Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1150

"Kill her!"

Heart K orders the zombie in the bloody coffin to kill Mingzhu through the spell. Mingzhu is coming towards him. He vaguely feels something wrong and doesn\'t know what\'s wrong. In short, Mingzhu\'s eyes have changed, especially their eyes have become golden.

Golden pupil!

Heart K has never seen the golden pupil, especially the touch of gold is frightening. In this world, there are not many frightening colors, and there are fewer colors that make heart K feel strong pressure, but gold is one of them, and even he can\'t imagine, because gold once represented an extreme peak and stepped on the peak of heaven.

Of course, it\'s a legend. Heart K hasn\'t seen it in person, but it doesn\'t prevent him from associating.

Probably not!

Hearts K is sure that that kind of race will never appear. If it does, he will not be the first to find it. He must shock the world.

"Play tricks and see how I kill you!"

A sharp whistling sound was emitted from the mouth of the red peach K. The Zombie of the bloody coffin was too fast. The fingernails on his hands suddenly grew out with a faint blue light. The whole body of this pearl. The Pearl greets the zombie, and then the golden pupil flashes and suddenly becomes sharp.

Red K\'s heart jumped wildly and changed color and said, "are you... Stop!"

At the moment when the golden pupil looked at the zombie in the bloody coffin, the zombie body became empty, turned into light spots, and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared. Pearl\'s eyes have infinite magic, which can make real things virtual. If you grow to an advanced stage, you can walk through reality and illusion. This is an extremely terrible ability. I didn\'t expect to appear on Pearl.

When the Pearl looked at the heart K, he screamed, turned and ran.

But it\'s too late.

When the Pearl locks the heart K, he feels his body disappear a little bit. You have great ability. It is obviously so pale in front of the pupil force that transforms reality into illusion. His legs slowly disappeared, then his body, and finally his head.

Heart K turns his head and looks at the Pearl. His eyes are complex. Finally, he sighs and disappears completely. With a jingle, a stone fell to the ground, emitting a hot light, like a sun, moon and stars, shining infinite light in the night sky.

Starmoon flint.

As soon as Mingzhu saw the star moon flint, she quickly picked it up and went to the bamboo forest. She was happy and said, "Yang Ping, we are saved." however, seeing Yang Ping staring at her, a panic flashed in her eyes and said nervously, "what\'s the matter? I didn\'t deliberately hide it. I found this ability last night. I didn\'t expect it to be true."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were complex. He didn\'t expect to be a noble disciple of Taoism. However, he seemed to be only a registered disciple, but he was also a great man. However, he didn\'t even have the ability to resist in front of the Pearl and became a nothingness.

The treasure Pavilion is quiet.

Yang Ping said, "put the star moon flint into the array eye."

Pearl hurried to do so, but saw the sky rising light column and covered the treasure Pavilion. A powerful array was formed, and the treasure Pavilion became solid again. Unless the emperor shot, it would not be safe. The array arranged by Xuanji Zi is very powerful. If you don\'t suppress the passage of the dark place and protect the treasure Pavilion at the same time, just protecting the treasure Pavilion can resist the attack of the emperor.

Yang Ping was relieved and sighed in his heart.

I didn\'t expect that the last person to save the treasure pavilion was not herself, but Mingzhu. There was a strong vigilance in her heart. Mingzhu\'s performance of anti heaven ability is not in line with common sense. She is from the Zheng family in the capital. She has never heard that the Zheng family has special blood ability, but Mingzhu can. If things go wrong, there will be demons.

He didn\'t use that power, otherwise he would really become disabled. He used the power beyond the limit continuously, which is unbearable in his current physical state. If you are an ordinary expert, just touching the power of the five elements will disappear. Fortunately, Yang Ping is the body of Nine Yang. He can cultivate the five elements needling method and use part of the ability of the gold needle.

"I..." Mingzhu looked at Yang Ping and wanted to explain, but was interrupted.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "well, I didn\'t say anything. It\'s not a good thing that my woman is strong, but I\'m just worried about the source of your ability. It shouldn\'t be blood ability. Has anyone taught you?"

Pearl shook her head and said in doubt, "I don\'t know. I had a dream last night, saw the golden world, a piece of gold, and then woke up with this ability. I don\'t know what\'s going on. When in danger, I will use it instinctively. You let me use it now, I forget."

Yang Ping nodded. It seems that the golden pupil power is a hidden talent ability, which belongs to the powerful ability of the Pearl. He thought of the eyes of Heart K before he died. It\'s very complex. He seems to know many secrets, but it\'s a pity that it disappeared completely. There is no possibility to ask.

"Look at the mountain master first."

Yang Ping examined the mountain Lord. Her face became more and more dignified. Finally, she sighed: "the mountain Lord is too stubborn. If she didn\'t persist for too long and overdraw her body, it might not be so easy. It\'s very difficult to recover this time. It depends on her own luck."

The mountain master fell into a severe coma and couldn\'t wake up for a while.

Tao Chengqi\'s body lay on the ground. Mingzhu sighed, "I didn\'t expect that we were caught in this trap. It\'s a pity..."

Yang Ping suddenly said, "he\'s not dead."

Mingzhu was surprised and said, "no, I saw his seven orifices bleeding. Obviously, his meridians were broken and completely destroyed by the man."


As soon as the Pearl\'s voice fell, Tao Chengqi patted it from the ground and showed an embarrassing expression. Although it was badly hurt, it was not difficult to recover. After all, it was not the original Daoguo\'s injury. In fact, the physical injury can be recovered soon. For saints.

"You\'re really okay!"

Pearl exclaimed.

Taochengqi pretends to be dead and makes Mingzhu shake her head and laugh, but it\'s more happy. If taochengqi goes, life will seem too cruel. At least not all of Yang Ping\'s friends died.

As soon as the idea appeared, Mingzhu was startled.

"The seven orifices don\'t bleed to death. You\'re powerful." Yang Ping smiled. He had already seen that Tao Chengqi was all right, otherwise he would have been angry and tried to find heart K.

"Bleeding in the seven orifices is bleeding in the seven orifices, and death is death. These are two different things." Tao Chengqi showed your rare expression, patted the soil on his body, and said helplessly, "The most powerful thing about my Shifu Tiancan 19 sword is not the sword technique, but feigning death. He escaped many disasters by relying on this special ability. I didn\'t expect me to surpass the Shifu\'s realm, but I still live by this unworthy method after all."

As if he didn\'t see Yang Ping and Mingzhu open their mouths, Tao Chengqi said to himself: "so you should find out later that death is death, and seven orifices bleeding is seven orifices bleeding. Two different things, I will still have a lot of fake death. Are you interested in seeing it?"

They shook their heads.

Pack up the treasure Pavilion. It\'s sunset. The mountain master is settled in the wing room. After Yang Ping detoxified with the five element acupuncture, the mountain master\'s life is saved, but the overdraft is too large and needs long and careful observation. He may wake up tomorrow or never wake up.

The mutation caught me off guard.

The fisherman\'s sudden death should be related to the master of bamboo forest seal. He went to track him, but he died at the door. This is the other party\'s demonstration and obviously despises the current power of the treasure Pavilion. Even if there is a great saint, it shows that the other party\'s ability may exceed the great saint realm

Thinking of this, none of the three can have the happiness of the rest of their lives.

More importantly, the experts of bamboo forest seal almost ran away. Xuanjizi didn\'t know how many terrible opponents he had sealed. Even Tianzun was suppressed, but now after leaving, it has become an extremely unstable factor in Longcheng.

And strangely, the treasure light of the treasure pavilion was not an artifact. Obviously, someone deliberately made the treasure pavilion the object of the enemy\'s attack.

There seems to be a big hand behind him, which makes Yang Ping feel pressure.

What\'s more worrying is that Yang Ping has no news of xuanjizi. He seems to disappear out of thin air. In the past, when he was in danger, he would appear for the first time. Now he almost died. Xuanjizi didn\'t respond at all.

Yang Ping was deeply worried about xuanjizi.

Outside the treasure Pavilion, a beautiful shadow was in the cafe not far away. Looking at the gate of the treasure pavilion with great interest, the pair of valiant stone lions said, "it\'s not bad. If you die like this, the game won\'t be fun."

After drinking her coffee, she disappeared and disappeared slowly. The next moment she appeared in the administrative building of Longcheng University. Looking at the top office, she smiled meaningfully and said, "I\'m afraid you are the most hidden person in Longcheng."