Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 365: Sacred vessels

It is the first time that Wantong has seen someone who can master so many supernatural powers at the same time, and these supernatural powers are not from god-given things, but Lin Yu\'s own talented supernatural powers.

"It\'s impossible for the gods to give him so many supernatural powers at once!"

"How did his magical powers come from?"

Wantong was thinking quickly while responding to Lin Yu\'s offensive.

He thought it was an easy battle, and it didn\'t take much time to get what he wanted.

However, the accidents in the battle far exceeded his expectations.

In the air, the momentum caused by various magical powers is quite astonishing. Although these magical powers are weak, they win in large numbers.

It deeply confirms the truth that ants often kill elephants.

Of course, this is mainly because Wantong is inherently low strength, if it were in his heyday, these attacks by Lin Yu would not be taken seriously by him.

"No, these supernatural powers..."

Wantong suddenly found something wrong.

These supernatural powers seemed to be all supernatural powers bestowed by the Ice God.

In other words, these supernatural powers all come from the Frozen God Sect.

"Could it be... Could it be said that the magical powers contained in the spiritual tools he had just stolen from him all became his talented magical powers?"

Just now when Lin Yu took away the spiritual weapons in the hands of the eleven people, Wantong was watching the whole process.

The reason why he didn\'t stop him was because he thought that Lin Yu\'s strength was not as good as his own, and the other was that those spirit tools were those of the Ice God Sect. Even if Lin Yu was an outsider, he couldn\'t use the magical powers inside.

However, reality slapped him severely.

After Lin Yu got these spirit tools, he could not only use the magical powers in them, but also didn\'t know how to turn all the magical powers of the spiritual tools into his own innate magical powers.

This matter is completely beyond his cognition.

"No wonder! No wonder he wants to exchange the precious essence pill for someone else\'s spiritual weapon, because he can turn the magical power in the spiritual weapon into his own use."

Wantong\'s mind is getting more and more chaotic.

He has experienced many battles and knows that he must remain absolutely calm during the battle and cannot be disturbed by any emotions.

But helplessly, everything that happened before his eyes completely shattered the three views he had established for a long time, making it difficult for him to maintain his composure.

In his cognition, supernatural powers are the laws bestowed by the superior gods.

How could a mere mortal circumvent the laws set by the gods and use these laws at will?

With this kind of patience, doesn\'t it mean that he can compare with the gods?

"Impossible, shouldn\'t, how could this be?"

Wantong\'s mood became chaotic, advancing and retreating, giving Lin Yu a great opportunity to attack.

Lin Yu felt a little strange when he saw this scene.

He did not expect that he would achieve such an effect when he displayed 23 unfused magical powers at the same time.

Of course, he would naturally not miss such an excellent opportunity.

Exercising all their magical powers, the offensive is getting fiercer.

Light and shadow intertwined in the realm of spirits, visions appeared frequently, and aura fluctuated violently.

"Stop! Stop!"

Suddenly, Wantong shouted loudly.

"I admit defeat, please let me go!"

Wantong seemed to have changed a person, and the brutal momentum on his body was swept away, and only the desire for life was left in his eyes.

Seeing this change in him, Lin Yu couldn\'t help being quite curious.

This old man must have had many experiences that ordinary people can\'t imagine, and his personality has changed so much.

He didn\'t know what kind of personality was the nature of Wantong, but seeing the old man living so hard, he probably lost his nature a long time ago.

Everything is just a play on the spot.

Of course, although Lin Yu is curious about Vantone\'s experience, this does not mean that he will let Vantone go.

After all, the heart is separated by the belly, this old man\'s personality is so changeable, what if he suddenly starts to counterattack after he stops?

Lin Yu said nothing, and the offensive in his hand showed no signs of abating.

It was not until he dragged Vantone into his hand that he took back the magical powers he had displayed.

"The old man\'s life is in your control, are you satisfied now?"

Wantong asked loudly.

Lin Yu ignored him and grabbed him directly into the sea of ​​clouds below.

After entering the sea of ​​clouds, he didn\'t stop, and found the direction of the Flame God Continent and flew forward all the way.

Mohai is too dangerous, the movement just now may have attracted the attention of some powerful people, so staying in place for a long time is not a wise move.

"This time the old man took a look!"

"I think that even the Supreme Master of the Giant Spirit Teaching could not help the old man back then, but today it falls on you as a child, his face is ruined, his face is ruined!"

Wantong yelled in Lin Yu\'s palm, his tone sad and lost.

Lin Yu didn\'t want to pay attention to him, but he had to care about the Giant Spiritualism he mentioned.

"Giling Sect?" Lin Yu asked while flying: "What kind of grievances are there between you and Juling Sect?"

"Speak out, are you willing to let me go?" Wantong asked rhetorically.

"What do you think?" Lin Yu kicked the question back to Wantong.

"Hahaha, Lin Yu, you can\'t hide from me, I know there must be no deal between you and the Giant Spirit Sect."

Wantong saw through Lin Yu\'s thoughts at a glance, "If I help you deal with the Giant Spiritualism, would you be willing to fight with me?"

Lin Yu didn\'t expect Vantone to be so proactive. It seems that this old man is a sharp-minded person.

Probably this is why he lived so miserably but never lost his life.

"Nice proposal, but unfortunately I can\'t trust you."

Lin Yu didn\'t want to bend around with such an old monster, and directly tell his true thoughts.

"Trust is not that important. The most important thing is whether you can get what you want, isn\'t it?" Vantone took over Lin Yu\'s words: "You don\'t trust me to be normal, I don\'t trust you, I don\'t trust anything. people."

"In that case, there is nothing to talk about. If you have anything you want to say, hurry up and say it now, and I will give you a good time after you finish."

Lin Yu stopped moving forward, looked at his right hand and said.

The reason why he was not in a hurry to kill Wantong was because he wanted to learn some useful information from his mouth~www.novelhall.com~ But now he found that he was wrong, unless he was like letting a crook to tell the truth. The special means of this, otherwise playing word games simply cannot be played by such an old guy.

"Young man, don\'t be so anxious." Seeing that Lin Yu didn\'t seem to be joking with him, Wantong hurriedly persuaded him: "Being too impatient, you will miss many opportunities."

"I count to ten. Say what you want to say. I want to see if your next words can move me."

Lin Yu didn\'t talk nonsense with Wantong, he just counted from the beginning.

Upon seeing this, Wantong said loudly: "Holy artifact, I can help you find a holy artifact!"


Lin Yu had to admit that these words from Wantong made him very moved.

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy, and the old man instantly threw something that he couldn\'t refuse.

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