Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 984: change goals

"Good come!"

The abyss overlord is overjoyed.

He didn\'t expect the flying behemoth to attack so quickly, and this time it was bound to come and go.

"Quick, let the giant tortoise come over and deal with the beast together with the abyss masters."

The abyss overlord ordered.

Lin Yu immediately followed suit.

In fact, even if the abyss overlord did not make such a request at this time, he would have to find a way to get the giant tortoise close to one of the giant bear, giant spider and giant bull.

Otherwise, how could he absorb the anima of these three giant beasts?

boom boom-

On the ground of the abyss, the remaining four giant beasts moved in unison, preparing to face the flying giant beast that fell from the sky.

In the air, the flying giant swooped down fearlessly and charged towards the giant bear.

Among the three enslaved beasts, the giant bear is the most threatening.

Because the giant bear can stand up and increase the attack height.

If it suddenly stood up while it was attacking other giant beasts, it would definitely be caught off guard.

Therefore, the flying giant must concentrate on the action of the giant bear, so as not to stumble.

On the other hand, when the abyss master, abyss lord and abyss monarch were all thinking about how to deal with the flying giant beast, Lin Yu was thinking about how to approach the giant bear.

He also knew in his heart that the giant bear was the greatest threat to the flying beast among the three giant beasts.

Therefore, if you want to absorb the heart energy, you must first **** the heart energy of the giant bear dry.

boom boom-

There were heavy steps everywhere on the abyss, making bursts of earth-shattering noises.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Finally, after taking dozens of steps, Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise successfully came to the side of the giant bear and stuck with the giant bear.

Upon seeing this, the abyss master said: "Lin Yu, let me step on your giant tortoise later, I must take down that giant beast this time."

"Okay." Lin Yu agreed immediately.

He thought in his heart, this is just right, and he will be placed with him later to make his idea fail.

While thinking about it, Lin Yu turned his head and asked the abyss overlord: "Wait if the flying beast is trapped, are you going to go to it?"

"That\'s natural."

The abyss overlord laughed proudly, and then left the palace with a movement and flew out of the earth cave.

He waited to find a way to board the body of the flying behemoth, it was impossible to wait here all the time.

Seeing the abyss overlord leaving, Lin Yu immediately sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise and said, "When the giant bear steps on your back, you can get down on the ground at the right moment, making it lose its balance and unable to attack the flying giant beast."

"When the time comes, I will tell those Fallen Gods that your heart can be exhausted."

The giant turtle replied: "Okay."

Seeing that it agreed, Lin Yu got up immediately, left the throne and flew out of the palace.

If you want to get on the body of the giant bear, you can only take advantage of it now, and it will be too late.

Lin Yu quickly flew out of the palace.

While speculating on the movements of the abyss overlord and avoiding meeting him, he flew towards the entrance and exit of Dadi Cave.


Lin Yu flashed like a flash of lightning and came to the outside of the earth cave.

From a distance, he could see that the overlord of the abyss was waiting on the Turtle Continent, waiting for the flying beast to rush down.

Seeing this, Lin Yu glanced up at the sky and found that the flying giant beast had swooped over the giant bear\'s head.

The giant bear stepped on the tortoise\'s back with one foot, and the man stood up on the tortoise\'s back.

But just when the abyss lord was complacent and felt that he could control the giant bear to grab the claws of the flying giant beast.

The giant tortoise sank sharply, lying down.

Suddenly, the giant bear was unstable and had to stay on all fours to maintain balance.

In doing so, it instantly lost the opportunity to attack the flying behemoth, and the flying beast took the opportunity to fly away.

At the same time, its two front legs fell on the Turtle Back Continent, and one of them just fell on the entrance and exit of Dadi Cave.

"good chance!"

Lin Yu immediately flew up along the bear\'s paw.

And at the same time as he flew up, the voice transmission of the abyss lord and the abyss lord appeared in his ears at the same time.

"Lin Yu, what happened to your giant tortoise?"

"Lin Yu, what are you doing?"

Both voices were very angry.

Because if there was no problem just now, there is a high probability that the flying beast will be caught.

As a result, it was done like this, and the whole thing fell short.

Lin Yu hurriedly followed the words he thought up before, and said to the two of them through voice transmission: "My giant tortoise\'s heart energy has been drained, and I\'m checking what\'s going on."

"Didn\'t you just say that you can still support a battle?" the abyss overlord asked.

Lin Yu replied, "I don\'t know what\'s going on, but the rate of loss suddenly accelerated. It seems that someone is sabotaging it."

"Either it was caused by the giant bear stepping on the back of this giant tortoise."

Hearing this, the abyss overlord snorted coldly.

He really wanted to find trouble with Lin Yu, but now seeing the flying behemoth swooping down again and wanting to attack, he had no time to worry about other things.

In desperation, he had to suppress the anger in his heart first, and wait until the matter in front of him was resolved.

On the other side, the abyss master saw Lin Yu throwing the pot to him, and hurriedly defended: "Lin Yu, don\'t talk nonsense, the tortoise\'s back is so strong, how could there be a problem if it is stepped on."

Lin Yu ignored him, just kept flying up the bear\'s paw, and soon came to the top of the giant bear.

Seeing that Lin Yu didn\'t answer, the abyss master wanted to send him another voice transmission, but at this moment, the abyss master said to him: "Get ready, the beast flew down again."

The abyss master was helpless and had to concentrate on controlling the giant bear to deal with the flying beast.

On the other side, while the abyss overlord transmits his voice to the abyss overlord, he also flies upwards rapidly along the other bear paw.

Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise has lost his mental ability and his mobility, so he can\'t stay on it~www.novelhall.com~ Otherwise, when the flying giant is really trapped, he will definitely not have enough time Rush to the flying behemoth.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

In this way, when Lin Yu reached the top of the giant bear\'s head, the abyss overlord also came to the hairy jungle above the giant bear\'s head.

The giant tortoise said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, be careful yourself, I saw that the abyss overlord also went to the giant bear."


Lin Yu secretly said something was wrong.

The abyss overlord is also here, if he cuts the blood vessels of the giant bear, maybe the abyss overlord will chase after him to check.

It seems that the target needs to be changed first.

Lin Yu quickly went online and came to the top of the hair jungle.

Looking to the right, he saw a giant bull not far from the giant bear.

The size of this giant bull is incomparably huge, and it is not too difficult to fly over with the fact that it is so close to the giant bear.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Yu moved and flew towards the giant cow.

To be honest, this is a bit risky, because if the giant bear moves with the giant bull, he may not be able to successfully fly to the giant bull.

But at this time, the Meteor God who controlled them was thinking about dealing with the flying behemoth, so he shouldn\'t take too much action.


Lin Yu flew at full speed at the fastest speed.

Finally, he came to the top of the giant cow without any risk.

Mainly because the horns on the giant bull\'s head are long enough, so he first flew to the bull\'s horns, and then followed the bull\'s horns to the top of his head.

"Hurry up and find an artificial blood vessel!"

Without delay, Lin Yu searched on top of the giant cow. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!