Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 350: First Lin Yanshen Sect

"So that\'s it!"

   After listening to Lin Yu\'s explanation, Sun Hao suddenly realized.

   Then he asked again: "I think Brother Lin was flying north, dare to ask Brother Lin if he was going to our Yanshen Sect temple?"


   There is nothing to hide.

   When Lin Yu made up his mind to find people around the Temple of the Flame God Sect in the north to inquire about things, he decided to use these words to respond to others.

   It was nothing more than just bumping into Sun Hao halfway.

   Then Sun Hao asked a few more questions, mainly asking Lin Yu what he was going to do to the north, Lin Yu all told the truth.

   Now that the dream god, this imaginary god, is taking cover, things have become much easier to handle.

   No longer need to be like in Baihai City at that time, and don\'t know how to contact the Yanshen Cultists at all.

   When Sun Hao clarified his doubts, the restaurant’s food was brought up by the shopkeeper.

   "Brother Lin, drink."

   Sun Hao smiled and recruited Lin Yu and said, "Since I am the first religious believer you met in Tianwaitian, it means that you and I are destined."


   Lin Yu was also welcome, picked up his glass and touched Sun Hao, then drank it all in one fell swoop.

   With their strength, drinking is mainly to drink a taste, drink a friendship, it is impossible to get drunk, so it is not a problem to drink how much.

   Sun Hao drank the wine in the cup, and asked, "Brother Lin, since you are not going anywhere for the time being, just follow me to our school and get to know the situation as soon as possible."

   "Thank you, Brother Sun, I can\'t ask for it."

   Lin Yu thanked him.

   Even if Sun Hao didn\'t say anything, he was going to make a similar request.

   After all, if you want to truly understand Tianwaitian, you have to get in touch with religious believers.

   And in this Yanshen continent, there is only one option of Yanshen Sect.

   As for what unnecessary troubles will be caused by following Sun Hao to the Yanshen Sect, I don\'t need to worry too much about this.

  Because the gods are different from the martial arts sects of the lower realms.

   All the power of the members of the sect comes from the gods they believe in. If you want to get the power from other gods, you must first change your beliefs.

   So it is impossible for anyone to come up with their own ideas.

   The only thing to worry about is Han Shaoyong.

   Following Sun Hao to the Temple of Yan Shen Sect, he might bump into Han Shaoyong.

   But this matter is not a big problem, because not only his body and appearance have been changed a long time ago, but even the magical powers he possessed have been changed beyond recognition, so Han Shaoyong has no reason to associate himself with Yu Shan.

  Furthermore, now I have no other choice but to hope to get the information I want from the Yanshen Cultists.

   "Brother Lin is polite." Seeing Lin Yu thanking him, Sun Hao hurriedly replied politely.

   After finishing speaking, he added: "It\'s true, I mainly want to take you to meet our master teacher. Other people\'s hometown must be very interested in Dream God, and I need your help to answer questions."

   "That\'s naturally not a problem." Lin Yu smiled.

   He was not surprised by Sun Hao\'s request.

   This person is not close to himself but is willing to help these things. Naturally, he has his intentions.

   Lin Yu can roughly guess Sun Hao’s thoughts, but simply wants to introduce himself to the Supreme Master of the Yanshen Sect in exchange for a piece of credit.

   After all, Dream God is a brand-new god, unknown, everyone wants to get first-hand information.

   It is estimated that the Supreme Master of the Flame God Sect may also take the initiative to help him build a sect, and help himself when he is still young, in exchange for in-depth cooperation in the future.

   Then the two talked about something more, and they left the restaurant to go to the Yanshen Sect Temple after they were full of food and drink.


   In the air.

   The two flew while chatting, flying very slowly.

   It took almost half an hour to see the Yanshen Sect temple towering in the distance.

   "Brother Lin, we are here."

   Sun Hao smiled.

   Lin Yu admired: "The temple of your gods is really elegant."

   "That\'s nature." Sun Hao said proudly: "Our Yanshen Sect is among the top ten religious religions, and the structure of the temple is naturally worthy of this status."

   "Brother Lin, go here."

   Sun Hao pointed to the ground as he said.

   After finishing speaking, he explained: "You are not a member of our Yanshen Sect. Directly breaking into the God Realm where the temple is located will definitely lead to divine punishment."

   "Thank you Brother Sun for reminding me."

   Lin Yu thanked him, and followed Sun Hao to the magnificent building on the ground.

   Although this building is much smaller than the temple of the gods, if it is placed in the lower realm, it will definitely be a world-beating wonder.

   In fact, when he was flying to this side, Lin Yu noticed that people on the ground would bow in this direction.

   After seeing these magnificent buildings in the distance, my soul was deeply shocked.

   Lin Yu followed Sun Hao straight into the tall building in front of him.

   The interior of this building is extremely spacious, and walking inside feels like walking outdoors.

   Lin Yu doesn’t know why the Yanshen Sect has built these buildings so tall, is it to make the church members awe like the ordinary people?

   "Sun Hao, who is this person?"

  In the distance, a man in a gold-rimmed robe asked Sun Hao.

   "Master God, this is the friend I just met, he is..."

   Sun Hao quickly explained Lin Yu\'s origins.

   After listening, the man nodded slightly and looked at Lin Yu and said, "Your Excellency is lucky, but you are in the lower realm but you are favored by the new god. It seems that your blood is extraordinary."

   "Don\'t dare to be." Lin Yu said lightly.

   After staring at Lin Yu for a while, the man turned his head and said to Sun Hao: "Since he is the son of God chosen by the new god, he should take him to meet the Supreme Master of the Master."

   "Master God Ji, his subordinates think so." Sun Hao immediately took the man\'s words, and said: "I also ask Master God Ji to give Brother Lin the seal so that he can safely enter the realm of God."

   The man did not speak, he directly formed a palm print with his right hand~www.novelhall.com~In an instant, the golden light was on his right palm.

   A golden rune quietly formed in his palm.

   This golden rune seemed to absorb the surrounding light. After it appeared, the golden light on the man\'s right palm dimmed immediately, leaving only the rune releasing light.


   The golden rune slowly left the man\'s right palm and flew towards Lin Yu\'s chest at an unhurried speed.

   After it touched his chest, Lin Yu found that his chest seemed to be illuminated by the warm morning sun, giving birth to a warm feeling.

   But this feeling is fleeting, and everything is back to the same in a blink of an eye.

   "Okay, let\'s go."

   The man said to Sun Hao.

  Sun Hao hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, Lord God."

   After speaking, he led Lin Yu back on the same route.

   After he walked out of the building, he explained to Lin Yu: "Brother Lin, the Lord God Sacrifice is responsible for the sacrificial events in the church. Only with his permission can he enter the temple."

   "Yeah." Lin Yu nodded.

   Just then, a gloomy man fell from the sky.

   His dark gaze swept across Lin Yu\'s body, and then he didn\'t know if he found himself out of shape or what was going on, his gaze instantly became calm.

   Sun Hao sent a message to Lin Yu when he saw it: "Brother Lin, his family has suffered a disaster and is in a bad mood, don\'t mind."