Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1149

Red peach K is good at using poison. His ability to use poison can avoid Yang Ping\'s instinct. In the world, only his fellow martial uncle daozun, but the person in front of him is obviously not daozun. He must be daozun\'s disciple.

Yang Ping stared at heart K and said in a deep voice, "I\'ll kill you before I kill Taoist Zun."

Heart K didn\'t think so, he said with a smile, "whatever you want. Anyway, you are a dead man. I don\'t mind the curse of the dead. Many people have said so, but all of them died. Yang Ping, I admit that you are good. At least you can pose a threat to me, but dealing with the enemy depends not only on combat effectiveness. If you don\'t have a brain, I will remind you."

Taochengxi wants to struggle, but the palm on his neck is getting closer and closer and is on the verge of death. People who don\'t know heart K think he can only use poison, but taochengxi\'s body is stiff and deeply feels that the energy of Heart K is far above himself.

Sage king, and he is also a sage king who is good at using poison and brain.

This is extremely terrible.

Heart K closes the channel, which is tantamount to isolating the outside world and swallowing the treasure Pavilion alone. He has long designed it. Of course, he can kill Yang Ping by the way and give an explanation to the squad leader. Yang Ping controls the array eye. Once affected, the whole seal will collapse, which is unbearable pain.

"You collude with the Wang family?"

Mountain leader Helian was unconscious, but Yang Ping soon knew the key to the problem. If it weren\'t for the star moon flint given by the Wang family, the treasure Pavilion wouldn\'t be plotted against. But it\'s no use saying anything now. He stared at the body heart K and wanted to know the answer.

Heart K said faintly, "don\'t ask too much before you die." he stared at Yang Ping\'s eyes, turned his expression, and said in a cold voice, "if you don\'t say it again, your friend will die right away. It\'s your woman\'s turn later."

Mingzhu stood in front of Yang Ping and guarded Yang Ping.

Yang Ping sighed and said, "Pearl, get out of the way first."

Mingzhu shook her head, her eyes were firm and said, "I won\'t leave you. If he wants to deal with you, he should pass me first." Jiao\'s body was shaky. Obviously, she was poisoned by heart K and barely supported it, but her expression meant that she would do everything if heart K dared to fight.

Heart K didn\'t pay attention to the Pearl. In his opinion, only Helian mountain master can deal with him, and Yang Ping is also possible. However, the leader of Helian mountain was poisoned and unconscious. Yang Ping struggled to support him. Tao Chengqi and Mingzhu are two local chickens and dogs, which are not worth mentioning.

Holding Tao Chengqi\'s neck, he walked to the array eyes of the bamboo forest and showed a confident smile.

Wisdom is the core of solving problems.

As a sage king, he was able to play with mountain Lord Helian and Yang Ping by clapping, relying on one head and conspiracy. He is very satisfied with this achievement and will certainly be promoted in the organization. It is not impossible for him to even run for deputy monitor.

"Let him go and I\'ll spare your life," Yang Ping said suddenly.

Heart K was stunned, then laughed, shook his head and said, "Yang Ping, you\'re crazy. Now I\'m in control, and you\'re not qualified to talk to me about conditions. I\'ll ask again, and for the last time, where is the treasure entrance?"

Peach Chengqi\'s face turned red, his eyes were about to burst out and was about to die.

Pearl looks nervous to prevent the release of heart K.

Only Yang Ping\'s indifference.

From entering the bamboo forest, he revealed the identity of heart K. he was very calm, and all his anger converged in an instant. Hearts K was unhappy and secretly said that he still pretended up to now. The descendant of the immortal medicine sect was so useless that he didn\'t know why xuanjizi chose him. In his opinion, Yang Ping\'s talent was very high, but he was easy to be emotional and difficult to succeed.

"In that case, die."

Red peach K breathed a sigh of relief, and his palm was slightly forced. He heard a click. Peach became strange and his head tilted. He struggled for a long time, and then his seven orifices bled and was out of breath. Pearl\'s pretty face turned angry and wanted to kill, but she knew she was not someone else\'s opponent.

He threw Tao Chengqi on the ground. Heart K came to the bamboo forest and showed enthusiasm: "the first death, followed by your woman, I don\'t believe you will be indifferent. Yang Ping, you\'d better be honest..."

"The first?" Yang Ping smiled meaningfully and shook his head. "Yes, you are the first enemy I killed. Kill you, and then slowly find daozun for revenge."

Heart K stopped and doubted. He thought Yang Ping\'s reaction was a little strange. He didn\'t dare to do it for a while. He was cautious, otherwise he couldn\'t live to this day. Moreover, at the meeting of the ultimate class 1, he took the initiative to kill Yang Ping, just to make an excuse for the treasure.

"You can\'t protect yourself. Dare you threaten me?"

Heart K determines the core of Yang Ping\'s suppression array. It is impossible to draw out strength and see the tense appearance of Mingzhu, which is enough to show that Yang Ping is dying. Even if he doesn\'t kill him, Yang Ping won\'t last too long.


Heart K raised his hands and said something in his mouth, like calling something.


A bloody coffin rose from the ground, emitting a monstrous magic gas. The coffin made a banging sound, as if something was coming out. Heart K showed his excitement and murmured, "kill him."

The coffin is open.

A dark shadow came out of it, dressed in the clothes of the Qing Dynasty, with two tusks exposed in his mouth, which is more terrible than European and American vampires. European and American Vampire princes are equivalent to the sub Saint realm, and the zombies coming out of this coffin are definitely the saint realm, and they will not be lower than the heart K.

Mingzhu worried and said, "the Taoist priest colludes with the dark place."

Yang Ping nodded. He was more serious about Taoist Zun\'s killing. Taoist Zun not only did not provide help to play the role of human leader, but pulled back. This is an unforgivable behavior.

Mingzhu wants to stand up and stop him with one hand.

Yang Ping grabbed the Pearl\'s small hand, shook his head and said, "let me go first."

He is ready to use the power of the spiritual world to kill the heart K no matter how much he pays. This insidious and cunning man usually doesn\'t show water leakage, but this time even mountain Lord Helian was designed.

Wang Qiming got up from the ground, looked at Yang Ping with resentment and roared, "kill him and dare to defile adults. Baisi is to blame."

"I\'ll do it."

Yang Ping wants to make a move and is ready to exert the power of the spiritual world. It is the energy left by a mysterious woman and can launch five element gold needles several times. He is going to take a swimsuit photo of Wang Qiming. But Mingzhu suddenly stopped Yang Ping and smiled at him. The charming expression was so beautiful that Yang Ping was stunned.

"As your woman, how can I let a clown bully my man?"

Pearl pressed Yang Ping\'s shoulder and walked from the core of the bamboo forest to heart K. her eyes hesitated, but she was soon firm. It was a difficult decision. She felt that Yang Ping was going to work hard, and the sequelae might be terrible, so she no longer hid it and said faintly, "I can."

Yang Ping hesitated, but agreed.

He felt that the Pearl didn\'t seem to lie. But he was always ready to save people,

Heart K shot again.

Mingzhu sneered and hummed, "I also want to kill my man. I\'ll send you to the dust to the earth. You shouldn\'t have been here."


Heart K had a bad feeling. His face changed dramatically at the moment of contacting the core of the array.

But it\'s too late.