Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 979: an examination

Deep underground, Venerable Invincible walked all the way along the tunnel that Lin Yu drilled out.

However, since he was bigger than Lin Yu, this tunnel could not accommodate him, so his forward speed was not fast.

It was about the same speed as when Lin Yu was drilling.

"Judging from the size of this tunnel, how does it feel like that guy Lin Yu got out?"

Invincible Venerable is not stupid, according to the size of the tunnel, he can infer the figure of the person who drilled this tunnel.

After comparing, he found that the most likely one was Lin Yu.

Because among the seven meteor gods, including himself and the abyss overlord, only Lin Yu has such a physique.

"But... isn\'t that guy Lin Yu controlling his giant tortoise?"

Venerable Invincible was very puzzled.

Just now, he saw that Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise had been in action, and when he asked Lin Yu to pick up the Great Abyss Emperor later, Lin Yu did it truthfully.

It can be seen that Lin Yu has always been on the giant tortoise and has not gone anywhere else.

"Could there be another Meteor God hiding among us to do damage?"

Venerable Invincible guessed in his heart that this situation may be that this Meteor God who is hiding somewhere deliberately changed his body shape to be similar to Lin Yu, and then put the blame on Lin Yu.

"Wait, you can ask the overlord to check on Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise to see if Lin Yu is there."

Thinking of this, he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the abyss overlord: "Overlord, go to Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise to see if Lin Yu is there..."

Invincible Venerable said his guess in a few words.

When the Abyss Overlord heard it, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I will meet him in the past."

It\'s not a hassle to check it out in the past, so the Abyss Overlord has no reason to refuse.

And while Venerable Invincible transmitted his voice to the abyss overlord while drilling, Lin Yu just absorbed all his heart energy.

At this time, on the modifier panel, the number behind Yuanneng has become 590,000.

In other words, Lin Yu absorbed another 20,000 yuan of spiritual energy in the later period of time.

Now, with only 210,000 yuan of spiritual energy, it is possible to modify the primordial spirit body to the fifth rank, and it has the strength to surpass the abyss overlord.

"Leave quickly, the Invincible Venerable is afraid that he has already come over!"

Without hesitation, Lin Yu rushed straight above and drilled vertically upwards.

He has a fourth-order divine body and is stronger than the Invincible Venerable, so he can easily get rid of the Invincible Venerable.

And even if he was overtaken by the Invincible Venerable, he was confident enough to kill the Invincible Venerable when it was too late to ask for help.

After all, this giant tortoise now has no anima, and Venerable Invincible cannot use it to increase his strength.

Of course, if you can\'t kill Invincible Venerable now, try not to kill him.

Because once the Invincible Venerable is killed, the abyss overlord will be suspicious.

The abyss overlord will immediately think that among these meteor gods, he is the only one who can kill the invincible venerable.


Lin Yu jumped out of the ground and came to the earth cave.

At this time, Venerable Invincible was still going underground along the tunnel he dug, completely unaware that he had left.

Without thinking much, Lin Yu turned around and flew towards the entrance and exit of Dadi Cave.

At this time, there was no one in this cave except the Invincible Venerable who could catch up with him, and no one could see his trace clearly.

In other words, even if he flew out in front of everyone, no one knew who he was.

In the air, Lin Yu flew rapidly.

But at this moment, the giant turtle suddenly voiced to him in a hasty tone: "Lin Yu, the situation is not good, the abyss overlord flew towards me."


Lin Yu was secretly shocked and reacted instantly.

The abyss overlord flew towards his giant tortoise, most likely to check his presence.

Otherwise, what would he do over there?

It is estimated that Venerable Invincible guessed something, so the sound transmission told the abyss overlord, causing the abyss overlord to be suspicious.

Of course, the current situation is not so bad for the time being.

Because the abyss overlord is just suspicious now, there is no evidence to prove that he has a problem with Lin Yu.

Otherwise, if there is enough evidence, now it will not be the past inspection, but order the remaining three giant beasts to attack the giant tortoise.

"No, he must be stopped." Lin Yu secretly said in his heart: "If he is allowed to fly into the earth cave to check it out, he will definitely find out my secret."

Lin Yu has no doubt that once the abyss overlord knows that the giant tortoise can act even when he is not on the throne, he will immediately understand that everything is done by himself.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Because a behemoth that can move without control, it can only be a behemoth of freedom.

The behemoths of freedom can communicate with each other and can also trust each other.

Therefore, the abyss overlord can easily think that the giant tortoise must be tipping the flying giant beast, causing the situation to become like this.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu immediately sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise: "We must convince the flying giant to take some risks and help us."

The giant tortoise did not refuse, and agreed: "Don\'t worry, I\'m contacting it."

After saying that, it didn\'t hear back, and it was obviously busy contacting the flying beast in the sky~www.novelhall.com~ Lin Yu didn\'t say more, and took the time to fly out of the earth cave.


He swept past the entrance and exit of the Dadi Cave at a very fast speed and came to the outside of the Dadi Cave.

At this time, his giant tortoise was near the giant tortoise, so he could fly directly along the Turtle Back Continent without risking traversing the fog of the abyss.

However, instead of flying towards his giant tortoise in a hurry, Lin Yu looked up.

He wanted to see if the flying behemoth had moved.

However, upon looking at it, he saw that there was nothing above it except a thin mist.

The flying beast was obviously flying at a very high altitude, avoiding the sharp edges of these beasts on the ground.

"The timing is not right now, and it may not dare to come down and take risks!"

Lin Yu thought to himself, then turned around and returned to the earth cave.

At this moment, there is no need to contact the giant tortoise, but should find a way to lead the abyss overlord here.

Of course, he didn\'t really want to trick the abyss overlord into this giant tortoise and into this earth hole.

Instead, he tricked the abyss overlord to fly here and create some time for the giant tortoise and flying beast.

Give them time to negotiate a strategy.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as Lin Yu returned to the Dadi Cave, he began to release his divine power to cause destruction, and immediately caused the cave to collapse and crack, filled with smoke and dust.

On the other side, Venerable Invincible immediately got out of the ground after feeling the movement.

As he approached the location where Lin Yu was doing damage, he transmitted a voice to the abyss overlord and said: "Overlord, I have a situation here, there is a powerful Meteor God doing damage here, it is estimated that my giant tortoise\'s mental ability, He just emptied it."Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!