Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 985: biggest suspect

Lin Yu was flying rapidly in the hairy jungle above the giant cow\'s head, observing carefully while flying, looking for places where there might be artificial blood vessels.

"If there are artificial blood vessels in this place, it must be similar to that of the giant tiger."

"It\'s probably buried in a hole."

"So, I just need to find a hole in the ground where many people gather."

Like the giant tiger, the giant bull has a head shape with a dense hairy jungle.

Therefore, Lin Yu speculated that the layout of the artificial blood vessels here must be the same as that of the giant tiger.

And because the artificial blood vessel can provide the so-called "ley lines energy", there will definitely be a lot of people gathered around.

These people all want to use the leyline energy to cultivate.

"There seems to be an artificial blood vessel in the front."

Lin Yu\'s eyes were sharp, and at a glance, he saw a hole in the distance where acquaintances gathered.

The number of people is not large, but from the behavior of these people, it can be inferred that the place they are surrounded by must be a hole for cultivation.

Therefore, there is a high probability that artificial blood vessels are buried in the hole.


Lin Yu flashed past and rushed directly into the burrow past these people.

As expected, there was an artificial blood vessel buried under the hole.

Without damage, Lin Yu drilled along the artificial blood vessel and drilled towards the blood vessel of the giant cow itself.

After a while, he successfully found a blood vessel belonging to the giant cow.

Like those on other giant beasts, this artificial blood vessel is also forcibly placed on the blood vessel of the giant cow to draw heart energy from it.


Lin Yu used his divine power to condense a long sword, and stabbed it several times at the connection between the artificial blood vessel and the giant cow\'s own blood vessel, piercing a hole.

In an instant, a large amount of heart can pour out of the hole, wrapping Lin Yu\'s whole body.

Bathed in it, Lin Yu frantically absorbed anima and transformed it into yuan energy.

The meta-energy numbers on the modifier interface keep jumping, getting bigger and bigger.

In this way, time passed quickly, and tens of seconds passed without knowing it.

The abyss monarch who enslaved the giant bull finally found something wrong.

Every Meteor God who enslaves a giant beast is connected with the soul of the giant beast, and the abyss monarch is no exception.

Therefore, the abyss monarch knew immediately that the heart energy of the giant bull was constantly being lost.

"what happened?"

The abyss monarch was greatly puzzled.

"Why do I also encounter this kind of thing?"

In the past, the Great Emperor of the Abyss, the Invincible Venerable, and Lin Yu\'s behemoth all experienced loss of heart energy.

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Now their three giant beasts are already lying in their nests, unable to move.

Is it your turn now?

"There is definitely a problem here, I must tell the abyss overlord quickly."

Without hesitation, the abyss monarch immediately contacted the abyss overlord and told him that his heart energy was rapidly draining.

At this time, the abyss overlord was thinking about how to take down the flying behemoth, and he was excited. As a result, the abyss overlord brought him such depressing news.

The abyss overlord was furious on the spot.

"Who the **** is it?"

At this time, if anyone jumped out and said everything was an accident, the abyss overlord would definitely kill him on the spot.

This happens again and again, again and again, even three and four, will it still be an accident?

All of this must be done on purpose.

And the perpetrator is definitely the Meteor God.

"Lin Yu!"

The Abyss Overlord squinted slightly and said, "This guy is the most suspicious!"

As a result, Lin Yu was the last to join, and the abyss overlord didn\'t know enough about him.

Secondly, Lin Yu\'s various behaviors are the most suspicious.

For example, his giant beast was losing anima, but he didn\'t deal with it calmly.

For another example, just as the giant bear controlled by the abyss lord stepped on the tortoise\'s back, his giant tortoise suddenly fell into the nest.

The abyss overlord is very suspicious that Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise may not have lost his power at all.

He is doing things on purpose.

"Hmph, it was this guy who suggested that we go to the abyss giant mountain to check the situation, and said that there may be treasures on the abyss giant mountain."

"This guy is definitely trying to adjust the tiger away from the mountain!"

Thinking of this, the abyss lord immediately sent a voice transmission to the abyss monarch: "Let your giant cow come over, and I will come to help you check what\'s going on."

He wanted to check on Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise first to see if Lin Yu was on the throne.

But on second thought, since the loss of Xinneng is because Lin Yu is doing damage, then Lin Yu is most likely to be on the giant bull now.

Because now it is the giant cow that is losing anima.

Boom boom boom!

The abyss monarch controlled the giant bull and quickly approached the giant bear.

Seeing this, the abyss overlord quickly flew to the right side of the giant bear, ready to fly to the giant bull.

However, at this moment, the flying beast in the sky suddenly swooped down and started a new round of attack.

"Overlord, what should we do now?"

The abyss lord, the abyss lord, and the abyss monarch all transmitted their voices to the abyss lord and asked.

Now that the abyss overlord is personally commanding, they naturally have to seek his advice.

Hearing the words, the abyss overlord immediately stopped and ordered: "According to the plan just made, try your best to keep this beast."

Just now, he has been discussing plans with the remaining three meteorites, discussing how to deal with the flying behemoth.

So now that the flying behemoth is attacking again, it is natural to deal with the flying behemoth first.

After all, the most important thing now is to enslave the flying behemoth.

As long as he can successfully enslave this beast, he doesn\'t need to be afraid even if Lin Yu suddenly becomes a fifth-order god.

Because at that time, he can use the heart energy of the flying beast to increase his strength, and easily kill Lin Yu with the strength of the sixth-order divine body.

If Lin Yu dared to board the flying behemoth.

In short, everything can be put aside for now, and we can first find a way to control the flying behemoth.

In case of failure, it will not be too late to search for Lin Yu\'s trace on the giant cow.

Anyway, Ju Niu\'s heart can not be lost for a while, and there is enough time.

Thinking of this, the abyss overlord immediately returned to the giant bear, waiting for the flying giant beast to descend from the sky.

The giant bear\'s mobility is generally stronger than the other two giant beasts.

The fact that the giant bear can stand up alone is enough to outperform the other two giant beasts.

The current opponent is a flying beast, and what he wants is to increase the height as much as possible.


In the air, the flying behemoth descended from the sky at an extremely fast speed, getting closer and closer to the three-headed beast on the ground.

At this time, the giant spider controlled by the abyss lord is on the left, and the giant bull controlled by the abyss lord is on the right.

In the middle is a giant bear stepping on the Turtle Continent.

The flying giant knows that the biggest threat is the giant bear, so it must stay away from the giant bear.

Otherwise, once it is caught by its claws, the consequences will not be known.

"Hmph, this time I see that you are not in the game!"

The abyss overlord sneered.

This time, he is bound to win, vowing to leave the flying beast and enslave it completely. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!