Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1110

Black and white impermanence has a high position in the army. Under the God of the army, he can be ranked among the top ten experts. Although he has kept a low profile these years, even the islanders were afraid of the ferocity of that year. Countless people were killed on the battlefield and made great contributions, but because of too many killings, the new government did not dare to give them too much rights. After all, rights are a double-edged sword.

Such a powerful black-and-white impermanence, I can\'t see how Yang Ping shot.

It was appalling to hear it.

Bai impermanence\'s original position was replaced by Yang Ping. He stood there quietly, without talking, just breathing the fresh air in the mountains, but it made the surrounding temperature freeze.

Frozen the killing machine of the experts around.

Frozen the arrogance of black impermanence.

Frozen the blood devil\'s rebellious eyes.

A gust of wind blew, the leaves rustled, and everything around seemed to fall into time stagnation.


I don\'t know who was scared to lose his weapon. The raised arm of the blood demon Liu Yunlong was stiff in the air, like a frozen radish in the ice and snow.


I don\'t know how long it took. The people around took a breath of air-conditioning and showed their astonishment.

Bai impermanence got up from the ground, glared at Yang Ping and shouted, "boy, you\'re challenging my patience. You didn\'t intend to kill you. Now you want to die yourself. No wonder I am."

Black impermanence and white impermanence stand together and have more or less courage. Together, they were top experts in the realm of saints. They beat Baqi snake and fled.

"Brother, let\'s try our best later to let this boy know what is heaven beyond." Bai impermanence couldn\'t see Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes. He didn\'t pay attention to him from beginning to end, which is a great shame.

Yang Ping moved and walked towards the coffin.

The pressure dissipated.

The blood devil\'s forehead was sweating and his heart gushed out a bad premonition. The scene just now deeply stimulated him, as if death could take his life at any time.

Come to the coffin.

When Yang Ping saw the Phoenix, he felt a pain in his heart and his eyes became more red. It was like a needle pierced into his heart. It was very painful. He picked up the Phoenix with his trembling hand and whispered, "let\'s go home."

Phoenix frowned. Although she was in extreme pain and despair, she felt the breath brought by Yang Ping and suddenly felt calm in her heart. She couldn\'t speak, but she showed a knowing smile.

Go home.

What Phoenix wanted countless times during this period was finally said in Yang Ping\'s mouth. Even after all the torture on the 18th floor of hell, it was worth it.

Finally, when the person who took her home came to her.

Phoenix has lost a lot of weight.

Yang Ping carried the Phoenix on her back, but felt the heavy pressure, not the external pressure, but the inner guilt, as if this pressure could surpass the blue sky above her head.

"Yang Ping, have a good idea. If you don\'t stop, you will be wanted by the military. At that time, there will be no place for you in the world." the blood devil smiled and said.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Go together and kill him." Bai impermanence shrieked.

Yang Ping looked at Bai impermanence and was so frightened that he hurried to make a defensive state for fear of being thrown out again. Otherwise, he would have no face to see others in the future. It would be too humiliating to be played by a younger generation on applause.

"When I finish dealing with things here, I will give you justice."

Yang Ping patted Phoenix\'s back, injected a vitality, saved her breath and whispered.

The blood devil squinted and said coldly, "Yang Ping, would you rather be the enemy of the military?"

"The military is the enemy?"

Yang Ping looked at the blood devil, with a strong disdain and irony in his eyes, and said, "you deserve it?"

"Let\'s go together. I\'m in a hurry."

Yang Ping sighed and understood that under World War I, most of the military experts around him and the unconventional weapons cultivated by the state might be damaged, and all the reasons were just because the people behind them thought that the superior could determine everyone\'s fate.


The masters around moved.

First, a sniper\'s bullet shot at Yang Ping\'s temple. If it hits, the most powerful expert will die. Yang Ping didn\'t look at the bullet, so he knew the trajectory of the bullet and avoided it easily. At this time, two Mitsubishi stabs stabbed him in the stomach. At the same time, five experts jumped out from behind and attacked his key points together.

360 degrees, without missing any key points, Yang Ping fell into a dead end and had to fight hard.

The blood devil smiled coldly.

Even if you are strong, will you kill everyone? They are soldiers. Yang Ping is famous for his integrity and will never do anything to his own people. The blood devil took a fancy to this before he wantonly designed Yang Ping. It means that this bureau is specially prepared for Yang Ping. Because someone above felt Yang Ping\'s danger and didn\'t want him to become the Second Military God, they strangled him in swaddling clothes in advance.

Black and white impermanence shows hatred and is ready to sneak attack at any time.

In their view, Yang Ping is in a dead end.

Even if it is a successful escape, it will hurt. The blood devil likes to watch Yang Ping die a little and be killed at the last blow. He likes this way of interrogation best. He is extremely happy to see the criminal\'s psychological collapse.

Today, it will finally appear on the founder of Yanhuang.

Not all military leaders are united.

On the surface, the God of the army is the first person and can control everything, but there are still many forces with high generations and extremely powerful factions, who are always ready to replace the God of the army as a new leader.

That is why there is a struggle.

Yang Ping was the victim.

Some people are unwilling to let Yang Ping continue to grow, otherwise it will lead to more unpredictable changes.

This is the dead end.

It\'s a pity that Mu Lao left, otherwise so many changes would not have happened.

How should Yang Ping deal with the attack of so many soldiers? Is it to bear together to hurt yourself, or to kill and bear a heavy crime?

The blood devil wants to see how Yang Ping handles it.

The results were unexpected.

What is unexpected is not only the result, but also the strength shown by Yang Ping.

The master flies.

The weapon landed like a yellow page.

No one could stand in a distance. All the attack experts lost their ability to move. For a moment, it seemed that the Qi strength in their body disappeared and was suppressed by a mysterious force.


The remaining masters dared not attack for a while. Looking at Yang Ping\'s eyes, they finally felt a little afraid.

Yang Ping sighed, "don\'t force me."


The military experts shot again and jumped at Yang Ping.


Yang Ping roared and the sound waves burst, which made all the experts lose their strength and fall to the ground angrily. At the same time, his body was like being hammered, spitting blood angrily and losing the ability to resist.

Bai impermanence quietly appeared behind Yang Ping. He had a bone spur in his hand and stabbed Yang Ping\'s vest. At the same time, black impermanence appeared on his head and threw out a deadly chain to trap Yang Ping.

The blood devil showed his cold light, his hands released his seal, and a cold and terrible momentum erupted from him. Then a blood red coffin rose from the ground, releasing the breath of the great saint, threatening and covering the sky.

This is the existence of blood devil\'s self-confidence.

A Mahatma level attack.

Enough to kill Yang Ping.

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