Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1085

At the moment when the coffin was smashed, the experts in the dark place turned into smoke and disappeared between heaven and earth. A great expert comparable to the peak of saints was slapped to death. No one could believe that Yang Ping\'s strength was so terrible.

After the daozun incident, people felt that Yang Ping would be disheartened and unable to improve his martial arts. Maybe a generation of peerless talents will eventually end up in a miserable end. So the experts who sneaked into the dragon city didn\'t take Yang Ping seriously. Zhu Yan naturally wanted Yang Ping to die. If he couldn\'t kill him, he would seduce him with his daughter. Anyway, he wouldn\'t die. Because of his daughter, Yang Ping couldn\'t kill him.

This has proved no less than twice.

Yang Ping let him go every time. Zhu Yan became bolder and more naked.

Zhu Yan and the experts from the dark place attacked Yang Ping secretly. One is to test Yang Ping\'s strength, and the other is to see if you can try to erase Yang Ping\'s mark in Longcheng.

Obviously, it failed this time.

Yang Ping was very strong, beyond everyone\'s expectation. In that slap, the coffin was smashed and the master died miserably. Zhu Yan understood that it was difficult to kill Yang Ping, so he turned to leave and didn\'t want to involve right and wrong.

Chen Tong and the two bodyguards turned into pus and blood and became dead.

Mingzhu didn\'t even want to take a look. She held Yang Ping\'s big hand tightly and begged, "forget it, he\'s Zhu Xi\'s father. Don\'t embarrass yourself."

Mingzhu really doesn\'t want Yang Ping to be sad. During this time, neither of them can mention that name. Mingzhu doesn\'t dare to mention it. She wants to enjoy the world with Yang Ping without the influence of Zhu Xi. Even if tomorrow is the time of death, she has no regrets. Of course, Mingzhu didn\'t know that Yang Ping didn\'t mention it because she didn\'t want to mention it at all.

Hurt again and again, let Yang Ping finally understand that life is just like this. The most precious is at hand.

"You wait first."

Yang Ping stared at Zhu Yan and caught up.

Pearl hurriedly said, "don\'t go, come back. Yang Ping, don\'t be impulsive."

But Yang Ping soon disappeared. He felt that he should do something, something that had not been done before. Now after it was done, he honestly accompanied Mingzhu and helped her treat her body. Until she recovers.

As for the safety of Longcheng

Yang Ping felt that without himself, it had little impact. He had done everything he could do before, but as a result, in front of Taoist Zun, he was like a mole ant, which was not worth mentioning. Taoist Zun said that if he hadn\'t looked at the old man\'s face, he would have killed him.

It seems true.

When the black light fell, Yang Ping really felt the taste of almost despair. He watched the woman in his mind almost die in front of him. At that moment, he finally understood that the Pearl was the most indispensable woman in his life, no matter how the times changed and how many difficulties were in front of him.

If there is a destiny, I will break it.

If there is reincarnation, I will cut off reincarnation.

I just want to be with pearl.

Remember that the old man once said that he was the lone star of Tiansha. Anyone who came into contact with him would be unlucky and even lose his life.

Zhu Yan left leisurely and walked down the street. His face was calm. He didn\'t seem to see that he was an extremely dangerous big man. Zhu Yan\'s strength has almost reached the level of great sage. He was seriously injured last time, and now he is further.

In an alley.

It\'s overcast and narrow. It can only accommodate one car.

Yang Ping caught up with the entrance of the alley and suddenly stopped. His eyes penetrated the darkness in the alley and saw a potential crisis. This crisis was very strong and even had the attack power of Da Sheng in the early stage.

At that moment, if someone else is in the Yasheng realm, he will certainly turn around and leave, because there are too many differences between the Yasheng and the great saint. Under normal circumstances, the great saint\'s breath will destroy the people in the Yasheng realm.

But Yang Ping just hesitated and chased in.

The alley was deep and dark.

It seems that there is a mountain in front, and the shadow of the mountain envelops the rear, while Yang Ping steps into the rear and enters the enemy\'s attack range.

The day should be bright.

However, the deeper the alley, the less light. When walking into the depths, Yang Ping could not feel the light, only endless darkness came.

Extremely dangerous!

Yang Ping sounded an alarm in his heart and looked ahead.

"You have the guts."

A sarcastic laugh came from the alley, and a dark shadow came out of the darkness. The figure dragged very long, just like the tail of darkness, and seemed to be integrated with the darkness.

The shadow shows its true face and is impressively the fleeing Zhuyan. In fact, he didn\'t panic, but slowly introduced Yang Ping into the dark, and then set a snare to kill Yang Ping. Zhu Yan waited for this moment for too long, too long. Because Yang Ping did not die, Zhu Yan could not seize the control of the dragon city and had no chance to become the master of the dragon city.

Mr. bronze mask\'s request is to kill Yang Ping and gain control of Longcheng before he can make the next plan. The premise is that he can provide anything Zhu Yan wants, except that he won\'t do it himself.

With the power given by the bronze mask, Zhu Yan has absolute confidence to kill Yang Ping.

"Are you too confident or too stupid?"

Zhu Yan looked at Yang Ping coldly and said, "why don\'t you turn around and run away? Didn\'t your perception drop when you were injured last time?"

Yang Ping kept silent.

Zhu Yan sighed and tut tut said, "I was going to continue lurking around Zhu Xi and waiting for the opportunity to kill you, but the event of Taoist Zun showed me the opportunity. Yang Ping, your strength didn\'t reply. Although you tried to show a strong appearance, according to the news I got, you were seriously injured and lurked for three days. You will recover from your injury."

Yang Ping stared at Zhu Yan with awe in his heart.

If it had been in the past, Zhu Yan must have been right, because the Taoist priest\'s attack is extraordinary. With a will to subvert the world, it is so strong that people are desperate. No one can escape the Taoist priest\'s attack and will die if he can survive.

But others don\'t know that Yang Ping got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of the Taoist reverence event. He didn\'t even know about Xuanji. The inheritance he got can be said to be the strongest inheritance in heaven and earth.

Even Yang Ping doesn\'t know how strong he is now.

He quietly looked at Zhu Yan and asked, "you deliberately lurked around Zhu Xi, which means that your so-called father daughter relationship with Zhu Xi is false. You are deceiving Zhu Xi\'s feelings."

Zhu Yan laughed and disdained: "nonsense, do you think I have time to waste with Zhu Xi? I\'m very busy. I\'m not only going to make a plan for a complete experimental body, but also kill you to become the master of the dragon city. Anyone can use it. As long as he is valuable, Yang Ping, I\'ll teach you how to live in the dangerous Jianghu."

Yang Ping nodded in agreement.

Although Zhu Yan is hateful, he is really powerful. He will die every time, but it is really not easy to escape from life by using various conditions.

"Now, let me show you the present I prepared for you."

Zhu Yan\'s eyes were red for a moment, and then he read a spell. An extremely ominous breath pierced out of the ground, followed by an ancient coffin. There was no red blood donation and no strong evil spirit, but this coffin was the most dangerous thing Yang Ping had ever seen.

The initial state of Mahatma!

Yang Ping took a deep breath and said secretly that Zhu Yan was willing to pay for it. In order to kill him, he didn\'t hesitate to expose his collusion with the dark place, but also used the bottom card of a master in the early stage of the great sage.

In Longcheng, the cost of bringing in the coffin of the early days of the great sage is unimaginable. But in order to kill Yang Ping, Zhu Yan is willing to do it.

"Do you have any last words?" said Zhu Yan coldly, and his heart couldn\'t help getting excited.

As long as you kill Yang Ping, you can become the Lord of the dragon city.

At that time, Zhu Yan can become the strongest!

Yang Ping suddenly smiled, smiling happily, and looked behind Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan frowned, couldn\'t help looking back, and then his face looked ugly.

I don\'t know when Zhu Xi came to the alley and was shielded by Yang Ping\'s ability, so that Zhu Yan couldn\'t break through and find Zhu Xi\'s existence, otherwise he wouldn\'t generously admit his hypocrisy.