Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 351: Bloodline grade

After Lin Yu heard Sun Hao\'s message to him, he inexplicably thought of Han Shaoyong.

   The battle with Han Qingxue at that time not only killed Han Qingxue, but the aftermath of the battle also ruined Han Mansion.

   Mr. Han’s birthday banquet naturally followed suit.

   For Han Shaoyong, isn\'t this situation a disaster at home?

  At this time, Han Shaoyong didn’t know if it was to ease the embarrassment or want to apologize for his rudeness. He asked Sun Hao, “Faji Sun, forgive me, dare you ask if this friend next to you is the son of a **** from another sect?”

   "Well, he is the son of God of Dream God Sect."

   Sun Hao quickly gave a brief overview of Lin Yu\'s situation.

   Han Shaoyong showed a suddenly realized expression after listening, and said with a strong smile: "It turns out that it is the Supreme Master of the Dream God Sect. Long Yang."

   Sun Hao followed with a smile, and then introduced Han Shaoyong\'s identity to Lin Yu.

   Lin Yu said hello to Han Shaoyong after listening, and he secretly said in his heart that he would bump into Han Shaoyong so soon, and it really was a matter of heaven.

   After greeted each other, the three of them stood there and talked awkwardly for a while, and the conversation ended.

   Actually, if Han Shaoyong hadn\'t looked at Lin Yu with that kind of focus on matters, this conversation would never have started.

   After the three of them finished their conversation, Han Shaoyong strode into the gate of the Temple of God, while Lin Yu followed Sun Hao to meet the Supreme Master of the Flame God Sect.

   "Brother Sun, Brother Han is looking for Lord God to sacrifice for family affairs?"

   The two went all the way, Lin Yu asked casually.

   "Well, it must be so." Sun Hao thought that Lin Yu was only asking about this on a whim, and he casually replied, "Maybe I want Lord God to help find the murderer."

   "The Lord God Sacrifice still has such magical powers? Brother Sun, let\'s talk about it?"

   Lin Yu pretended to be very curious and asked.

   Anyway, his current external status is the son of a newly promoted **** who has just entered the outer world, asking these questions will not make people suspicious.

   "This is not a magical power."

   Sun Hao did not think about the reason Lin Yu asked this question, and directly explained: "We Yanshen Sect is in charge of the Yanshen Continent, so naturally we have to supervise the plants and trees on the continent at all times."

   "The supervision is the responsibility of the Lord God Sacrifice. Han Shaoyong must have gone to him to find out what happened at that time, so that he might be able to find the murderer."

   "It turned out to be like this." Lin Yu nodded slightly, and then asked: "Brother Sun, does Lord God Ji know everything that happened on the mainland? I mean Lord God Ji knows all the details of everything on the mainland?"

   "It\'s naturally impossible. This continent is so big, Lord God Sacrifice will only pay attention to important things, and know the most about other things." Sun Hao replied.

   Lin Yu nodded softly again after hearing this.

  Since it’s just a general idea, there is nothing to worry about.

   I thought about similar situations before acting, and took many preventive measures to deal with it.

  Lin Yu thought, Sun Hao sighed: "I\'m afraid Han Shaoyong will return without success, but I guess he was thinking of taking a chance."

   "According to his manner at the time, it should be like this." Lin Yu answered.

   When Han Shaoyong fell from the sky, his eyes were full of anger and confusion, and all his thoughts were written on his face.

   I forgot to restrain myself even in front of strangers.

   This shows that he didn\'t expect the Lord God to help him.

   Because if there is a definite solution to this matter, he can\'t always worry about it, but should be full of hope.

   "Brother Lin, don\'t mind, Han Shaoyong didn\'t mean it at the time." Seeing Lin Yu mentioned Han Shaoyong\'s attitude just now, Sun Hao apologized again.

   "It\'s okay, it\'s just a small thing, I won\'t take it to heart."

   Lin Yu smiled faintly, and revealed the incident.

   Then, he said another doubt in his heart: "Brother Sun, I heard that the blood of the chosen person is divided by grade, can you tell me how it is divided?"

   He knew a little about blood grading from Ji Haina, but he didn\'t know it very clearly.

   Mainly because many of the information that Ji Hai understands is out of date, and he can\'t use that information to analyze the current universe.

   "Thanks to Brother Lin for reminding me, I wanted to talk to you a long time ago."

   After Sun Hao apologized, he went straight to the subject and explained it.

   "The division of blood is very simple, it is divided into three grades: first-rank, second-rank, and third-rank. The first-rank blood is the best, and the third-rank is the most inferior."

   Lin Yu interrupted after listening: "It\'s so simple, I thought the division of blood would be very complicated."

   At that time, Ji Hai personally told him that the blood of the chosen person is very complicated.

   Some people who are chosen by God will have multiple weaker magic powers after they are bestowed by God, and some people who are chosen by God will acquire a relatively strong little magic power.

   But the combat power of the former and the latter is exactly the same.

   Therefore, these are taken into account when categorizing blood vessels, which ultimately results in the grading of blood vessels becoming very complicated.

   As a result, Sun Hao now says that there are only three grades of blood.

   Hearing Lin Yu’s doubts, Sun Hao explained: "Brother Lin is right. If blood is divided according to the old standards, it will indeed seem very messy, but these are long gone."

   "Oh? Brother Sun, can you elaborate on it?" Lin Yu asked.

   "Yeah." Sun Hao nodded and said, "The ancient standard divides the bloodlines into very fine detail, taking all the differences into consideration, resulting in too messy bloodlines."

   "Everyone found that there is no need to make it that complicated at all, because the level of bloodlines cannot actually be divided according to the number and power of the magical powers obtained ~ www.novelhall.com~ but it depends on the growth of the power of the gods."

"Brother Lin, you must have already felt this. The strength of the power of the gods has a great impact on the magical powers. The same small magical power, the stronger the power of the gods, will be far stronger than the power of the gods. The weaker."

   "So even if the supernatural powers acquired at the beginning are relatively weak, as long as you continue to practice, you can still compare with someone with a higher starting point and a strong bloodline."

   "In this way, the division of bloodlines becomes very simple. Just look at the growth of the power of God. The three levels of bloodlines are divided according to the difficulty of the growth of the power of God."

"That\'s the case, thank you, Brother Sun, for solving my confusion." Lin Yu thanked him, and then said in doubt: "But Brother Sun, if you follow this new set of standards, you won\'t be able to intuitively distinguish the chosen person by bloodline rank. True strength."

   The old bloodline classification standard also considers the three standards of the strength of the gods, the number of the gods, and the power of the gods. The strength of the opponent can be distinguished at a glance by the bloodline level.

   But the current division method is different.

   For example, a person has a very high blood level, and the growth of the power of the gods is very good, but the magical powers he acquired at the beginning were too weak. The other person is just the opposite, and the supernatural powers obtained are very strong, but there is no room for improvement in the power of the gods.

   It is possible that after the former has cultivated for decades, his strength is still far inferior to the latter.

   Hearing Lin Yu\'s doubts, Sun Hao nodded and said: "This is indeed a major flaw in this division method, but even so, this division method is still the most appropriate."