Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 997: final check

Soon, Lin Yu was taken by the giant bull to the giant tiger.

At this time, the giant tiger was lying on the ground motionless due to the exhaustion of its heart energy.

Without hesitation, Lin Yu immediately flew to the giant tiger and came to its throne.

After entering between the thrones, Lin Yu kicked the throne to pieces, and then crushed the soul box, allowing the giant tiger\'s soul to return to its own sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thank you."

Giant Tiger immediately thanked.

"Hurry up and restore your heart."

After Lin Yu confessed, he left immediately and flew to the back of the giant cow.

There is still an Invincible Venerable that has not been found, and there is no time to waste time.

"Lin Yu."

At this time, the giant cow suddenly transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "I don\'t have much mental energy left, so I need to stop and cultivate."

He was liberated just after being drained of his energy by Lin Yu, unlike the giant spider.

Later, when Lin Yu went to deal with the abyss overlord, he seized the time to recover a little anima, but he did not recover much.

Therefore, after so much tossing now, these recovered heart energy has been exhausted.

"Okay, you rest first, I\'ll let the giant tortoise come over."

Lin Yu looked behind him.

The giant tiger is also recovering his anima now, so he can only ask the giant tortoise to come and pick him up.

Boom boom boom!

Soon, the giant tortoise walked beside the giant cow with heavy steps.

Lin Yu quickly flew to the back of the giant tortoise.

Afterwards, the giant tortoise took him deep into the mist and went with the giant spider to find the Invincible Venerable.

In this way, the two giant beasts were cruising back and forth in the mist of the abyss.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Before I knew it, an hour passed.

"I guess it\'s difficult." The giant tortoise said to Lin Yu: "After so long, the Meteor God must have been completely lost."

At this time, Lin Yu basically gave up hope of finding the Invincible Venerable.

It\'s just that if Venerable Invincible cannot be found, the other giant tortoise will never be rescued.

"You ask the flying behemoth to see what\'s going on with that giant bear now."

Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant turtle.


The giant tortoise responded with a sound, and then began to transmit sound with the flying giant beast.

After a while, the giant tortoise said to Lin Yu: "The giant bear has been running and has not stopped the whole way."


Lin Yu was a little surprised.

According to the nature of the abyss overlord, he will definitely go and grab the control of the giant bear with the abyss overlord.

In that case, the giant bear will definitely stop for a while in the middle.

Because the abyss overlord takes time to enslave the giant bear.

Unexpectedly, the result was different from what I expected.

This surprised Lin Yu. Did the abyss overlord change his character, or did he use other means?

Of course, now is not the time to struggle with this.

The most important thing now is to quickly make a decision, whether to continue searching for the Invincible Venerable here, or hurry up and chase the giant bear.

Because if you let the giant bear run like this, it will be too far away and the giant tortoise will not be able to contact the flying giant beast that is chasing the giant bear.

In that case, the abyss overlord will escape completely, and it will be difficult to find him in this abyss in the future.

On the other hand, the giant tortoise seemed to have guessed Lin Yu\'s thoughts, and suggested: "Lin Yu, otherwise, let the giant cow, giant spider and giant tiger stay here and continue to search for the Invincible Venerable, I will take you to chase the giant bear. and the overlord of the abyss."


Lin Yu resolutely rejected: "Either leave here together, or find the Invincible Venerable first."

"Otherwise, as soon as I leave, the Invincible Venerable happens to appear, and then enslaves the giant cow, giant spider, and giant tiger?"

These giant beasts can be said to be helpless in the face of the Meteor God.

Because the size of the Meteor God is too small for them, they are completely unable to deal with the Meteor God.

So once you leave with the giant tortoise, it is equivalent to putting the giant cow, giant spider and giant tiger in danger.

Of course, even if Venerable Invincible enslaved multiple giant beasts, he could only control one of them at the same time.

But if you enslave the multi-headed giant beasts, you can make the enslaved giant beasts incapacitated and avoid being chased to death by them.

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In addition, there are many creatures living on giant tigers, giant bulls and giant spiders. For the Invincible Venerable, these creatures are the fuel for the giant beasts to replenish their anima.

Because of this alone, Venerable Invincible has a reason to enslave all the three giant beasts and transfer these creatures living on them to the same giant beast.

After hearing Lin Yu\'s words, the giant tortoise was silent.

It knew that what Lin Yu said was right.

Now either continue to search for the Invincible Venerable until he is found, or abandon it and the giant tortoise it enslaved.

Otherwise, if there are only three free beasts left here, it would be a bad thing to find the Invincible Venerable.

After thinking about it, the giant tortoise sent a voice transmission to Lin Yu: "Then give up the Invincible Venerable. Let\'s go and rescue the giant bear first."

If you go after the giant bear, there is a high probability of saving the giant bear, but if you stay here and continue to search for the Invincible Venerable, there is a high probability that there will be no results.

It\'s an easy choice, nothing to tangle at all.

"Let\'s go then."

Seeing that the giant tortoise offered to rescue the giant bear, Lin Yu stopped talking.

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After all, it has been done.

The giant tortoise sent a voice transmission to the giant cow, giant tiger and giant spider, and said, "I went to chase the giant bear with Lin Yu, what do you say?"

The giant spider replied first: "My heart is enough, I am with you."

At that time, Lin Yu didn\'t absorb all of its anima, so it didn\'t take a long time to recover like a giant tiger and a giant bull to accumulate enough anima.

On the other side, the giant tiger and the giant ox said: "Then we will continue to wait here for a while, until the heart can almost recover before leaving."

"No, you stay away from here now, and then stop to restore your anima, because..."

The giant tortoise quickly explained what Lin Yu had just said, and reminded the giant tiger and giant ox that it was a very dangerous thing to stay here.

After the giant tiger and giant ox finished listening, Liandao Linyu thought thoughtfully, then got up in unison and gathered towards the giant tortoise.

Soon, the four free beasts came together.

"Sorry, we can only give up on you."

The four giant beasts glanced back, looked at the giant tortoise enslaved by Venerable Invincible, and apologized secretly in their hearts.

Then, they turned around in unison, preparing to go to the direction where the flying beast was.

However, just when they were about to start, Lin Yu suddenly reminded: "Wait, I\'ll check on that giant tortoise again and make sure that there is no problem before leaving."

He just suddenly thought that he had never boarded Venerable Invincible\'s giant tortoise to check it.

What if Venerable Invincible had already returned to the giant tortoise and waited for him to leave before driving the giant tortoise away?

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