Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 977: Nothing but 3

It can be said to be a coincidence once, but it has been like this twice in a row. The Invincible Venerable and the Abyss Great Emperor can only suspect that this flying behemoth is intentional.

And this flying behemoth is not staring at the two behemoths of his own, and does not attack the behemoth that is going up the mountain, it can only show that this flying behemoth knows that he wants to find out the reason for the loss of heart energy.

"How on earth did this beast know what we were thinking?"

Venerable Invincible said with great puzzlement after controlling the giant tortoise to avoid the attack of the flying giant beast.

In the distance, the Abyss Great Emperor, who was still hiding on the giant tiger and couldn\'t leave, also said in confusion: "It\'s impossible for him to hear our voice transmission, right?"

"How is it possible, this is absolutely impossible!" Venerable Invincible shook his head again and again: "High-level gods can\'t do this, how can it be possible to speak out."

"Then this is strange, unless there is an inner ghost among us who has been tipping it off." The Abyss Great Emperor guessed.

"Inner ghost?"

When Venerable Invincible heard this, he replied, "This is possible."

"But who would it be?"

At present, this is the only way to explain it, otherwise how could this flying beast attack with such precision?

"Tell the overlord about this first." Abyss Great Emperor reminded.

"I know." Venerable Invincible responded, and then he communicated with the Overlord to tell him all this completely.

After listening to the abyss overlord, he was as puzzled as the two of them.

What he thought in his mind was, how could there be an inner ghost on his side?

Even if there is an inner ghost, this inner ghost can\'t convince the flying beast to believe him.

If the flying behemoth is so persuasive, the Abyss Great Emperor should have completely persuaded it at the beginning.

Also, why does this flying beast believe in the inner ghost instead of the abyss emperor?

What the abyss overlord did not expect at this time was that Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise was a free beast, and it was only after a contract with Lin Yu that he accompanied him.

And without thinking of this, it is naturally difficult to understand how the whole thing happened.

"It may be just a coincidence, let\'s observe it again." The Abyss Overlord transmitted his voice to the Invincible Venerable, the Abyss Great Emperor, and Lin Yu.

After speaking, he ordered again: "You continue to drag this beast, we are almost at the top of the mountain."

The Invincible Venerable and the Abyss Great Emperor had no choice but to obey.

Immediately afterwards, Venerable Invincible transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and asked, "Lin Yu, what do you think is going on with this flying beast?"

Lin Yu replied, "Maybe it\'s just a coincidence, as the overlord just said."

"Okay." Venerable Invincible didn\'t have anything to say, and again sent a voice transmission to the Abyss Great Emperor: "Great Emperor, you are ready, I will let the giant tortoise come to pick you up now."

The Abyss Great Emperor immediately agreed: "Okay, come here quickly."

boom boom-

Venerable Invincible controlled the giant tortoise and approached the giant tiger again.

At the same time, at the ruptured blood vessel of the giant tortoise.

Lin Yu was still absorbing Yuan Neng frantically. At this time, on the modifier panel, the number behind Yuan Neng had turned into 500,000.

In other words, from just now until now, it has absorbed a total of 140,000 yuan of spiritual energy.

"Another 300,000 will make up for 800,000!"

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

He had already tried it before, and it would take a total of 800,000 yuan of spiritual crystals to modify the fourth-order primordial spirit body to the fifth-rank.

That is to say, with another 300,000 yuan of spiritual crystals, he can have a fifth-order primordial spirit body, with the same strength as the abyss overlord.

At that time, even if these Meteor Gods find out that he is an "inner ghost", there is no need to worry at all.

"This giant tortoise\'s mental energy is definitely not enough. It is estimated that it has to absorb the mental energy of another giant tortoise."

"I\'m afraid that these Meteor Gods will find out that I have a problem early, and then..."

In that case, I wouldn\'t even think about gathering enough energy to modify the divine body.

Because the abyss overlord will definitely find himself directly and force himself to do things for him.

And with his current strength, unless he hides on his giant tortoise, he is not an opponent of the abyss overlord at all.

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"Hopefully everything goes well."

Without further thinking, Lin Yu continued to concentrate on absorbing anima.

On the other side, Venerable Invincible had already controlled the giant tortoise to the side of the giant tiger.

But just when his giant tortoise was about to lean on the giant tiger so that the abyss emperor could fly over, the flying giant beast in the sky swooped down again.

"This beast!"

Venerable Invincible frowned and had to control the giant tortoise to dodge again.

Although the giant tortoise is protected by a thick tortoise shell, this flying monster is not a vegetarian. When a dive will overturn the giant tortoise, it will not be so easy to turn over.

Also, the most important thing is that the creatures on the giant tortoise all live in the earth cave. Once the belly of the giant tortoise is facing the sky, the earth cave will be soaked in thick fog.

In that case, all creatures in the earth cave will be corroded to death by the mist.

Even his Fallen God, who has a third-order divine body, will be seriously injured.

After all, the fog in the abyss is thicker and more corrosive as it goes down.

"Don\'t look at it, there is definitely something wrong with this beast!"

While controlling the giant tortoise to dodge~www.novelhall.com~, Venerable Invincible transmitted his voice to Lin Yu and the Great Abyss.

It\'s only three, and now it\'s the third time, which is enough to show that something is wrong with this flying monster.

Immediately afterwards, Venerable Invincible once again transmitted his voice to the abyss overlord and explained the situation.

After listening to the overlord of the abyss, he said: "Don\'t worry, we have just reached the top of the mountain and are checking the situation here."


Invincible Venerable had to continue to wait.

After a while, the overlord of the abyss sent him a voice transmission: "There is nothing of value on the top of the mountain, no wonder this beast can\'t stop us from going up the mountain, just staring at you."

When Venerable Invincible heard it, he thought that the behavior of the flying behemoth might not be because he knew the content of their sound transmission, but wanted to seize the time to deal with the other beasts while they were leaving.

Thinking of this, Venerable Invincible transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "Lin Yu, control your giant tortoise to approach the giant tiger and see if the flying giant only attacks the giant beast that is close to the giant tiger."

He thought to himself that if the flying behemoth only attacked the behemoth that was close to the giant tiger, then he could take the opportunity to leave the throne and check where he was losing his energy.

On the other side, seeing Venerable Invincible\'s request, Lin Yu immediately agreed, "Okay, I\'ll let the giant tortoise go over."

At this time, you can\'t refuse, you can only agree first.

Anyway, you can contact the flying behemoth at any time to change the attack target, and there are ways to prevent the Invincible Venerable from leaving the throne to check.

After stopping the Invincible Venerable, let the flying giant beast pretend to attack his giant tortoise, making it difficult for the abyss emperor to board his tortoise back continent.

In this way, you can continue to absorb your anima with peace of mind. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!