Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1003

"I want to inquire about someone."

Qingqing was surprised. She thought Yang Ping would ask about other interesting things. Finally, it was this and said, "it seems that this person is very important to you."

"A good fortune, a news." Yang Ping said firmly, "if I conflict with your young lady in the future, I can be forgiven."

Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then giggled, lost his attitude, shook his head and said, "Yang Ping, although you are good, you are far from my miss. No, you have no comparability. Do you know my miss is powerful?"

Yang Ping said, "I always feel that everything cannot be absolute."

Qingqing sighed and said helplessly, "if you think that AI Shen, who defeated the dark family, thinks he can compete with natural saints, you are really naive. AI Shen is just a little famous in the dark family. In fact, the real natural saints have achieved Tao fruit long before the age of 20. Their strength is far from you can imagine."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "I believe in miracles."

Qingqing knew there was no way to persuade Yang Ping. She stopped persuading and said, "who do you want to find?"

"Zheng Mingzhu."

Yang Ping thinks that the name of Mingzhu is not big and should not cost too much human affection. At least Qingqing knows a lot of secrets as the actual controller of the magic gate in Longcheng.

"Not enough." Qingqing\'s answer was unexpected and said seriously, "even if it\'s not enough to catch up with all your good friends, Yang Ping, I advise you not to find her."

Yang Ping\'s color changed. He had a bad feeling and hurriedly asked, "what do you mean? Is the Pearl dangerous?"

Qingqing curled her lips and hummed, "if you have an accident, she won\'t have an accident, but I really don\'t know her location, because we need to pay a great price to find her. It\'s not something we can bear temporarily. Moreover, if we look for Zheng Mingzhu, someone will overturn Yin and yang to stop."

Yang Ping was flustered. He knew it was a good thing, but he was worried for no [email protected] ^^$

The strength of pearl is so weak. If it is watched, it is easy to be in danger. If not, Yang Ping wants to find pearl as soon as possible.

"You can change the question," Qingqing said.

Yang Ping was depressed at the thought of the danger of the Pearl, but reluctantly cheered up and said, "I just want to know why the pearl is so difficult to find."

Qingqing stared at Yang Ping and asked, "you really want to know. It may not be good for you after you know."

"OK and sure."! $*!

Yang Ping said in a deep voice.

Qingqing nodded and said helplessly, "in that case, I\'ll tell you what you know. If the person you\'re talking about is really the Pearl of the Zheng family in the capital, I\'d like to congratulate you first. The identity of Longcheng is more complex than her. So far, she is the only person who can inherit the art ancestor."

Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly and said in a deep voice, "Shu Zu? Who is it?"

Qingqing frowned and said, "this is the second problem."

Yang Ping said helplessly, "well, continue with the first question."

Qingqing added: "Zheng Mingzhu was chosen by the hidden God to become a member of the hidden God because she can inherit the ability of the ancestors. However, according to our investigation, Zheng Mingzhu\'s identity is definitely not as simple as that of the descendants of the ancestors. It is likely to involve more super powers. Therefore, although the demon sect is not afraid of any power, it doesn\'t want to cause trouble at the critical time."

Yang Ping didn\'t expect that Mingzhu\'s identity was so complex, but he didn\'t care. As long as he dared to hurt Mingzhu, Lao Tzu would blow it all up!

"Please come back." Qingqing said coldly.

Leaving the 17th floor, Yang Ping walked out of the community. He was flustered. He had a whim. He didn\'t expect to involve the mysterious identity of Mingzhu.

Shenyin, Shu Zu.

No, be sure to ask what\'s going on.

Yang Ping can\'t wait to call old man se. He wants to ask what Shu Zu is. He is probably a very powerful expert. It is estimated to be a strong saint.

The phone is through.

Strangely, there was no woman\'s cry or laughter on the phone for the first time. There was wind, like the sound of the sea. Because the telephone communication quality is very poor, the voice is intermittent, very vague, vaguely clear.

"What\'s the matter?" the old man laughed, "are you still used to it in Longcheng? What\'s the effect of bed with the body of nine yin?"

Yang Ping had a black face and said, "who is the master of art?"

The old man let out a light sigh and said in surprise, "boy, don\'t tell me to offend Shu Zu. This old guy is not easy. I don\'t have the time to wipe your ass again."

Yang Ping told the story of the Pearl once again. The news channel came from the demon gate, so it was not hidden.

After hearing this, the old man thought, "the pearl is only half inherited by the master of art, not really inherited. The master of art wanted to use the Pearl as a furnace tripod, which I knew for a long time."

Bang Dang!

Yang Ping only felt heartbroken and shouted, "you already know. Why didn\'t you say it earlier. Why didn\'t you stop it. You think a big master can\'t even do such a small thing."

"Don\'t be angry. I was just busy talking about life with beautiful women." the old man smiled and knew he was wrong.

Yang Ping wanted to slap him to death. He didn\'t see such an unreliable master and said, "Mingzhu is not only linked with the master of art, but also related to Shenyin. The magic gate thinks Mingzhu\'s identity is too complex. Now tell me, what\'s the situation with Mingzhu?"

Thinking of Mingzhu walking in the dark all the time, Mingming has the opportunity to be together, but he would rather run around outside than involve him, rather than stay by his side.

The old man sighed and said, "Pearl, this girl is very talented. It\'s a pity that her fate is ill fated. Boy, I forgot one thing. I told pearl not to get too close to you."


Yang Ping scolded: "old and immortal, do you have a problem with your head? If the Pearl leaves me, it will be more dangerous. You should..."

"Shut up!"

The old man shouted, "do you think the Pearl will be fine if it stays with you? Boy, wake up. Tiansha lone star, unless it\'s a fate like Zhu Xi, who will die miserably around you, don\'t you know?"


Yang Ping opened her mouth and clenched her fist.

The old man said in a deep voice, "Pearl would rather go deep into the dark to find a way to get rid of the fate of the celestial ghost and the lone star. You know it\'s useless to complain here. I finally understand why you can\'t get on Zhu Xi. Paralyzed, who would like a man who doesn\'t take responsibility like you?"


Yang Ping was speechless.

The old man snorted coldly, "Dragon City, it\'s not that I give you a chance to exercise, but your own way. If you can\'t even handle the difficulties of dragon city, how can you fight with heaven and earth?"

"Why fight with heaven and earth?"

Yang Ping was not satisfied.

"Because you can\'t win, everyone around you will die."


Yang Ping\'s head exploded,

"Remember, Longcheng is just the beginning. You must complete the three things explained, and rely on your own strength, otherwise no one can save you. Mingzhu and Zhu Xi will die."

"Yang Ping, please win for everyone."

Yang Ping heard the faint sadness in the old man\'s tone, which was a feeling he had never felt before. In the past, the old man would smile when he encountered any difficult things, but now he is very worried.

When he thought of the old man, he was still very good to himself. Yang Ping was moved and said, "old man, you\'ll be fine."

With a light sigh, the tone was very heavy. The old man said, "nonsense, of course I\'m fine."


There are 10000 grass and mud horses galloping in his heart. Yang Ping can see the shameless realm of the old man, which is beyond ordinary people\'s imagination.