is limited." Zhu Xi ignored Yang Ping and didn\'t know what method to use. The unconscious driver woke up again and his eyes became dull, like walking corpses.

The roar of the excavator was heard and entered the hot work.

Yang Ping had to stop it. A group of women rushed out, pointed to her nose and scolded, "I said you\'re crazy. Are you not in place or jealous of our money? I haven\'t seen scum like you."

"Yes, you don\'t give demolition. Don\'t you want money? Why talk about it, but don\'t hinder us from making money!"

Some of the women knew Yang Ping and shouted, "it\'s him, the murderer. The man who killed me can still run out. I\'m going to sit at the gate of the government. Isn\'t the Secretary guaranteed to be good?"

Of course, someone called the government, denounced the government\'s inaction and asked the public security to come and take Yang Ping away immediately.

Yang Ping looks ugly.

Take a deep breath and keep calm. Yang Ping stared at Zhu Xi and shouted, "if you mess around again, don\'t blame me for not warning you. If something happens, can you be responsible?"

Zhu Xi smiled sarcastically and said faintly, "don\'t think the sky is falling. You, Yang Ping, are tall."

Yang Ping gritted his teeth and said, "very good."

With that, Yang Ping turned and left.

Zhu Xi closed her eyes and didn\'t show a proud smile because she drove away and lay flat. A complex look flashed in her eyes, but her mood had just come out and suddenly changed. All people close to the construction site, including employees of China Airlines Group and excavator drivers, fell into a mysterious environment, smiled and fell asleep sweetly.

Hypnosis after all.

Yang Ping absolutely does not allow anyone to destroy the seal of Longcheng in any form, especially in several important places. Zhu Xi challenged his bottom line and has been patient for a long time. He tried to persuade, but it didn\'t work, so he had to use violent means.

The construction site was silent.

Zhu Xi had nothing to do. She resisted Yang Ping\'s hypnosis and looked a little ugly. She said coldly, "I think you have contributed to China Airlines Group, so bear it again and again, but don\'t take my concession as a good bully. In that case, if I see if the legendary Yang Ping is really so powerful."

However, seeing Zhu Xi\'s words, wisps of dark gas emitted from his body and then drilled into the nostrils of the hypnotized people, strange things happened. These people hypnotized by Yang Ping seemed to have a second life, and the force value soared.

No matter how Yang Ping hypnotized, they didn\'t ask and worked without expression.

Yang Ping\'s heart sank.

He stared at one of the excavator drivers and saw that there was another consciousness hidden in his body, which was equal to Zhu Xi\'s separation and controlling the excavator. He never thought that Zhu Xi would become so terrible. You know, distraction is a very strange ancient martial art in terms of spirit, and the threshold is very high. It is estimated that the spiritual power of ordinary saints can not meet the requirements.

Zhu Xi is easy to use and looks very easy.


Yang Ping scolded, roared, and the sound wave spread, covering everyone. Those occupied bodies were shocked by the sound wave. Zhu Xi\'s face changed slightly, snorted, stared at him angrily, and said in a cold voice: "you\'re provoking me."

A stubborn threat came.

Yang Ping felt this terrible pressure and set off a storm in his heart. It was hard to believe, because the pressure released by Zhu Xi was not a second saint, a saint or a great saint, but on the great saint. The pure breath of the realm of heaven was more terrible than Mr. Zhuge he had seen.

How is that possible?

Yang Ping almost thought he was dreaming.

Zhu Xi can\'t become so powerful!

Yang Ping roared, "you\'re not Zhu Xi. You\'re controlled by the power in your body. No matter who you are, come out, or don\'t blame me for being rude."

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping sarcastically, shook her head and said, "man, it\'s too arrogant. You\'re always underestimating women, but the reality is often so cruel. Can\'t I surpass you?"

"Ten thousand stars!"

When Zhu Xi released the seal, countless stars shone on the clouds in the sky, as if countless pop crossed the sky. Although it was daytime, it caused a rare spectacle. Countless stars fell and smashed into Yang Ping\'s place.

Yang Ping wanted to leave, but it was late.

Ten thousand stars is a terrible sealing technique. It extracts the power of ten thousand stars to seal the opponent. Unless the opponent\'s ability can break the ten thousand stars, he will always be trapped in it. Zhu Xi used the ten thousand star technique to make Yang Ping fall into extreme passivity.

Wanxing fell into the body and did not cause physical damage. Instead, he entered the body and directly sealed Yang Ping\'s meridians, so that he could not move at all. Even his thoughts were in a vacuum. He could only watch Zhu Xi order his subordinates to start work.

His eyes were red and he wanted to explode.

Zhu Xi said coldly, "if you break away from my ten thousand star technique, you will detonate the power, and people within a kilometer will die. Don\'t you consider the consequences?"

Yang Ping was silly and cold inside.

Zhu Xi has changed.

It became so terrible that he knew how to threaten him with a kilometer of life. Yang Ping never dreamed that their relationship would become like this.

Why on earth!

Yang Ping thought of the terrible consciousness she felt in her body when she met last time, which may be the culprit of this incident.

What is the power of awakening in Zhu Xi?

Yang Ping looked at his face numb and worked rigidly. The living lives finally didn\'t break out. Breaking the ten thousand star technique will indeed cause great damage, which is uncontrollable.

He looked at Zhu Xi\'s back, very strange.

Zhu Xi has become the most familiar stranger. She insisted on opening the seal for what purpose.

Yang Ping was anxious, but it didn\'t help.

"Nine Yin, you crossed the line."

A sigh sounded. I don\'t know when a beautiful shadow appeared around Zhu Xi. The sound was as distant as a cloud.