Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 998: only the giant bear

The four giant beasts approached the giant tortoise of the Invincible Venerable in unison, blocking all the directions in which the Invincible Venerable could escape.

Afterwards, Lin Yu flew away from the Turtle Continent and flew to the giant tortoise of Venerable Wudi.

At the same time, at the throne of Dadidong.

"Oops, why did this guy Lin Yu come here?!"

Venerable Invincible was terrified. He thought that he was quietly lurking like this. After Lin Yu and the four free beasts left, he would be able to escape.

As a result, I didn\'t expect that Lin Yu finally came over.

"Hmph, I can only fight with him!"

Venerable Invincible showed a resolute expression, took the initiative to leave the throne, and flew to the entrance and exit of Dadi Cave.

At this time, hiding is useless, and Lin Yu will find him if he hides again.

So it\'s better to go directly to the showdown with Lin Yu.

Venerable Invincible flew rapidly, and soon came to the entrance and exit of Dadi Cave.

And when he arrived at the entrance of Dadi Cave, Lin Yu just flew here.

"Lin Yu, stop!"

Venerable Invincible raised the soul box in his hand and shouted violently.

Lin Yu stopped immediately.

"Lin Yu, if you let me live, then this giant tortoise may also survive."

"Otherwise, I would rather die with this giant tortoise than let you rescue it!"

The Invincible Venerable said without a doubt.

Lin Yu looked at the soul box in the hands of Venerable Invincible and fell into deep thought.

The situation this time is completely different from the situation in which the Abyss Great Emperor was just killed.

The Abyss Great Emperor fell on the back of the giant bull at that time, and he could know his exact location through the giant bull, but he didn\'t know which direction he would appear in.

But this time it was on Venerable Invincible\'s giant tortoise, and Venerable Invincible could always control his movements.

Therefore, he could not expect the enemy to take the initiative to attack the Invincible Venerable.

Ultimately this led to the current situation.

If he made a violent attack, Venerable Invincible would definitely crush the soul box before the time, and obliterate the giant tortoise soul in the soul box.

And if you don\'t take action against the Invincible Venerable, then you can only let the Invincible Venerable.

Because I don\'t have much time to procrastinate.

If you drag it any longer, the flying giant beast and the giant bear will run out of the sensing range of these four giant beasts, and they will no longer be able to contact them, and don\'t even try to find them.

"Lin Yu, you are a smart person, you should know how to choose."

Seeing Lin Yu\'s hesitation, Venerable Invincible breathed a sigh of relief and reminded: "If you let me go now, there will be a chance to find me and rescue this giant tortoise in the future."

"But if you insist on killing me, then this giant tortoise will definitely be buried with me."

After speaking, Venerable Invincible looked at Lin Yu coldly, as if he was ready to die.

"Lin Yu, you don\'t have to doubt my determination!"

Venerable Invincible reminded again, and then he said nothing, waiting for Lin Yu to make a decision.

Lin Yu frowned slightly and said, "Why don\'t we take a step back."

"You let me destroy your physical body, and then let me plant a ban in your soul, and then I will help you rebuild a physical body, so that you can save your life."

Hearing this, Venerable Invincible raised his head and laughed wildly: "Lin Yu, do you think I will agree to your condition?"

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"With your strength, it is impossible to recreate a divine body for me. At that time, I can only live like an ant. This kind of life is not as good as death now."

"Also, even if you can recreate the divine body for me, why should I be a dog for you?"

The reason why he was exiled to the abyss was because he refused to succumb to those high-level gods in the eternal paradise.

Just like him, every Meteor God who was exiled into the abyss has a proud face, and it is impossible to be a slave to other Meteor Gods.

It\'s okay to cooperate with each other, but you don\'t need to talk about being a slave.

It\'s better to die now than being a slave.

On the other hand, Lin Yu also saw the determination of Venerable Invincible.

Know that there is no room for negotiation.

Without thinking any further, he directly transmitted his voice to his giant turtle and said, "The current situation can only be a gamble. I have a 50% chance of winning, but there is also a 50% chance of losing. Can you accept it?"

He signed a contract with the giant tortoise, promising to rescue every giant beast that he absorbed anima.

Therefore, you must ask the giant tortoise\'s opinion before gambling.

It\'s good for everyone to speak clearly in advance.

"Okay, you can bet, life and death are up to the sky." The giant tortoise replied.

Although if the Invincible Venerable is let go now, there will be a chance next time.

But is there really a next time?

And even if you find an opportunity next time, will you be able to avoid this situation today?

So, it\'s better to gamble now.

Everyone is happy when they win the bet, and they can only accept their fate when they lose the bet.

After Lin Yu got a positive answer from the giant turtle, he calmly looked at the invincible venerable and said, "Invincible venerable, let\'s try now, whether you are faster or me faster!"


As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, he acted directly, rushing towards Venerable Invincible at the fastest speed, targeting the soul box he was holding in his right hand.

At the same time Lin Yu made his move, Venerable Invincible also closed his eyes and squeezed his right hand tightly.


The soul box was easily crushed by Venerable Invincible.

But at the moment when the soul box shattered, Lin Yu also came to Venerable Invincible.

"Death to me!"

Lin Yu threw a punch and slammed towards Venerable Invincible\'s sea of ​​consciousness~www.novelhall.com~ while condensing a new soul box with divine power, protecting the spirit of the behemoth that came out gracefully.


The head of the Invincible Venerable was shattered into powder by Lin Yu\'s punch on the spot.

And the spirit of the giant beast in his right hand happened to be wrapped in the brand new soul box condensed by Lin Yu.

Venerable Invincible\'s divine body was destroyed, and his divine soul floated out immediately.

Lin Yu ignored him, but first checked the soul box in his hand.

After confirming that the spirit of the giant beast was safe and sound in the soul box, he turned to look at the spirit of Venerable Invincible and said, "It seems that I won."

After saying that, he punched again.

Dispel the spirit of the Invincible Venerable.


Without delay, Lin Yu moved directly to the throne of the giant tortoise.

In the throne, Lin Yu crushed the brand new soul box in his hand, freeing the giant tortoise spirit inside it.

Immediately afterwards, the giant tortoise spirit quickly returned to his sea of ​​consciousness and was successfully rescued.

"Thank you so much this time!"

The giant turtle was sincerely grateful to Lin Yudao.

So far, all the giant beasts except the giant bear have been rescued.

"No thanks." Lin Yu said to the giant tortoise, "You stay here with the giant tiger and giant cow to restore your anima, and I\'ll go chase the giant bear with the giant spider."

Lin Yu turned around and flew away from the palace as he spoke, and flew towards his giant tortoise.

After a while, he returned to the turtle back continent of the giant tortoise, quietly suspended in mid-air.

"Set off!"

Lin Yu said to his giant turtle through voice transmission.

Boom boom boom!

The giant tortoise and giant spider stepped forward in unison and ran at full speed in the direction of the flying giant beast. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!