Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1175

"You have a good relationship with the military?"

"No, I can\'t swallow this tone this time. Why should the spies of the island country be let go? I\'ve worked hard to catch them. Many brothers in the bureau are still lying in the hospital. I must give them an explanation."

"If you don\'t speak, I\'ll take it as a promise."

Wang chattered endlessly in front of Yang Ping, vaguely returning to the original way of fooling around, which made Yang Ping have an illusion that Wang was okay. The last buried body was just an illusion, but Yang Ping must bury Wang\'s body, and her body had no vitality. Years of experience in medicine told him that Wang had a problem.

But now Yang Ping hesitated.

Wang is still the policewoman who is hot in sexy leather clothes and likes to ride motorcycles. Although she has become the branch director and the youngest director, her stubbornness has not changed. She is more and more like herself.

Looking at Wang\'s indignant expression, isn\'t he as angry as before?

"Can you handle it?"

Wang hurried up and shouted, "the director said he could only last three days."

Yang Ping looked at the big banyan tree in the front yard of the treasure Pavilion, smiled, shook his head and said, "three days? It\'s great that Duan Fei can hold on for half a day. I guess he\'s released now."

Wang hehe smiled and disdained: "don\'t think you\'re so powerful. Our police also have energy. This little thing is not to detain a prisoner, let alone three days or three months."

Of course, Wang himself felt that he was forced to boast, but his face was not red and his heart did not jump. He did not want to show the incompetence of the police in front of Yang Ping.


Yang Ping waved his hand and said with a smile, "come back to me in three days."@^^$

Wang YILENG immediately said discontentedly, "Yang Ping, I don\'t care how your relationship with Zhu Xi is. Now she has changed and doesn\'t listen to you to develop the village in the city, but you can\'t help."

"What are you talking about?"

Yang Pingbo stood up and said in surprise, "is China Airlines Group developing a village in the city?"

Wang was surprised and said, "don\'t you know?"

Realizing that he had said something wrong, he quickly smiled. Wang changed the topic and said, "don\'t worry so much first. Help me solve this matter. Otherwise, I can\'t explain to the brothers in the Bureau. They are miserable...! $*!

"It\'s nonsense."

Yang Ping got up, shook his head and said, "I\'ve said many times. Don\'t Zhu Xi know that the village in the city is very dangerous? It\'s playing with fire. If you don\'t pay attention, you\'ll burn yourself. The village in the city is not something she can move."

Understand that Zhu Xi has changed a lot, her strength has improved a lot, and there are even several dark land masters at the saint level to obey, but that\'s the seal channel that the emperor dare not open. If Zhu Xi moves casually, the consequences will be very serious.

He left the treasure house one step.

Wang didn\'t have time to stop. Alas, the two voices lost each other\'s trace. He was busy to catch up. A coquettish voice came from behind: "beauty, don\'t worry. What can I do for you?"

Suddenly turning back, he saw Tao Chengqi standing not far away, leaning against the wooden column and looking at her affectionately. Wang trembled, felt his back cold, and felt that there was something wrong with Tao Chengqi\'s eyes.

"Who are you?" Wang frowned.

In fact, the two met and were very familiar with each other. Tao Chengqi used to be called boss Tao. He met under the recommendation of Yang Ping. Unfortunately, Wang\'s memory was incomplete and he forgot the existence of the goods. Tao Chengqi said he was hurt.

"You forgot that we met that day. The moon was dark and the wind was high, and it was raining heavily..." Tao Chengqi said with a nostalgic expression.

"Get out."

Wang was impatient. He thought there was something wrong with Tao Chengqi\'s head, and the moon was dark and the wind was high. Why don\'t you beat the thunder every day? He hated Tao Chengqi\'s sissy expression and scolded, "don\'t delay me, or I\'ll shoot you."

Then the king hurried out.

Tao Chengqi waved and the array of the treasure pavilion was opened. Then the king couldn\'t get out.

Wang tried several times, but he couldn\'t break the strange defense array. He stared and said, "what do you want to do? If you delay me, I\'ll kill you."

Tao Chengqi came over and sighed, "no, I\'ll be very sad if you treat me like this... Do you think this beautiful weather is very suitable for dating? I\'ve prepared it for you..."

Bang bang!

In a word, Wang pulled out his gun and shot. The bullet shuttled in his ear and hit the column. Tao Chengqi opened his mouth and stared at Wang. He said sadly, "you really shot. Are you so cruel to me..."

"Get out!"

Wang pointed a gun at Tao Chengqi\'s eyebrows and said angrily, "you sissy, I\'ll really kill you again." she was really angry. She didn\'t know what nerve Tao Chengqi had, so she stopped her to find Yang Ping.

"Sorry, you can\'t go out."

Tao Chengqi sighed, touched his nose, shrugged and said, "it seems that the girl doesn\'t like my amorous character. Let me change my majestic and domineering character."

Wang almost vomited blood. It turned out that the other party had pretended before just to train to pick up girls, and he was just an experimental object. When he remembered it, he was very angry and said in a cold voice, "you\'re dead!"

Next, Wang opened up a killing spree and made Tao Chengqi fly like a chicken and dogs jump. Unknowingly, Wang used the power hidden in his body. It was a very pure dark power, almost reaching the realm of heaven, but it was soon absorbed by the array of cangbaoxuan and turned into energy.

Wang didn\'t know that Tao Chengqi used the strength in her body to strengthen the array and was still frantically chasing.

Tao Chengqi is the realm of saints. He is like a fish in water in the treasure Pavilion. He soon tries to find out that Wang is not simple. He can not only catch up with his speed, but also stimulate special dark forces. It seems that Yang Ping is right. Wang is not simple. If you want to understand what\'s going on in her body, you must obtain the hidden forces in her body.

So is Duan Fei.

But start with the king first. Only by understanding the darkness can we overcome the darkness.

When the two of them were chasing happily, Yang Ping had come to the village in the city. At a glance, he saw that the excavator was bulldozing the houses, getting closer and closer to the core of the village in the city. There was a strange coffin at the place where the seal was originally sealed.

Zhu Xi led the employees of China Airlines Group to carry boxes of money from the car, at least several hundred million, which is equal to less than half of the cash of China Airlines Group, which is placed at the door of the village in the city to be demolished.

Zhu Xi\'s method is very simple, smashing with money.

Hit it hard.

No one can\'t get along with money. It\'s very blinking to see so much cash. At first, the owner of the house didn\'t want to start the price on the ground, but when he saw grandpa Mao, he wanted to jump on him.

Zhu Xi used twice the compensation to let the people inside leave quickly. The residents took away some important items and didn\'t want all the furniture inside.

Excavators have leveled most of the buildings in the north of the village, getting closer to the core.


Yang Ping rushed to Zhu Xi and said in a deep voice, "Zhu Xi, you can\'t move here."

Zhu Xi didn\'t seem to see Yang Ping. He stared at the excavator and a crazy light flashed in his eyes. The excavator continued to dig without the chairman\'s call. Yang Ping felt the dark gas surging underground and his face changed wildly. He directly hypnotized the drivers of more than a dozen excavators.

Zhu Xi turned her head and said faintly, "what do you mean?"

When Yang Ping heard this, his face changed dramatically and showed an incredible expression, because the Zhu Xi in front of him was not Zhu Xi. Her voice was colder than he had ever seen, and colder than any master in the dark place.

This is the purest breath of darkness.