Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1156

Psychic, Emperor coffin!

Spirituality is a simple ancient martial art created by Cihang Jingzhai, but it is also very powerful. It is equivalent to instant magic. Of course, it can only be learned by relying on special talents and strength. In particular, the stronger the spirituality, the more powerful the conditions are.

Generally, you can instantly cast psionic spells from level 1 to level 9, but there are ten forbidden spells above level 9.

The imperial coffin belongs to the Ninth level spiritual skill, and the imprisonment effect is very good. In those days, the master of Cihang Jingzhai created the imperial coffin of spiritual skill, which can bind a great saint by virtue of the Ninth level spiritual skill. It can be seen that the power of spiritual skill can not be underestimated.

Yang Ping imprisoned Wang Dong. He was about to be caught. With a sneer, he exposed his cold awn. The mark in his hand changed, and the emperor\'s coffin turned into essence. A black coffin suddenly burst out amazing energy and solidified the void around. The big hand stretched out from the void paused and released a stinging light. It was a pity that it was blocked by Yang Ping to save Wang Dong.

The master of the big hand hesitated and left Wang Dong to disappear.

Because Yang Ping is mobilizing the power of the spiritual world and preparing to deliver a fatal blow. There is an example of Lei Wanjun. The other party is scared to death and disappears. Yang Ping didn\'t track, but looked at Yang Xiaoyu.

When Wang Dong fell on the ground and was embarrassed, he turned and wanted to go. Wang stopped at the door. I don\'t know what she did. Wang Dong appeared a black energy lock in his hands, lost his balance and lay on the ground, roaring: "bastard, do you know who I am?"

Yang Ping checked Yang Xiaoyu\'s body. Fortunately, he was fine. After being frightened, his mental state was very poor and his body kept shaking.

When Yang Xiaoyu woke up and saw Yang Ping, he burst into tears and said, "Yang Ping, my sister is dead. I\'ll never see her again..."

Yang Ping looks at Yang Xiaoyu\'s sad appearance and thinks of Yang Yuxin\'s stubborn and strong girl. She sighs in her heart that Yang Yuxin is actually good. She just went the wrong way. If she was not controlled by the mysterious organization, she would not fall into today\'s end.

"I\'m sorry."

Yang Ping didn\'t know how to comfort a sad man. While struggling, Zhu Xi came over and said, "I\'m good friends with your sister. I\'m also very sad when she left. How are you now?"

With a grateful look at Zhu Xi, Yang Ping got up and walked to Dong Wang, who must be an important figure in the mysterious organization. Maybe he can get useful news from his mouth.

"I don\'t care who you are. You are suspected of murdering Yang Xiaoyu. Come back with me for investigation." Wang didn\'t beat Dong Wang, but he didn\'t hide his disgust. Obviously, he knew that the other party was a member of a mysterious organization. At the same time, he was excited and caught a member, but he made a contribution.

"Nonsense, I have a superior subordinate relationship with Yang Xiaoyu. I don\'t want to kill people." Wang Dong looked at Yang Xiaoyu fiercely and threatened, "Xiaoyu, your sister has just left. Your parents should be very sad."

Yang Xiaoyu\'s face was pale. He thought of his parents in the countryside and panicked.

Zhu Xi said angrily, "you still threaten Yang Xiaoyu. I remember you, vice president of Biyuan group. Don\'t think I don\'t know your identity."

Biyuan group is one of the three groups in the reconstruction and development of the old city. Its strength is far above that of China Airlines Group and has great influence all over the world. It is a real multinational enterprise. Unexpectedly, their vice president is a member of a mysterious organization.

This shows the terrible influence of the mysterious organization.

Yang Ping walked up to Dong Wang.

Wang Dong screamed in fear of Yang Ping. Who dares to provoke the fierce man who is famous like thunder and what Lei Wanjun does? You should know that the great sage realm is rare in China, not to mention the second-class holy land, the supreme elder Lei Wanjun of the Vatican valley. His attack power is the origin of thunder, which is the attack power of the great sage realm.

"You know me." Yang Ping motioned Wang to get out of the way, lit a cigarette and said faintly, "I must know my way of doing things. I don\'t like procrastination. When interrogating the enemy in the army, no one can carry it. I hope you don\'t let me do it."

He said calmly, but Wang Dong\'s back was cold.

Nima, founder of Yanhuang, is famous for his interrogation methods. Dong Wang has known Yang Ping\'s information and hates and fears him. At the moment, he is caught. He just trusts the organization to send someone over, otherwise he will be killed.

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about, and I don\'t know you. Let me go." Wang Dong shouted.

Yang Ping sighed and took out a piece of cloth, covered with silver needles and glittering with cold luster. Wang Dong\'s face was pale and struggled: "madman, if you dare to move you, your whole family will die. I did what I said."

"The Wangs."

Wang suddenly said, making Yang Ping stop, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

Wang Dong stopped struggling, looked at Wang, showed a high momentum, and hummed, "since you recognize my identity, you should know that separation must absolutely obey the Zong family. Your responsibility is to protect the Zong family. You are Wang Jie\'s daughter, and you should know what I represent."

Wang narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Dong.

Zhu Xi comforted Yang Xiaoyu and wondered, "Wang, what\'s going on?"

Wang Xin was complicated, smiled bitterly, and said to Yang Ping, "if you believe me, I\'ll take it back for interrogation. No matter who wants someone, I\'ll refuse, Yang Ping, OK?"

Facing Wang\'s plea, Yang Ping hesitated.

The king is not a villain in essence. Yang Ping can feel it. Although she doesn\'t know what secrets are hidden in her body, the current king is more and more restored to his essence, which shows that his original action is a kind of energy body that kills the king\'s identity, and has a great effect.

"Are you also from the king\'s family in the capital?" Yang Ping asked in a deep voice.

Wang nodded and sighed, "no way. This is life."

Yang Ping has heard more or less about the legend of the Wang family. Old Wang was a good teacher, but there were students everywhere and had a terrible influence. The Wang family is one of the four super families in the capital, and the ranking is still above the Jiang family. In the face of a huge aircraft carrier family, anyone should be afraid of it. Even if it is a holy land, they dare not provoke the Wang family casually.

A certain military God came from the Wang family.

The core of a country\'s leaders comes from the Wang family.

One of the first people in the world has a very good relationship with the Wang family.

These are enough.

However, there is another family rule of the Wang family, that is, separation is always the attachment of the Zong family. It is said that the Zong family can control the life and death of the separation and transplant a curse into the body of the separation family, so Wang will say it is life.

"All right."

Yang Ping got up, looked at Dong Wang coldly and said, "I\'ll give you a day. If the interrogation doesn\'t come out, I\'ll do it myself."

Wang Dong was ecstatic.

As long as you get a moment\'s breathing time, you can leave the Public Security Bureau. With the Wang family\'s network, it is not very simple to oppress the government of a third tier city. Call someone from the provincial Party committee as soon as you leave the sight of the sample.

At the same time, Wang Dong looked at Wang\'s eyes with a cold smile.

Wang and Dong Wang left Fengye club and went to the Public Security Bureau. Along the way, her face was cold and ignored Wang Dong\'s commanding tone.

"You put me down, you hear me?"

Wang Dong said coldly.

Wang didn\'t listen. Wang Dong shot a cold light in his eyes and shouted, "do you want to die? I can use the curse to make you miserable now."

"I\'m doing my duty."

Wang gritted his teeth.

Wang Dong looked pitifully, shook his head and said, "don\'t shed tears when you don\'t see the coffin. Do you think the inheritance over the past 100 years is false?" then he said something and began to read the spell.


At the moment when the curse came out, Wang only felt a sharp pain in her head, like a thousand arrows through her heart, which was very painful. The pricking feeling of the cone heart made her fall into hell and blow out a breath.

Wang Dong showed his ferocity and shouted, "you dare to disobey me!"

Wang Yinya clenched and insisted on not letting people go, but Wang Dong showed a strong killing chance and wanted to kill Wang in the car.