Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 214: Pure Yang Real Power Revealed

The two left the Jinyang Palace and acted separately.

Xia Honglie flew in the direction of the martial arts field. At this time, everyone in the gate had been assembled to the martial arts field by Fang Rui, and he could take them directly to the Chiyang Palace.

When Xia Honglie landed on the giant martial arts stage, Fang Rui immediately greeted Qianhui and reported: "As for the Supreme Sect Master, the people have been assembled, and the matter has been explained to everyone."

"Okay, now quickly take people to the Chiyang Palace." Xia Honglie ordered Fang Rui.


Fang Rui didn\'t ask much, and immediately arranged a few elders to start the action.

Let them lead the people to Chiyang Peak separately.

The entire martial arts field suddenly became noisy, and shouts and discussions continued.

But noisy is noisy, and the order is not chaotic.

Under the leadership of the elders and deacons, everyone marched towards the Chiyang Hall in an orderly manner.

Since everyone is a martial artist and has much stronger physical strength than ordinary people, it didn\'t take long for them to come to Chiyang Peak one after another.

At this time, everyone has understood the current situation and the coping strategies that will be adopted.

Knowing that Lin Yu alone will block the invading demons army.

Everyone is both worried and expecting.

What worries about is Lin Yu\'s strength, and what he is looking forward to is Lin Yu\'s strength.

They were all afraid that Lin Yu could not stop the invading demons with Lin Yu\'s strength, but in their hearts they wanted to see how strong Lin Yu was.

So far, the people present have not personally seen Lin Yu making a full shot.

Therefore, I really want to know what it was like when the world\'s strongest warrior made a full shot.




Lin Chengye, Ning Yulan, Wan\'er, Guo Zhengping...

Everyone looked at the direction Lin Yu was in, and his mood was extremely complicated.

"Junior Brother, everything depends on you."

Xia Hongjing watched Lin Yu quietly in the distance, with a voice that only he could hear.


On the other side, Lin Yu had already flown to the east entrance of Chiyang Sect.

The demons came from the east and would definitely use this entrance as a breakthrough.

"The demons don\'t know our reality and reality. They thought that I was the only person in the Scarlet Sun Sect in the Gang Qi Realm. They would definitely not pay too much attention to us. They shouldn\'t think about any tactics, so they might rush over in a daze."

Lin Yu hovered over the entrance, looking to the east.

Chiyangzong was built on a huge valley among the mountains. Except for the main entrance, there are only two mountain cols in the east and southwest for passage.

The mountain in the east is sandwiched by two steep peaks. There is a huge city wall at the entrance. As long as the city gate is closed, the weak demons or other evil things can be easily blocked.

As for the powerful evil creatures that can fly... they are naturally not afraid of this level, but with Lin Yu guarding here, they don\'t want to successfully pass the level.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Lin Yu stood on the mountain peak at the pass and looked far away. It didn\'t take long for him to see hordes of evil creatures swarming in the distance, rushing towards this side.

"Sure enough, it didn\'t take us seriously, so I sent such junk stuff to deal with us."

Lin Yu took a closer look and found that only one big demon and two demon commanders possessed the strength of the pill formation realm, and the others were at most equal to the condensing energy realm practitioners.

"Perhaps in their opinion, this is already a sledgehammer."

Lin Yu allowed the evil things to approach here quickly, standing motionless on the mountain.

On the other side, the two demon commanders saw that there were almost no defensive measures on the Chiyang Sect, so they actively slowed down and stayed behind to watch the battle. The big demon brought other evil things to launch the first wave of attacks.


The ground vibrated.

The evil army is getting closer and closer to the eastern checkpoint of the Chiyang Sect.

"Human flesh, I haven\'t eaten fresh human flesh for a long time, I want to eat it today!"

"It\'s not easy to be able to eat human flesh directly! I can finally have a full meal!"

"Kill! Go!"


In the col, various evil creatures of different sizes yelled, unable to restrain the excitement in his heart.

In their opinion, this Chiyang Sect is just a small martial arts school, and it is easy to destroy it without any difficulty.

So coming to fight this time is the second thing, and enjoying fresh human flesh is the right thing to do.

On the mountain peak.

Lin Yu suddenly stood up from the ground and jumped to the top of the mountain col.

Immediately afterwards, the pure Yang Gang Qi released from his body, and his whole body was instantly wrapped in pure Yang flames.


He suddenly accelerated and smashed down like a shooting star.

The moment he touched the ground, he released all the liquid gas in his dantian, turned it into a pure sun flame, and turned into a shock wave that spread out at supersonic speed.

The mountain col was instantly lit, and there were raging fires everywhere, like a **** on earth.

Those evil things didn\'t even figure out what had just happened, and they were burned to ashes before they even had time to scream.

"Why... how could it be so powerful?!"

All the spectators on Chiyang Peak were speechless, deeply shocked by the scenes they had witnessed.

Lin Yu\'s attack was divided into several steps, but they only saw a fireball shining like a scorching sun suddenly flying out of the mountain peak, and smashing into the mountain col like a god\'s punishment.

The blaze that caused it was full of mountains and plains, and the loud noise was like a thunderbolt in a clear sky.

In just one breath, the peaks over there have all turned into Flame Mountain.

"Chunyang true power! This is pure Yang true power?!"

"Junior Brother didn\'t lie to me, the power of Pure Yang Zhen Gong is far beyond my imagination!"

Xia Honglie\'s eyes were filled with excitement and tears.

On the other side, the two demon commanders and the big demon were also completely stunned.

They didn\'t expect that the army of evil creatures they had brought would be completely killed by Lin Yu in just one face.


The two demon commanders looked at each other, while the big demon was frightened and wanted to escape.

But it was too late at this time.

The qi in Lin Yu\'s dantian has been replenished, turning into a bolide and slamming towards it.


There was a loud noise.

The moment the demon turned around, he was hit by Lin Yu.

It was just like those evil things, it was burned to ashes before it even screamed.


A line of tips to get the energy appeared in front of Lin Yu\'s eyes.

Lin Yu kept flying over the two demon commanders at an extremely fast speed.

"Report the devil..."

This thought flashed through the hearts of the two demon commanders~www.novelhall.com~ while running away separately, sending a letter to the demon king they belonged to.


There was another explosion mingled with flames, and one of the demon commanders was smashed into pieces by Lin Yu and burned to ashes.

The next breath, the other surviving demon commander also ushered in the same fate.


【Yuanneng +350000】

Two prompts jumped out one after another.

Counting the Yuanneng obtained earlier, Lin Yu has gained nearly two million Yuanneng this time.


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