Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1087

"What happened?"

Mingzhu took Yang Ping\'s hand and checked her body. She found no scars. She sighed with relief and complained, "I was restless just now. I thought..."

Holding the Pearl, Yang Ping sniffed the fragrance of the Pearl and whispered, "don\'t talk."

Pearl opens her hands.

The two quietly hugged each other, enjoying warmth and moving. The sun shone on them, reflecting a brilliant edge.

I don\'t know how long it took. There were more and more people around. I saw a little couple holding each other for a long time. There was no accident yet. An enthusiastic aunt took out her mobile phone and wanted to call 120.

Pearl opened her eyes and felt the surprised eyes next to her. She quickly loosened her eyes and said angrily, "look at you, what have we become?"

Yang Ping smiled, hugged the Pearl and said to the crowd, "see, this is my wife, isn\'t it nice?"

Aunt hehe smiled, shook her head and said, "today\'s young people are really bold. They are much bolder than before. They are not shy to hug in the street."

Although they were surprised, they didn\'t show strange eyes. Today\'s young people are not bold. Not to mention hugging in the street, kissing is as simple as usual.

Back to the rental of the village in the city.

They bought a lot of dishes on the road. Mingzhu fully demonstrated his superb cooking skills, making the whole floor fragrant. Yang Ping smelled hungry. Today, they bought wine specially. Although it\'s not a good wine, it looks very warm.

There are simple dishes on the table, but they are full of color, smell and taste.

Pearl is a really good woman. She can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen. She can be a high Goddess outside, but she is a good wife at [email protected] ^^$

Yang Ping is satisfied. Looking at Mingzhu\'s busy figure, she wants to go to the kitchen to help, but Mingzhu drives her out and says it\'s a woman\'s business. A man should sit outside like an old man.

It can be seen that Mingzhu doesn\'t like Yang Ping to do things in a woman\'s house. She thinks her man is indomitable. As a woman in the house, can she still let her man do housework?

Yang Ping had no choice but to sit at the dinner table and want to steal, but he was seen by the Pearl coming out. He smiled and scolded, "it\'ll be right away. What\'s your hurry."

"But I\'m so hungry." Yang Ping said with a bitter smile.

"Soon."! $*!

Three or five minutes later, Mingzhu came out with an electric rice cooker and said with a smile, "OK, have dinner."

Just as Yang Ping was about to start, an old man appeared in the rental house. When he saw the food on the table, his small eyes lit up and his mouth watered.

"How do you know I\'m so hungry? I\'ve prepared so many good dishes to welcome me." the old man sat down, impolitely picked up the dishes and chopsticks and said with a smile.

Pearl looked at Yang Ping and was a little nervous.

The silent appearance in the rental house without any warning shows that the old man\'s realm and strength are far above them, but what Mingzhu is nervous about is not each other\'s ability, but his identity.


Suddenly appeared in the rental house.

So Mingzhu is nervous, because it means that Yang Ping wants to leave her. He still has a lot of things to do. His responsibility is so heavy that three days is a luxury for her.

"Why, don\'t you welcome me?"

Xuanji stared at Yang Ping and scolded, "I\'m your master at least. You just welcome your reborn parents."

Mingzhu hurriedly said, "Yang Ping won\'t."

Yang Ping\'s face was expressionless and said faintly, "I didn\'t invite you. I have the cheek to come in and don\'t even call. You\'re a robber."

Xuanji was so angry that he pointed to Yang Ping\'s nose and shouted, "little rabbit, don\'t think you can be arrogant in front of me with women. I talked about more women than you\'ve ever seen."

Yang Ping disdained: "spend money."

The mysterious machine is a red face, humming, "that\'s also a love affair."

"Plus, there must be more women at home than I\'ve ever seen."

Yang Ping didn\'t forget to mend the gun, and the angry Xuanji almost jumped up. Pearl hurried to persuade the quarrel. Although Yang Ping was cold and faint, the gentleness in his eyes betrayed his superficial indifference.

"No tutor, no manners."

Xuanjizi shouted angrily.

Yang Ping hummed, "don\'t forget that you taught me. If you scold me, you are scolding yourself."

Xuanji lost his temper.


Xuanjizi dealt with the food on the table depressed and became unhappy.

After dinner.

Mingzhu went to the kitchen to wash dishes and chopsticks and deliberately left free time for the teachers and disciples. She knew that the old man would not come in person.

"Is there any smoke?"

Xuanji Zi crossed his legs and asked.

"No, quit."

Yang Ping didn\'t have a good airway. She really quit smoking these two days. Because she was with Mingzhu and didn\'t want to affect her body, she didn\'t buy cigarettes for several days.

"You didn\'t, I did."

Xuanji took out a pack of special cigarettes, lit them leisurely, took a hard sip, showed an expression of enjoyment, and seemed to aftertaste the lingering of women.

Yang Ping swallowed his saliva.

Xuanji scolded, "take it yourself. It\'s worthless."

Yang Ping retorted and said, "you\'re not much better. The woman you abandoned in those years, no wonder you\'re single now. You deserve to have no wife all your life."

"I Cao, you little bunny with hard wings, dare to talk back to the master. I wanted to know you were so heartless, so I threw you into the forest to feed the wolf." Xuanji blew his beard and stared, ha ha, sneered.

Yang Ping turned his mouth and didn\'t care.

This is how they get along. Maybe it\'s a habit. They don\'t become emotionally sparse because of too many things in the middle, but become more and more natural.

He has only one master.

But the old man had two disciples. One betrayed him and fled to the dark place, the other is himself.

"It\'s quite carefree these days."

Xuanji Zi said bitterly. He looked at the beautiful shadow in the kitchen and said, "no wonder even Zhu Xi gave up. The body of nine Yin, your sister, I tried my best to arrange for you. Now I\'ve taken off my pants. Can you show me this?"


Yang Ping said faintly.

Xuanjizi narrowed his eyes and sneered. He looked at his apprentice all the time. He spat: "fate is your sister. If Zhu Xi has a little temper, you can\'t stand it. Then the Pearl third party intervened. I Cao, you little bitch, can\'t stand the temptation, which disrupted all my plans."

"You deserve it."

Yang Ping didn\'t feel guilty at all. Instead, he was very happy and said, "do you think everything is under your control? I was killed by you at the beginning, and now I finally beat you once."


Xuanjizi scolded, then took out something from his arms and threw it on the table. He said, "cooperate with jiuzhuan Danshen flower and use five element gold needle to assist in treatment. The Pearl won\'t die."

Things were dark, like a charred stick, which was thrown on the table at random.

When Yang Ping saw it, his pupils contracted and showed a look of horror.

"This won\'t be..."

Xuanjizi got up and said impatiently, "don\'t give me this set. I\'ve done everything I should do. In fact, his depends on your luck. If you want to doubt being with the Pearl, you\'d better be prepared to lose her at any time."

Yang Ping turned pale and doubted.

Xuanji puffed and smoked, surprisingly without swearing.

Yang Ping sat down and waited for an explanation.

"I\'m going to the South China Sea. The little girl in Cihang Jingzhai is very hard."

Xuanjizi suddenly said.