Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1155

"Yang Xiaoyu is not at school." Yang Ping just smiled at Zhu Xi, then came to Wang and said in a deep voice, "I just checked it. It may have been taken away."

Wang was surprised and said, "someone moves faster than us?"

"But I can feel Yang Xiaoyu\'s position," Yang Ping said with a smile.

Wang smiled and scolded, "that\'s right. This is Longcheng. There\'s nothing you don\'t know. Get in the car. You can go fishing."

Santana followed Yang Ping\'s directions.

Wang drove, Yang Ping sat in the co pilot, and Zhu Xi sat in the back seat. Along the way, the three kept silent, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing. Wang wanted to talk about something, but he caught a glimpse of Zhu Xi\'s nervous look. He was angry and said secretly. According to Zhu Xi\'s personality, he didn\'t dare to speak. He hadn\'t seen such a coward.

"Yang Ping, do you still like Zhu Xi?"

Wang opened the door to see the mountain and asked directly. It was tantamount to dropping a bomb in the car. Zhu Xi\'s pretty face was slightly red and scared to look up. Yang Ping was also stunned and almost didn\'t jump.

"Wang!" Zhu Xi whispered, "what are you talking about?"

Wang sneered, patted the steering wheel, and hummed, "don\'t hide it. I can\'t stand hypocrisy. If I like it clearly, I can\'t admit it. Come on. Yang Ping, just give me a word, can you do it?"

Seeing Zhu Xi\'s shy appearance, Yang Ping thought he would calmly say the results, because he had a pearl in his heart, and the Pearl has been with him these days. He doesn\'t know how much better to get along with Zhu Xi. The pearl is the perfect gift from God.

But seeing Zhu Xi\'s appearance, it seems that he still has himself in his heart. For a time, he doesn\'t know how to answer. He is afraid to hurt Zhu Xi\'s heart.

Wang showed an impatient expression and scolded, "are you a man? Just promise. You can go to bed after you go home. I think Zhu Xi will have no problem with such a small thing."

For a while, Zhu Xi wanted to find an underground hole to drill down. Only Wang could say this and dared to say [email protected] ^^$

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and scolded Wang for his ignorance. He didn\'t see me faltering. Am I sorry.

But after all, I have to give an answer.

Although I don\'t know if Zhu Xi always cares about herself, according to the two people\'s relationship mode, Zhu Xi seldom shows her mind. For example, she is shy at this moment, which is hard to see for thousands of years, and Zhu Xi has indeed changed a lot, at least her character has eased.

Just as Yang Ping was about to answer, suddenly, his face changed dramatically and shouted, "no, they started on Yang Xiaoyu."

Regardless of the car tracking, Yang Ping jumped out of the car directly and rushed towards the scene of the incident. The speed was like a wisp of smoke, which disappeared in the blink of an eye. I saw Wang take a breath of air conditioning. I Cao, is this still human speed?! $*!

Almost blinking.

Coincidentally, Yang Yuxin was taken to a club, which happened to be in the maple leaf club in a university town separated by Longcheng University of science and technology. Maple Leaf club is basically not open to the outside world. The membership threshold is very high, which can\'t be touched by ordinary people. It\'s not easy to enter with money. Pearl\'s club is very high-grade, but it is open to the outside world, but the price is very high. But maple leaf club is very mysterious.

The guard is a warrior in the second-class realm. If it were put in the past, it would be the backbone of the family. However, now there are many saints in the dragon city like dogs. Although it is a little exaggerated, there are not few sub saints.

The second floor of the club.

The senior student is sitting on the sofa in the private room with Yang Xiaoyu. Surrounded by students with good temperament, they are all beautiful women in Longcheng University of science and technology. Yang Xiaoyu has never seen such a battle. He is nervous. I don\'t know where to put his feet.

"Dong Wang, what is this?" Yang Xiaoyu asked shyly. At this time, a beautiful woman was holding his arm and rubbing it with her soft chest. Seeing his shy appearance, she gave out charming laughter, which made Yang Yuxin\'s heart jump.

Wang Dong is handsome, tall and handsome. Seeing the girls in the box, he smiled and said, "nothing. Take you out to see the world. I have a good relationship with your sister. I used to be a classmate. She called me a senior."

Yang Xiaoyu\'s face changed slightly, showing a painful expression.

Yang Yuxin\'s death makes Yang Xiaoyu very sad. Her sister is the only person who cares about him in the world, but now she is dead. Yang Yuxin heard that her sister committed suicide, but she won\'t believe it. My sister is optimistic and upward. No matter how big the difficulties can be overcome, there must be a secret.

Wang Dong sighed and said, "your sister is a good girl, independent and independent. I feel bad about her death. Before, your sister entrusted you to me and let me treat you well."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Yang Xiaoyu was moved.

"By the way, did your sister leave an envelope before she left?" Wang Dong suddenly asked.

Yang Xiaoyu was stunned, his eyes flashed in a panic, hurriedly shook his head and said, "no, what envelope, how can I not know."

Wang Dong looked into his eyes and said with a smile, "that\'s right. That envelope is very important. Your sister asked you to keep it. Don\'t lose it."

Yang Xiaoyu reluctantly smiled and said, "there is no envelope."

Wang Dong gestured with his eyes.

The two beauties of the club approach Yang Xiaoyu and use a beauty trick to set out the whereabouts of the envelope. Wang Dong crossed his legs and smiled at the nervous Yang Xiaoyu. In his opinion, Yang Xiaoyu is too young and inexperienced. It\'s still a simple thing to take out an envelope from time to time.

Suddenly, Yang Xiaoyu pushed the two women away and shouted, "Dong Wang, you killed my sister."

Dong Wang frowned and said unhappily, "Xiaoyu, what\'s the matter with you? You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can\'t talk nonsense about flowers. I have a good relationship with your sister, you don\'t know."

Yang Xiaoyu stared at Wang Dong with angry eyes and shouted, "you are the murderer. My sister won\'t commit suicide. She once said that if something happened to her, who asked about the envelope is the murderer. Let me stay away."

Wang Dong\'s eyes flashed and said faintly, "so, the envelope is really in your hand."

Yang Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said, "don\'t say no, even if there is, I won\'t give it to you. I\'ll call the police and say you\'re the murderer." then he got up and wanted to leave the box and let the police catch Wang Dong.


Wang Dong laughed, then looked very angry and said, "if you don\'t drink, you dare jump in front of me."

He kicked Yang Xiaoyu off with one foot. Dong Wang grabbed Yang Xiaoyu\'s neck and said coldly, "speak up. I can let you go when I get the envelope. You\'ll live like a dog in the future. If you don\'t hand it in, I can make you disappear out of thin air."

Although controlled by others, Yang Xiaoyu would rather die than surrender and scolded, "murderer, you are the murderer of my sister."

Wang Dong exposed his murderous opportunity and hummed, "if you want to die, you will be successful."

He didn\'t bother to listen to Yang Xiaoyu\'s cry and wanted to break his neck, but a man suddenly appeared in the box. The man seemed to appear out of thin air. After seeing the visitor clearly, Wang Dong\'s face changed greatly and shouted, "Yang Ping, how is it you?"

Wang Dong left Yang Xiaoyu, turned and ran away.

Unfortunately, Yang Ping has long arranged means to trap Wang Dong.

Psychic, Emperor coffin!

Wang Dong was sealed.

When Yang Ping came forward and wanted to catch Wang Dong, a palm appeared from the void, grabbed the sealed Wang Dong, and then disappeared.

The beginning of the great sage!

Yang Ping\'s eyes were awe inspiring, but he was not afraid. It seemed that he knew someone was lurking and grabbed it directly into the other party\'s palm.