Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1026

The butterfly crossed the high wall and wanted to skim the Luoshui river. It was estimated that it could not be crossed, so it landed on the newly opened flowers on the Bank of the river, fluttered its wings, and soon lay dormant quietly.

After saying that, Mu Lao kept silent for a long time and silently put his eyes on a high wall in front of him. At this moment, Yang Ping felt that Mu was old and many years old.

"Don\'t give anything to anyone if you take it." Lao Mu said, looked up at Yang Ping\'s eyes and sighed, "it\'s nice to be young."

Yang Ping comforted: "take care of your health. The Chinese people need you. No matter what way, I will make you live a long life."

Old Mu laughed and shook his head. "You don\'t know what my old man thinks. The longer you live, the more you see. In fact, I still like you in the past. You have momentum and are fearless. It was this momentum that made the world. Now people don\'t think of danger in times of peace. They only know how to fight, not to."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "I\'m still the same as before?"

Old wood smiled and asked, "is there something wrong with your feelings recently? Don\'t rush to deny it. The world knows about you and Zhu Xi. What can you do except fooling me?"

Yang Ping is ashamed.

The wooden old man\'s eyes were vicious and saw through his mind at a glance.

The previous quarrel with Zhu Xi was not just a quarrel, but different ideas. In the midst of contradictions and introspection, Yang Ping thought a lot. On the way to and in the face of Li Yang\'s oppression, his mind was still thinking.

"It\'s a good thing to have a long relationship with children. Your master wants you to come to Longcheng. But you can\'t get involved. You can\'t extricate yourself, or it will be destroyed."

Wood old intentionally remind way.

At the beginning of the whole Chinese superstructure, only Mr. Mu knew the origin of Yang Ping, and now few people know it. Mu Lao unconditionally supports Yang Ping, one because of xuanjizi\'s relationship, and the other because Yang Ping is really popular.

"What should I do?" Yang pinggong asked respectfully.

Wood always smiles but doesn\'t speak.

Yang Ping saw that old Mu didn\'t say, and hurriedly said, "if you always have an idea, just say it. Don\'t be mysterious. I\'m not an official."

Old wood laughed, shook his head and said, "you......" he waved his hand, pointed to the high wall and asked, "is this wall high?"

Yang Ping didn\'t have a good airway: "of course it\'s not high. If you recover, you can jump on one foot."

The wooden old man didn\'t have a good way: "don\'t hold me up, I\'ll be a little more eloquent, and my other abilities are much worse than you. I can\'t jump up. The five meter high fence can\'t get through, and it can still embarrass you?"

Yang Ping frowned and couldn\'t solve it.

"Nothing in the world is difficult. I\'m afraid of people with a heart. Love is not as important as you think. Like is like. If it\'s not appropriate, it\'s not appropriate."


Yang Ping looked at Mu Lao for a long time and finally said, "what you said is tantamount to not saying."

The wooden old man stared and hummed, "you doubt my IQ."

"How dare you?"

Yang Ping quickly smiled.

Old wood said, "go back. The people inside are probably worried. You don\'t have to go in. What should you do? There are a lot of things in Longcheng that haven\'t been handled well. Come to me for fun."

Yang Ping found that Mu Lao was really in a good mood and left.

Li Yang wanted to come out, but he was stopped by old mu.

In fact, Yang Ping is really not afraid of Li Yang. The sage king is terrible, but can he compare with the spirit of the leader of the demon gate?

After getting on the bus and leaving, Yang Ping\'s face became calm.

Because of Mu\'s departure, Mu\'s side is more complex, and no one can rest assured. Although Li Yang is an expert sent by the military God, Yang Ping always feels that something is wrong.

"It seems that we should gather the three flowers as soon as possible."

Yang Ping decided to go as like as two peas in the treasure hall. The mysterious underground world and the mysterious girl had the same appearance as Zhu Xi.

Thinking of the memory awakening in Zhu Xi\'s mind, Yang Ping was worried, but he couldn\'t scare the snake. Who knows if the soul will bite back and cause irreversible damage.


Treasure Pavilion.

The door is open.

Taochengxi stood at the door, smiled and said, "I knew you were coming, so I\'ll wait for you here."

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "can you guess?"

Tao Chengxi nodded and said seriously, "I can feel it when you are five kilometers away from the treasure Pavilion, so I\'ll wait."


Yang Ping saw that Tao Chengxi was very serious and could only say, "it\'s shameless enough."

"Each other."

Tao Chengxi smiled.

They walked into the treasure house and came to the foot of the bamboo mountain, but they didn\'t see the old fisherman and Mrs. Zhu. Mrs. Zhu is at a critical time of evolution. The old fisherman should protect the law and not be distracted. Moreover, the seal of the treasure Pavilion is loose, and the old fisherman has no ability to speak.

Now, in addition to Yang Ping\'s high-end combat effectiveness, Longcheng can hardly find the strength to defend. Taochengxi wants to ensure the operation of the treasure Pavilion, but it doesn\'t know the world\'s affairs when it\'s closed, so it can\'t go away.

"I\'ll walk around."

Yang Ping indicated that taochengxi didn\'t need to be accompanied. He wanted to find an entrance to the small world. It seemed that he came out of Zhushan at that time. After looking for half an hour, Yang Ping was helpless to find the entrance.

As if it were a dream.

However, Yang Ping was very clear that the last time was definitely not a dream. Girls like fairies, countless bloody coffins in the mirror, and the stone tablet next to the hut, with the carved name like Mount Tai, were very heavy.

Yang Ping was unwilling and tried to find communication, but he failed in the end. He had to go back to the front yard to find Tao Chengxi for a drink. Taochengxi didn\'t want to drink, because there was not much good wine left in cangbaoxuan.

Yang Ping was surprised.

Treasure house is still short of good wine?

"The old fisherman drank it up."

Tao Chengxi showed a helpless expression and said with a bitter smile.

Yang Ping hummed, "it\'s like he\'s lovelorn. Mom, keep some good wine in the future. Don\'t let me have no wine when I come."

A jar of good wine for two.

The sorghum wine buried underground for 18 years was specially treated and sealed. When it was taken out, there was still fresh soil on the wine bottle.

After three rounds of wine.

Slightly drunk.

Yang Ping relaxed and looked at the sky in a daze.

Tao Chengxi drank up his glass and said, "I\'m lovelorn. You don\'t have to deny it first, I\'m just speculating. If so, you can talk, if not... You can also talk."

Yang Ping gave him a white look, smiled and scolded, "it\'s a little contradictory with Zhu Xi."

"I expected it." Tao Chengxi said with a smile, "but I didn\'t expect you to last so long. If it\'s me, I\'ll divide it if it\'s inappropriate."

Yang Ping stared angrily and said, "that\'s all you can do. It\'s very powerful to say sarcastic words."

Tao Chengxi shrugged and said, "don\'t pretend. If you\'re happy, you\'ll come to me for a drink. You probably don\'t know where to hold a woman for fun."

Yang Ping\'s old face was slightly red.

Tao Chengxi is right. If his relationship goes well, he won\'t find Tao Chengxi to drink.

"You two really don\'t fit."

Tao Chengxi looked into Yang Ping\'s eyes and said in a deep voice, "if it\'s inappropriate, don\'t force it. It\'s hard for both sides. You don\'t play with good feelings like this."

Yang Ping squints.

"I have a way to get you out of sadness as soon as possible." Tao Chengxi smiled mysteriously.

Yang Ping fretted and said, "all ears."

Taochengxi thought for a moment, pondered for a long time, and finally said, "it\'s better to go whoring than being sad here."


Yang Ping sneered angrily, pointing to taochengxi\'s nose and holding out two words for a long time.

Your sister.