Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 213: Defending Chiyangzong

Xia Honglie couldn\'t believe Lin Yu\'s words of comfort, because he didn\'t know where Lin Yu\'s confidence came from.

He himself is also in the Gang Qi realm now, and has also learned the pure Yang internal strength to the seventh level. This strength corresponds to the practitioner but is equivalent to the early to mid-stage pill formation realm.

Although Lin Yu is better than him, but how strong can he be?

Anyway, he didn\'t think Lin Yu could defeat the invading demons.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Honglie proposed: "Junior Brother, should we take people to Fengcheng Country to the west?"

"Now the east is the territory of the demons, and the princes in the north and south are also invaded by the demons. Only the west is temporarily safe."

"By the way, when I came over, I had arranged Fang Rui to gather all the disciples in the gate and let them wait in the martial arts field. It should be almost ready now."

Lin Yu shook his head and said, "Brother, I\'m afraid this idea won\'t work."

"First of all, the Fengcheng country in the west is the territory of the Yu family. Judging from the current relationship between the family, they may not welcome us, and may even do it against us."

After all, people like me are people under the Ji family, and the Xi family and Ji family are now completely guilty, so people like me will never be treated kindly by the other party.

Lin Yu felt that if people like him rashly broke into Fengcheng Country, they would most likely be arrested by the Xiong family and drained of their energy.

Of course, the other party might leave a life for these innate martial artists.

But the other warriors with low strength will definitely not end well.

"Secondly." Lin Yu continued: "We fleeing with so many people, we must move very slowly, and it is easy to be overtaken by the demon army."

"At that time, if you ignore the head and the tail, you will definitely lose a lot. Maybe only our innate warriors can survive successfully."

"So instead of going to the west to try your luck, it\'s better to stay here to defend against the demons. At least there are some natural dangers to guard here."

After listening to Xia Honglie, he thought quickly, and soon he shook his head and said, "Junior Brother, I think it is better to escape to Fengcheng Country."

"Although the Xi family and the Ji family are at odds, after all, it is the territory of the human race, and they will not harm us."

"Brother, then you want to make a mistake." Lin Yu explained: "Brother, I will tell you a great secret of a family."

"At the beginning, the aristocratic family tried their best to maintain the stability of the Dawu dynasty and ensure the safety of mortals, not because they regarded us as the same kind, but because they needed to extract essence from mortals to refine the essence pill."

"So it\'s unrealistic to escape to Fengcheng Country. The Jiao Jia will definitely drain our energy directly."

"Why, how could..." Xia Honglie looked incredulous, and never thought that the essence pill came like this.

"Junior Brother, what evidence do you have to prove this?"

Xia Honglie\'s expression was slightly angry.

He would not believe this fact, or that he could hardly accept this fact, and he didn\'t want to think it was true in his heart.

Lin Yu knew that Xia Honglie would behave like this.

Xia Honglie is different from himself. He was born in this world and grew up in this world since he was a child, and his family has always been a glorious and majestic image in his mind.

Suddenly telling him that the family is not a good person is tantamount to destroying the Three Views he had established since childhood.

How can it be accepted?

The reason why Lin Yu hasn\'t told Xia Honglie the truth is because he knows that he can\'t easily trust him unless he produces strong evidence.

"Brother, now the princes under the names of the various forces have formed alliances. The princes of different alliances strictly prohibit personnel from each other. This is what you told me yourself. Have you ever thought about the reasons?"

Lin Yu asked.

When he asked what he said, Xia Honglie really hesitated, obviously he had never studied the reasons.

"Brother, aristocratic families and demons do not allow mortals in their own territory to flow to other forces\' territories, because they need to improve their strength by extracting the essence of mortals. In their eyes, those mortals are cultivation resources."

After hearing this, Xia Honglie couldn\'t help but backed up two steps.

Muttered: "But, but..."

Lin Yu didn\'t have time to waste time on this topic, and turned to another thing: "Brother, I have now completely restored the pure pure power of ancient times, and I have already learned something."

When Xia Honglie heard this, he quickly reacted and said in shock: "Junior Brother, are you serious about this?"

Then he asked again: "Junior Brother, when did you derive the Pure Yang True Power? How come you learned it so quickly?"

"It was deduced some time ago." Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Yu to tell Xia Honglie that he has just merged the pure power of pure Yang.

"The last time you gave me those positive manuscripts of internal strength, I deduced Chunyang Zhen Gong, but I am not sure if it is orthodox Chun Yang Zhen Gong, so it took two months to study and verify it."

"This time you gave me some positive internal power manuscripts. After researching, I am completely sure that the previous conclusions are correct."

"So I now have considerable attainments in Pure Yang Zhen Gong."

After hearing Lin Yu\'s words, Xia Honglie showed excitement on his face. He stepped forward and supported Lin Yu\'s shoulders, he wanted to say something but couldn\'t organize a suitable language.

Lin Yu once again comforted when he saw this: "Brother, my current strength is only below that of the children of the aristocratic family. As long as the Gula does not send the ancient demons over, then no demons will be my opponent."

Xia Honglie nodded slightly and said, "The ancient demons will definitely not be sent over, and the Gula will keep them to deal with the family members."

"But Junior Brother, is that Pure Yang Real Skill really so powerful? It can actually improve your strength so much?"

Like Lin Yu, he is the cultivation base of the Gang Qi realm, and the pure Yang internal strength has also been practiced to the seventh level, but he only possesses the strength equivalent to the early to middle stage of the Pill Formation Realm.

And after Lin Yu learned the Pure Yang True Kungfu, he actually possessed the strength second only to the children of the aristocratic family, which seemed a bit too exaggerated.

Of course, ~www.novelhall.com~ would have such doubts mainly because he had not seen Chun Yang Zhen Kung with his own eyes, and the information in the ancient times was already incomplete, so he could not imagine how powerful Chun Yang Zhen was.

"Brother, believe me!" Lin Yu stared into Xia Honglie\'s eyes.

After Xia Honglie and Lin Yu looked at each other for a while, they finally compromised and said, "Well, just as the younger brother said, just stay here and try your luck."

"It should not be too late, brother, you quickly let Fang Rui take everyone to the Red Sun Palace." Lin Yu immediately began to arrange matters related to the Demon Race, "When the time comes, you and Fang Rui will defend the Red Sun Palace together. Responsible for dealing with the invading demons."

Chiyang Hall is one of the strongest defensive buildings in Chiyang Sect, and the main hall is located on Chiyang Peak with difficult terrain, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Xia Honglie nodded his head and said, "Okay, I will make arrangements now."

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