Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1070

The old man is the ordinary old man. He looks kind and has done good deeds all his life. He is respected and admired. He came to the world quietly, and then his eyes saw others.

Whether it\'s daozun, Yang Ping, or the little spot that landed again, it\'s the same.

In his eyes, all beings are equal.

However, in the eyes of Taoist Zun, there is disillusionment of life and death. Everything will be destroyed and start again. They are both extreme and diametrically opposite.

One is rebirth and the other is destruction.

This is also the difference between the two people\'s roads, resulting in different pursuits and different behaviors.

However, the emergence of Taoist Zun and the advent of Xuanji Zi plunged the dragon city into a storm. All the great masters hidden in the dragon city seemed to have a premonition of the coming of the world, and rushed to the south gate to escape from the land of right and wrong. They know very well that once the God comes, there will be nothing for them here. If they try to participate, it will represent the arrival of death.

A terrible master left, making Longcheng more quiet.

However, the common people in Longcheng continue to live a normal life. They have not been affected by the arrival of the two gods. Those who should go to work, those who should fall in love, and those who should go to the hotel.

Seeing xuanjizi appear, Xiaodian blushes, and her eyes show a lot of grievances, as if telling how sad she is about the danger just now.

The old fisherman appeared next to Xuanji Zi and bowed down and said, "leader."

When Yang Ping saw xuanjizi show up, he had an unspeakable feeling. That feeling was very wonderful. Although he didn\'t like the old man\'s style and thought about things between men and women all day, when he encountered Taoist Zun\'s desperate situation, xuanjizi\'s timely appearance made him feel a little warm in this cold world.

The old man is still old.

There are a few more white hairs in his hair and a little more wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. It doesn\'t look obvious, but Yang Ping keenly found that Xuanji\'s inner pressure is far more than his imagination.

He still has a kind face to love the cold world.

In the old man, Yang Ping saw the figure of Mu Lao. These two different people are all dedicated to the country and the people and benefit all the people in the world.

But why did Yang Ping see a sadness in his heart when xuanjizi appeared.

Is Tao Zun deliberately luring Xuanji to appear?

Taoist Zun stared at Xuanji, smiled and said, "elder martial brother, I haven\'t seen you for many years. You are really old. It took me a long time to react. You should know that I can kill everyone here with one move. Unexpectedly, you are a few seconds later than I expected."

For a few seconds, too much can be done for the God.

At least killing Yang Ping is not a problem.

Yang Ping didn\'t die. He was seriously injured by Taoist Zun. His body was in a state of nothingness. If xuanjizi didn\'t show up to close him up, his spirit would float in the air and leave the world forever.

But it hasn\'t completely died yet.

Xuanji looked at Taoist Zun helplessly and said, "there are too many things. It\'s much easier to destroy than to build."

The Taoist priest represents destruction.

Xuanzun means rebirth.

"You shouldn\'t have come."

Taoist Zun shook his head and showed compassion. Recalling the past, he thought of that year and sighed: "if you don\'t appear, there may be hope, but you just give up an apprentice, but you still appear. Being emotional will make you fall into an irreparable place."

Yang Ping\'s heart jumped wildly, and his deep sense of danger became stronger and stronger. It was confirmed from Taoist Zun\'s words that Taoist Zun\'s arrival was a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy against the old man.

The old man laughed and said, "it\'s better to follow your heart than to design everywhere. Younger martial brother, don\'t think that you can replace heaven\'s will by trying to figure out heaven\'s will. There is no one else in heaven trying to change and destroy. In fact, you should destroy yourself."

Taoist Zun laughed and disdained: "elder martial brother, you are still the same and like to reason. The strong in the world are respected. When people die, they are nothing. What is the ideal of life?"

"Different ways do not conspire."

The old man looked at the sky and said with a smile, "let them all come out. I\'d like to see how many contacts you have accumulated over the years and how many people want me to live an immortal life."

Taoist Zun smiled strangely and said, "elder martial brother, it will certainly surprise you. Many people want to kill you because you control things you shouldn\'t control, and these are what we really want."

Xuanji smiled but didn\'t speak.

The two struggled for many years and knew each other\'s character very well.

Now that you\'re here, it depends on who can laugh last.

Who hides more.

"Here we go?"

Taoist Zun asked with a smile.

Xuanji nodded and didn\'t answer immediately. Instead, he looked at Yang Ping and scolded, "boy, look at it. This is the first time you\'ve seen such a big scene. See how the emperor fights. It\'s useful for you in the future. Don\'t soak in women all day."

Yang Ping was still very moved. NIMA, why did he listen to Xuanji Zi\'s words? He worked hard in Longcheng. He picked up girls outside all day. When there was no woman\'s voice on the phone?

Xuanjizi ignored Yang Ping\'s stare and said, "younger martial brother, see if you have made progress in the past 20 years."

The Taoist priest said, "as senior brother wishes."

As soon as the voice fell, a mysterious symbol appeared in front of Taoist Zun, like a black hole, absorbing all the forces of the world and swallowing all the energy of the world. The emergence of the symbol symbolized a huge division of the times.

Shu Zu.

I felt the presence of Shu Zu. Everyone was cold outside the dragon city.

Outside the south city wall, the princess of the magic gate, with a dignified face, did not participate, because at the level of heaven, she should avoid it if she is the son of heaven.

Her green silk is flying, and her eyes seem to penetrate the vanity and reach the core of the essence.

I didn\'t expect Shu Zu to appear.

Two to one, can Xuanji carry it?

The princess of the magic gate frowned and felt that xuanjizi had little chance of winning, because Taoist Zun was mysterious and unpredictable. The demon king also said that Zun was the most promising person to get close to them. Xuanjizi would not exceed Taoist Zun too much no matter how powerful. Coupled with the variable of Shu Zu, xuanjizi would be in danger.

Just when the princess of the magic gate thought about the outcome.

A mass of black fog reappeared in the treasure Pavilion. His appearance did not need to be worse than his ancestors, or even worse, because the appearance of black fog represented the coming of darkness.

Dark king.

The princess of the magic gate was extremely shocked. She could not dream that the army of the dark world would appear. It seems that the experts contacted by Taoist Zun are really terrible. One heavenly Zun can support a first-class holy land. Now three heavenly zuns appear and target Xuanji, which is equivalent to sentencing Xuanji to death.


The princess of the demon gate did not expect that Taoist Zun would collude with the master of art and the dark king in order to kill Xuanji. These two were once famous super powers in the same era with the demon king.

Is Xuanji still alive?

It is a beautiful place ten kilometers away from Longcheng. It is called Luohua bridge. It is not only a famous scenic spot in Longcheng, but also a favorite place for tourists.

On a wooden boat.

The vegetarian Lord and a middle-aged man in a black robe each sat at one end and looked at the dragon city.