Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 364: Fierce battle

"Really? Since we can talk so well, the essence of pill will be avoided."

Lin Yu took over Wantong\'s words and exhaled the martial arts modifier, operating quickly.

【Yuanneng: 177070 Source Stone】

These 30 spiritual artifacts brought him a total of 176,400 source stones, plus the rest of the original, it was 177070 source stones.

Lin Yu first merged the supernatural powers obtained from the first-grade spirit implements into the universe, consuming the vitality of 30,000 source stones.

Immediately afterwards, five supernatural powers from the second-grade spirit weapons were merged in, consuming one hundred thousand source stone energy.

The remaining Yuanneng was only enough to fuse the four magical powers from the third-class spiritual weapons, so Lin Yu chose four more powerful ones from the remaining magical powers and quickly merged them into the universe.

At this time, there are still twenty-three magical powers from the third-class spirit weapons left on the modifier list, three of which are from the first five defeated, and the other twenty are just obtained.

These supernatural powers can only be integrated after the future vitality is enough.

Of course, even if these supernatural powers are not integrated into the universe, they can still be used normally.

It\'s nothing more than the power is relatively poor, and will arouse others\' suspicion.

If someone finds out that they have so many magical powers of the Ice God Sect, there is no way to explain it once asked.

Wantong didn\'t know that Lin Yu was revising his supernatural powers and rapidly improving his strength.

He thought that everything was under his control, so he still said with a grin: "Little friend\'s words are so bad. It is because we can talk so well that you should give all the essence pill to the old man."

"Adult beauty, why not do it?"

Wantong said with a smile.

"Oh? What if I don\'t want to?" Lin Yu asked rhetorically.

When Wantong heard this, the smile on his face immediately reduced, but his mouth still said in a non-smiling tone: "It\'s all up to this point. Are you still not willing? Hey, what you want is what you want. Come and fetch it."

"But you can think about it. If the old man comes to pick it up by himself, it will inevitably have to take more things."

At this time, Lin Yu had finished modifying the magic power, and then retracted the modifier, pretending to ask, "What more should I take away?"

"Hmph, of course it\'s your life." Wantong sullen his face completely, and the gaze that looked at Lin Yu changed from the previous joke, and became particularly sharp.

After a sneer, he said again: "But don\'t worry, there are rare people who are willing to chat with the old man for so long, and the old man will definitely give you a good time."


As soon as Wantong\'s voice fell, Lin Yu took the lead.

A flame tornado far stronger than before suddenly engulfed Vantone.

As soon as he put away the martial arts modifier, he had already started to use the Soul Sensing Secret Source Power to display his magical powers when Wantong was unaware.


Wantong in the flame tornado exclaimed: "You still have a back hand?!"

He didn\'t expect that he would make mistakes twice in a row.

This really shouldn\'t, and it\'s impossible.

It seems that this kid is hiding a great secret.


There was another loud noise, and the flame tornado enveloping Wantong burst open suddenly.

Countless tiny flames spread everywhere like a goddess scattered flowers.

And in the center of the explosion, there was only one right-handed Wantong floating like a heavenly god.

He was full of golden light, his eyes seemed to penetrate steel, and he stared directly at Lin Yu.

"Boy, when the old man was in trouble, your parents hadn\'t been born yet, so with your little tricks, what would you like to do with the old man?"

Wantong shouted violently, and in an instant, countless golden lights condensed and formed behind him.

These golden lights emitted dazzling light like thunder that suddenly exploded, and they all pointed towards Lin Yu.

"go with!"

Wantong waved lightly, and countless golden lights shot out instantly.

Lin Yu secretly said that it is not good, this old man is really not a person waiting for leisure.

Although his strength is not as good as that of a young son of God like Han Shaoyong, his displayed momentum and ability to control magical powers are probably only comparable to those of the Supreme Master of the Flame God Sect.

I don\'t know what kind of experience this old man has had before, so that he has become what he is today.

Lin Yu didn\'t have time to think about it, and only by working hard at this time could he break into life.

"Heaven and Earth Vientiane!"

Lin Yu urged the force of the wind in the world.

The invisible breeze particles, as small as particles, wrapped his whole body tightly, instantly causing his speed to skyrocket.

At the same time, the power of gold and the power of ice in all phenomena of heaven and earth were also urged together.

A huge ice barrier composed entirely of hard ice blocks the outside of his body, and another metal barrier lined the inside of the ice barrier.

The two barriers are combined to resist the golden spear released by Wantong.

But even so, the two barriers shattered into countless fragments instantly after touching the golden spear.

The remaining golden light continued to chase Lin Yu with the momentum.


Lin Yu was quickly overtaken by these greatly reduced golden lights, and small wounds quickly appeared on his body.

Had it not been for his physical strength, I am afraid that it would have been more fierce at this time.


Wantong\'s face showed a different color, obviously Lin Yu\'s performance was far beyond his expectations.

"It\'s quite capable!"

"Come again!"


Behind Wantong once again appeared a spear-like golden light.

After these golden lights appeared this time, they shot out without stopping, and flew towards Lin Yu in the distance.

Lin Yu\'s heart is not good, and he will undoubtedly die if this continues. It seems that his other means can no longer be hidden.

All of his physical power must be released, and the 23 magical powers that have not been integrated into the universe must also be fully used.

Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be more and less luck today.

Without hesitation, Lin Yu instantly turned into a huge giant with a thought.

All kinds of forces in the world and the whole world followed closely on him.

The power of ice, the power of gold, and the power of inflammation are combined and turned into armor covering his body surface, while the power of wind greatly increases his speed of action and enhances his flexibility.

Lin Yu is like a giant in myths and legends, his huge body crushed towards Wantong.

Bang bang bang--

At this time, the golden spear released by Wantong had come to Lin Yu\'s side, and it pierced Lin Yu\'s body with a huge muffled noise.

After all the physical strength was released, Lin Yu\'s physical strength instantly increased by an order of magnitude.

Therefore, even if these golden spears can pierce through the armor constructed by the heaven and the earth, they cannot hurt him at all~www.novelhall.com~ Even if some wounds are barely created, his immortal purple gold body can be quickly repaired as before.

Lin Yu rushed forward unstoppably and went straight to where Wantong was.

"Freezing technique!"

"Cold Ice Flying Sword!"


Lin Yu rushed and displayed the 23 magical powers that hadn\'t merged into the universe.

Although these supernatural powers are not very powerful, the victory is that there are enough, and the momentum is amazing after they are displayed together.

"How? How can he?"

When Wantong saw Lin Yu crushed towards him like a mountain, he was no longer calm as he was just now.

Rao has experienced many battles and has never seen such a battle.

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