Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1025

A roar turned into a hot sound wave and impacted Yang Ping\'s spiritual ocean, but it was only limited to a very small range. It can be seen that Li Yang\'s amazing control ability.

Yang Ping snorted stiffly. His face turned pale as if he had been hit hard.

The spiritual attack of the sage king is no small matter. Yang Ping can kill the sage in the middle stage and compete with the sage in the later stage, but he is definitely not the opponent of the sage king.

Seeing that Yang Ping was about to vomit blood, his eyebrows flashed, and the spiritual attack of the terrible sage king became invisible, but he was still injured.

"What are you doing!"

Yang Ping was angry. This is the place of Mu Lao. He tried not to fight. Even if you are the sage king, if you are unhappy, Yang Ping will take care of you as the king of heaven.

But he didn\'t want to ruin Mu Lao\'s rest.

"What are you doing?"

Li Yang got up and radiated amazing heat. When he stood up, it was like a round of the sun burning and the space was distorted by the flame.

At dusk, Li Lao was not interested in Yang Ping and sneered.

The female sage frowned and couldn\'t help persuading: "elder martial brother Li, show mercy. Yang Ping is just the mid-term realm of Yasheng. In case of an accident, old Mu will be unhappy."

Li Yang sneered and hummed, "you have to deal with traitors. Don\'t mind your own business, water fairy."

Daffodils, not belonging to the military, are experts sent by the holy land to protect Mu Lao. His status is very high. Although his strength is not as strong as Li Yang, he is powerful behind the scenes.

Yang pingqiang held back his anger and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t know what\'s the matter with the traitor you said. I Yang Ping is dedicated to the country and never do anything sorry for the country."

Li Yang sneered and hummed, "your little trick can mislead Mu Lao, but how can you escape my golden eyes and call things out to leave you a way to live."

Yang Ping asked, "what is it?"

Li Yang said angrily, "you\'re still sophisticating. I think you\'re toasting instead of punishing. I\'ll regret it when I abolish your martial arts. I\'m arrogant when I\'m young and have some ability. Treason and surrender to the enemy can\'t be prosecuted."

Li Yang betrayed the country one by one. Yang Ping was furious and asked, "old man, don\'t forget yourself. I\'m not afraid of others\' fear of you. You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can\'t talk nonsense. Don\'t rely on the old and sell the old in front of me. I don\'t eat this!"

The living room fell into silence.

You can hear the sound of air-conditioning.

Narcissus smiled bitterly. The two people were very similar in temper. No one disagreed with each other, but Yang Ping and Li Yang fought against each other. It is estimated that they will suffer.

The bloody dusk sneered in his heart and said secretly, Yang Ping, you dare to offend Li Yang. You don\'t know how to write the word death.

"Elder martial brother Li, that thing is on Yang Ping." in the bloody dusk, his eyes turned and worried, "this man is arrogant, undisciplined and unruly. I asked him to attack me last time."

Yang Ping suddenly realized that Li Yang, an old man, wanted a USB flash disk. He had not had time to see the USB flash disk obtained from AI Shen. He had planned to give it to Mu Lao. If the military was good at talking, he might be able to take it out, but Li Yang was aggressive as soon as he came up, which made him very unhappy.


Yang Ping sneered, "old man, don\'t stare at me. I\'m not afraid of you."

Li Yang smiled with a cold smile and hummed: "look at you, you are a selfish person. If you don\'t give things to the state or the military, you are treason. Damn it!"

Yang Ping was fearless and immediately confronted Li Yang. The war was imminent.

The atmosphere was very tense.

The anger in Li Yang\'s eyes is getting higher and higher. Seeing that Yang Ping is not soft, the temperature outside his body is getting higher and higher. A big hole is burned in the back of the leather sofa, which shows the horror of Li Yang\'s power.

"Boy, I\'ll give you another chance and give it to the secret. I\'ll spare you. I\'ll send you to the military court at most." Li Yang said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense and stand if you want to fight!"

Yang Ping couldn\'t stand the bird spirit and said in a deep voice.

Seeing that the water fairy\'s persuasion was ineffective, Li Yang wanted to convict Yang Ping. The air particles in the living room moved violently and the temperature rose sharply.

"Yang Ping is coming."

A gentle voice came from the inner door, and the health doctor pushed Mu Lao out. Mu Lao looked at Yang Ping with soft eyes. When Mu Lao came out and the temperature in the living room returned to normal, Li Yang got up and said, "Mu Lao."

The water fairy also said old wood.

In the bloody dusk, old Li secretly said that it\'s a pity. If old Mu appears later, it is estimated that Li Yang has shot to suppress Yang Ping. Only a little, bloody dusk.

"You come with me."

Old wood smiled at the three saints. When it came to hard work, the three hurried to be modest. Rao is forced by Li Yangniu. The military has a high status, but he is still a junior in front of Mr. mu. Wood is always one of the most respected people in China. Li Yang dare not ask big.

Yang Ping took over the health doctor and pushed Mu Lao out of the gate of the courtyard.

Li Yang is indignant. He doesn\'t understand why Mu Lao favors Yang Ping, but it\'s hard to attack now. He can only bear it. Bloody dusk shows jealous eyes. Why can Yang Ping get the favor of Mu Lao and the respect of the military God?

It doesn\'t make sense.


Flowers are in full bloom and full of fragrance.

A colorful butterfly fluttered its wings in the garden, flew around and landed on the wheelchair. It was quiet like a flower. Old Mu\'s turbid eyes looked at the butterfly and sighed: "Zhuang zhouxiao dreamed of a butterfly, and the emperor Wang Chunxin entrusted a cuckoo. The big dream was flashy. It was unclear whether it was in a dream or waking up."

Yang Ping didn\'t know what Mu Lao said, but when he thought of what had happened before, he said angrily, "Mu Lao, I can\'t manage butterflies, but I know someone is very dissatisfied with me."

Old Mu smiled and said, "well, Li Yang is also sincere for his country. Although he has a hot temper, he has made great contributions. You should respect the elders."

Yang Ping hurriedly said, "I will."

The butterfly flew away from the armrest of the wheelchair, over the high wall, and then disappeared in front of us.

With a long sigh, old Mu turned his eyes from the flying butterfly to the vast sky and said, "what was there before you left, old man?"

Yang Ping turned pale and wanted to argue.

Old Mu shook his head and said, "Yang Ping, don\'t lie to me. I know the old man\'s situation. Last night he entrusted me with a dream and asked me to take good care of myself."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly.

The wooden old man sighed: "life is alive, life and death are inevitable. But there is a person who can play chess in the future. It\'s strange to miss."

Feeling the faint sadness in Mu Lao\'s tone, Yang Ping couldn\'t bear it and comforted: "Mu Lao, don\'t worry, I won\'t let anything happen to you with me."

The wooden old man chuckled and said, "when I\'m old, I\'ve been bearish for a long time. In fact, life and death transcend that great fear, but so. It\'s a great loss to the Chinese name to take the first step, old man."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "nothing can be concealed from you."

Facing Mu Lao\'s inquiry, Yang Ping said Mu Lao\'s departure again. Mulao listened quietly without much excitement, but Yang Ping clearly felt the faint sadness in the air.

"Leave it with you and don\'t give it to anyone."

Mu Lao suddenly said seriously.