Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1084

Chen Tong didn\'t seem to see Mingzhu\'s face. He continued to boast: "Mingzhu, you know I have a high position in the Chen family. I can be regarded as the first successor. Your second aunt has a good relationship with me..." seeing Mingzhu\'s face ugly, he knew he was wrong, and hurriedly said, "as long as your second aunt helps you speak well at home, you can go back to the Zheng family and recognize your ancestors and return home. How about?"

"Of course, everything is based on you becoming my woman."

Chen Tong looks at Mingzhu\'s figure with green eyes. To tell the truth, Mingzhu is a famous beauty in Beijing. It is more attractive in places like Longcheng. Coupled with the improvement of Mingzhu\'s strength and temperament, no man can resist. It can be said that the Pearl, a woman with the best congenital charm, is much more powerful than the hundred flowers gate.

Mingzhu took a deep breath. The waves in the proud place fluctuated like huge waves, hitting Chen Tong\'s soul hard. His face turned red and wanted to press the Pearl under his body. As for Yang Ping next to the Pearl, he ignored it automatically. In the Dragon City, who can be higher than him?

"Well, pearl, you don\'t want to be a lonely ghost all the time. You are a evil seed in the Zheng family. You were forced to leave the family. Now you have a chance to go home. Don\'t you want to?"

Chen Tong continues to seduce. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart, or he won\'t help at all. He just wants to possess it first. He often does such things, deceives young models with power and position, and then gets rid of them. Once I played with a girl with identity background. If the Chen family hadn\'t been able to cover it, he would have been killed.

Now do not repent and continue to do evil.

Chen Tong felt that Zheng Mingzhu could not refuse his request because only he could help.

"I have a family and don\'t need to recognize my ancestors." Mingzhu said calmly.

Chen Tong was stunned and said in surprise, "do you have a way to go back to Zheng\'s house? It\'s impossible. At present, only I am willing to help you. Mingzhu, don\'t be deceived."

"I already have a man." Mingzhu hugged Yang Ping\'s arm and showed a happy smile. Her pretty face was filled with the charm of dementia even Chen Tong, which was enough to tarnish the scenery along the Luoshui River in Longcheng.

It\'s beautiful!

Chen Tong wailed in his heart. Why is such a beautiful woman not with me? It\'s worse than this bastard when she presses me? He has looked at Yang Ping for a long time. He is a very ordinary person. Judging by his dress taste, he must have no identity or status. It is estimated that Zheng Mingzhu can\'t see the hope of going home. After being oppressed by the darkness of society, he just wants a simple life.

Therefore, Chen Tong concluded that Yang Ping was a very ordinary person.

"Are you qualified to give Mingzhu happiness?"

Chen Tong stared at Yang Ping with threatening eyes and said in a deep voice, "boy, you don\'t know the power here. I advise you to leave the Pearl as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

Mingzhu said displeased, "are you threatening me?"

Chen Tong shrugged and said with a smile, "how could it be? I like you so much. But life is full of accidents. It\'s also possible if your boyfriend goes out and is killed by a car or hacked to death. Right?"

Pearl was furious.

If I hadn\'t been in a good mood shopping with Yang Ping today, I would have slapped Chen Tong to death according to my usual temper. She secretly looked at Yang Ping\'s face. Fortunately, she was not very angry.

Yang Ping looked at the sky and ignored Chen Tong.

Chen Tong was furious and secretly angry. The boy pretended to be a bully. I\'m from the Chen family. I\'m scared to death. It seems that he won\'t give some color. The boy thought he was a green onion.

"In that case, I have to..."

Chen Tongchao winked at the two bodyguards and asked them to clean up Yang Ping. He said, "waste your third leg and see if you dare to touch my woman."

With a ferocious smile, the two bodyguards jumped at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping still didn\'t look at Chen Tong. His face was calm and terrible. There was a flame in his eyes. It was obvious that the silence at the moment was disturbed and felt very unhappy.

Pearl leaned against Yang Ping and asked softly, "is there any trouble?"

She\'s very sensitive. If it\'s just Chen Tong, Yang Ping won\'t do much. There must be other troubles. Now Mingzhu has lost its strength and can only barely save her life.

"Don\'t worry, there\'s me."

Yang Ping grabbed the Pearl\'s small hand and showed a confident smile.

Chen Tong shouted and scolded, "toast and don\'t eat and punish wine. It seems that you don\'t give me some color. You think I\'m good at talking. Do it right away and let him know how red the flowers are."



At the end of the long street, on the Bank of the Luoshui River, a red coffin rushed out of the ground, exposing a large pit. The hard cement concrete floor was damaged, and blood donation came out of the ground, quickly soaked the ground and spread more than ten feet around.

Chen Tong and his two bodyguards were so frightened that they stood where they were and dared not move.

The bloody coffin was gloomy and terrible. At a glance, it was a nightmare. Chen Tong trembled with fear and said, "you hurry up to me."

The two bodyguards continued to kill, but the blood donation soaked the leather shoes, the whole body was soft, knelt on the ground and screamed.

Chen Tong was horrified to see that the two bodyguards lost weight from the burly man at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood essence was drained and passed to the coffin through blood donation.

Soon the two bodyguards became white bones.

Chen Tong screamed and retreated subconsciously, but he was covered with blood. Layers of blood, like ants, got into Chen Tong\'s seven orifices and drew essence blood alive.

He screamed, frightened and begged to look at the Pearl.

The Pearl looks at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping\'s face was expressionless.

Not far away.

A dark figure stood on the top floor of a hotel. Looking at the scene here, his eyes flickered and his whole body overflowed with terrible darkness.

Zhu Yan showed great resentment and sneered at himself. Yang Ping, I have communicated well this time. This coffin is quite the peak state of saints. You will die.

The peak of saints is the so-called sage king, which is far beyond the later stage of saints.

Can Yang Ping escape with a coffin?

Zhu Yan has a lot of resentment in his heart. If it weren\'t for him, he wouldn\'t lose everything. He still needs to pretend to be crazy and fool to deceive Zhu Xi and live a very poor life.

He wants to regain his glory.

The coffin vibrated.

There seemed to be something running out of it. Chen Tong was frightened and shouted, "Pearl, help me. I\'ll help you back to Zheng\'s house."

Pearl ignored.

Yang Ping looked at the coffin and thought.


The lid of the coffin cracked, a dark shadow dressed in the Qing Dynasty jumped out, turned into a black house, and jumped on Yang Ping to devour his spirit.

Pearl couldn\'t help being nervous.

This is the coffin of the dark place. Inside are the soldiers of the dark place. It\'s no small matter.

Chen Tong gave up his struggle and lay in a pool of blood.

Lose consciousness.

The black fog pounced on Yang Ping and wanted to kill him with one blow. Unfortunately, Yang Ping\'s next action shocked everyone. But he raised his hand and patted the coffin.

The coffin shattered and the black fog dissipated.

An expert in the dark place can\'t stand Yang Ping\'s slap.