Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1088

"At this point, you know exactly what to do. Don\'t insist on short-term love. If you want to stay together for a long time, you must know how to sacrifice." Xuanji Zi said seriously.

He was seldom serious with his disciples. He used to laugh and laugh, but what happened this time made xuanjizi realize that some things should be done by his disciples. He has grown up and is no longer a legend of playing with mud in the army. In the past, no matter how powerful he was in the army, he was a child. People at the level of military God wouldn\'t care too much.

However, after many major events in Longcheng, xuanjizi clearly realized that his apprentice had grown up and had the ability to take charge of his own affairs. Although he hoped that the day would come so early.

"Can there be a discount?" Yang Ping asked tentatively.

Xuanji Zi smiled and said, "doing great things is like whoring. There is no price to talk about. If you want a lady with the highest quality, you have to pay a high price. This is an eternal truth. Whoring is much better now than before, and the former senior ladies have no skills and can\'t see them. But the former ladies are not only good in bed..."


Yang Ping\'s black face, NIMA, anything can make that nonsense. He hurriedly stopped and said, "I\'m not interested in taking care of those bad things for the time being."

"You don\'t care, pearl will die."

Xuanjizi shook his head and said helplessly, "in fact, you already know that the sword of the underworld and the unparalleled artifact force fight in the Pearl. Even if she is not injured on the surface, in fact, her internal organs will slowly dry up, and death is just a matter of time."

"Stop talking."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were red and his heart was filled with great anger. He suppressed his anger and said, "I know what I\'m doing. If you think only you can save him in the world, so can I. I can still learn the five element acupuncture."

"You\'re wrong, I can\'t save it either." Xuanji Zi\'s face was dignified. Seeing that Yang Ping was excited and didn\'t talk much for the time being, he got up and said, "if you want to save people, you should be modest. With jiuzhuan Danshen flower, you can barely save your life, but it can only take a year. The effect will pass within a year. If you still can\'t remove the dark energy in the Pearl, it\'s difficult for the immortal to save."

Yang Ping wanted to talk and stopped. His eyes were very painful. He gasped, "what should I do?"

"It\'s still those conditions. You can understand the following moves of acupuncture when you reach the realm of sage, but the damage of artifact is the origin. You must get the secret of Longcheng. It\'s said that there is a huge mausoleum under Longcheng. Although it has been sealed for many years, no one has found the exit. What you have to do is to unify the underground world of Longcheng, find the entrance of the mausoleum through the scepter and find it in the mausoleum There may be a solution. "

Xuanji Zi talked about the mausoleum with complex eyes. It seemed that it was a very taboo topic. It also recalled the memory of grief. He sighed gently and shook his head.


Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and said unhappily, "you asked me to put down the Pearl and strive for a possible way. Don\'t be too excellent, old man. I\'m a person with feelings."

"You idiot. Lao Tzu said it might mean existence. You know where the underground mausoleum is. It\'s where the emperor will die if he goes in. After a group of people disappear, few people in the world are qualified to go in. There is a complete version of the five element needling technique in it. Don\'t you want it?"

Xuanji scolded and felt that his apprentice was grinding and hawing. He was impatient and said, "forget it. Do you like to go or not? Anyway, I\'ll show you a clear way. Don\'t blame me for not reminding you."

"Do you think my younger martial brother did so many things just to get unparalleled artifact? He did it for the five element acupuncture!"

With that, xuanjizi left angrily and seemed very disappointed with Yang Ping.

Yang Ping was lost in thought.

The complete version of the five elements needling technique should be an extremely anti heaven skill. He thought that if people knew that he actually classified the five element needling as an anti heaven needling, those heavenly lords who really knew the details would feel that he was very ignorant.

There is nothing more rebellious than the five element acupuncture.

Of course, it\'s a complete version of the five elements needling method. The others are half hanging. They are not powerful. Moreover, without the core mental method, they can\'t exert their strongest attack power.

When xuanjizi left, he really left Longcheng and went to Nanhai to guard. He stayed here for several days, which is the limit. If it weren\'t for the help of the saint of Cihang Jingzhai and using the flying wing sword to balance the monsters in the sea, xuanjizi would still be fighting.

The monster is too powerful, and the realm has long surpassed Tianzun, but it is limited to different space. The energy consumed in the battle across space is too large. He can kill the master of Tianzun realm at will.

It is conceivable that if the other party jumps out of space completely, the planet will fall into disaster.

Xuanjizi didn\'t tell Yang Ping this because he was not qualified to face the battle scene above the emperor. The battle of that level is enough to destroy the dragon city.

A meal, a medicine.

Yang Ping rubbed something like a black branch and felt a surge of emotion. The gift given by the old man was too valuable. No one knew what danger it would take to get it. You know, Dian City is the first of the ten forbidden areas in China in the Jianghu and has entered the ninth death life. Xuanji took something out of it. It must have cost a lot.

This is corpse flower.

The corpse flower in a zombie at the peak of a great saint is the best thing. Only the corpse flower will grow in the body of the Millennium zombie, which is the core force and derived into a flower. Corpse flower is the power source of zombies and will fight desperately.

The corpse flower is heavy.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and felt the incomparable cold breath in the corpse flower.

"What\'s the matter?"

With both hands around Yang Ping from behind, Mingzhu leaned her head on his shoulder and cared: "am I embarrassing you, Yang Ping, I don\'t want you to do dangerous things for me."

Breaking the Pearl in front of her, Yang Ping stared at her bright eyes and said with a smile, "don\'t worry, I know the measure."

Pearl reluctantly smiled.

In fact, she knows that if Longcheng encounters suffering, Yang Ping can\'t stop. In fact, he has deep feelings for Longcheng, which is why he can leave Longcheng and why he chooses to stay in the village in the city.

"When are you leaving?"

Asked pearl.

Yang Ping was stunned and said curiously, "I won\'t go. I want to accompany you."

Mingzhu shook her head and said with a smile, "fool, I know what you want. I need you, but there are many people who need you more than I do. You have a heavy responsibility from the moment you enter the dragon city. You can\'t escape."

Yang Ping was shocked and looked at the Pearl\'s understanding look. Her nose was sour.

"Go, I\'ll take care of myself."

Pearl smiled and said.

Yang Ping relaxed and looked out of the window in a daze, but quickly shook his head and said firmly, "no, I won\'t leave you. Pearl, I\'ll find a way to cure your body. No matter how much it costs."


Yang Ping covered the Pearl\'s mouth and said unhappily, "this is my promise to you."

Pearl hugged him quietly without talking.

Top floor office of China Airlines building.

Zhu Yan lay on the sofa, screaming incessantly. The hole in his chest did not recover. His system could not withstand Yang Ping\'s power. His body\'s power continued to pass in exchange for the recovery of the wound. If not, he would soon die.

"No, I can\'t die."

Zhu Yan muttered to himself and looked disgusting. He roared, "how can I fail? I want to be the strongest, control Longcheng, rule China, and make the Zhu family the first family in China!"

The best doctor can\'t cure Zhu Yan\'s body.

Unless Yang Ping does it.

But he can\'t save Zhu Yan again. It\'s kind not to kill him with one punch.

Zhu Yan screamed repeatedly and stared at Zhu Xi. His pupils burst out a strong color of resentment. He angrily said, "Zhu Xi, you go to find Yang Ping. I\'m dying."

Zhu Xi looked at me in silence.

Zhu Yan roared, "you bitch, I\'m your father. Did you watch me die?"

Zhu Xi bit her lips and didn\'t speak.

Zhu Yan knelt on the ground and begged, "daughter, please go to Yang Ping to save me. I can\'t lose my strength, otherwise who will protect you."

Zhu Xi said, "I will protect myself."

Zhu Yan laughed and said crazily, "it\'s up to you? Don\'t be so childish, daughter. If I restore my strength, I promise I won\'t hurt people anymore, and I\'ll leave Longcheng and live in seclusion, okay?"

Zhu Xi said helplessly, "I can\'t find Yang Ping, and Yang Ping can\'t help me."

Zhu Yan showed his murderous intention and said with resentment, "in that case, what\'s the use of keeping you!"