Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1083: escape

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Lin Yu chased after him fiercely, and time passed quickly.

But since Gu Xin was being controlled by Yuan at this time, his combat power was far stronger than before.

Therefore, Lin Yu has been unable to achieve victory.

Finally, the duration of Jianmu\'s power has come.

This caused Lin Yu\'s strength to drop rapidly, and soon fell back to the sixth order.

"This won\'t work, unless I raise the level of Jianmu\'s power, or I don\'t want to kill Gu Xin."

Lin Yu turned decisively and flew towards the giant golden eagle.

On the other side, Yuan saw Lin Yu leaving and was busy taking this opportunity to repair the injury.

In this way, Lin Yu hurriedly flew back to the giant golden eagle, while Gu Xin\'s body quickly recovered under Yuan\'s control.

The fighting between the two sides has temporarily come to an end.

Lin Yu thought while flying, and when he returned to the giant golden eagle, he would persuade the giant golden eagle to let his soul enter its sea of ​​consciousness for cultivation.

Now only with the help of the time law of the giant golden eagle, can the power of building wood be increased at the fastest speed.

Otherwise, where are you going to get 500,000 yuan of spiritual energy?

Not to mention raising the level of the Primordial Spirit Divine Body, which requires more Primordial Energy.

You must know that raising the sixth-order Yuanling body to the seventh-order can cost a full 3.2 million yuan of spiritual energy.

Lin Yu flew quickly and soon came to the back of the giant golden eagle.

As soon as he arrived, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the giant golden eagle: "Now I need you to do me a favor and help me cultivate the power of building wood."

As soon as the giant golden eagle heard it, he immediately understood what was going on, and asked, "How long does it take to cultivate?"

"At least a few hundred years, maybe thousands of years." Lin Yu replied truthfully.

"How long does it take?"

The giant golden eagle hesitated and explained: "If the time stops for so long, I\'m afraid my heart will not be enough."

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Yu comforted: "Now that San Yijia has come, even if your heart is exhausted, you don\'t need to worry about an accident."

The giant golden eagle thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said reluctantly, "That\'s fine."

The main reason is that doing so consumes too much heart energy, and it doesn\'t want to take such a big risk.

But he also knew the predicament Lin Yu was facing now, so he finally agreed reluctantly.

"Thank you!"

Seeing that the giant golden eagle agreed, Lin Yu thanked him sincerely, released his soul, and entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant golden eagle.

But just as he was waiting for the giant golden eagle to activate the law of time and stop the time in the sea of ​​consciousness, he suddenly heard the giant golden eagle say, "Lin Yu, that giant bat seems to be a little wrong."

"What\'s wrong?" Lin Yu asked alertly.

The giant golden eagle said somewhat uncertainly: "The giant bat is coming straight at me, and it seems to be hostile."


Lin Yu was shocked and asked, "Are you sure?"

After being silent for a moment, the giant golden eagle said with great certainty, "Sure! It\'s for us!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu was secretly shocked.

Could it be that Yuan has already told San Yijia that the original fruit was in his own hands, and San Yijia still believed it?

Otherwise, how could San Yijia drive the giant bat straight to the giant golden eagle?

Thinking of this, Lin Yu recalled what Yuan had just said.

Yuan said that he would rather give up the original fruit than stop himself from becoming stronger.

In that case, my guess just now should be correct.

"This is trouble!"

According to the original plan, even if the giant golden eagle heart can be exhausted, there is no need to worry about being killed by Gu Xin and Yuan when San Yijia is there.

grain fat

But now that San Yijia has been persuaded by Yuan, it is obviously not feasible to do so.

Under such circumstances, if the heart energy of the giant golden eagle is exhausted, then just wait for the lead to die, and any resistance is meaningless.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu decisively left the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant golden eagle and recovered his soul.

Immediately afterwards, he transmitted a voice to the giant golden eagle and said, "Let\'s go quickly."


Seeing that Lin Yu made the right decision, the giant golden eagle was overjoyed, and immediately released the giant goshawk under its claws and flew high.

In the distance, San Yijia saw the giant golden eagle turn around and run away, and was immediately puzzled.

"Can Lin Yu still pay attention to my side during the battle?"

San Yijia didn\'t know that the giant golden eagle and Lin Yu were just a cooperative relationship, and thought that Lin Yu was controlling the giant golden eagle.

In a situation like the latter, Lin Yu couldn\'t multitask, and would definitely not notice his approach.

"It seems that he has been guarding against me!"

San Yijia squinted slightly, and no longer had any doubts in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, he concentrated on controlling the giant bat, chasing after Lin Yu\'s giant golden eagle.

Meanwhile, on the giant goshawk.

Yuan has left Gu Xin\'s body, and Gu Xin regains control of his body.

"Huh, finally!"

Gu Xin let out a long sigh of relief.

After rejoicing, he asked again, "Master, do you really give San Yijia the original fruit like this?"

Last time, he offered to tell San Yijia the whereabouts of the original fruit and let San Yijia and Lin Yugou bite the dog, but Yuan refused.

The reason given is that once San Yijia knows the news, it is equivalent to handing over the original fruit to San Yijia.

Yet Yuan eventually did so.

This made Gu Xin a little puzzled.

"Sang Yijia may not succeed." Yuan said lightly: "This kid Lin Yu is more difficult to deal with than I thought."

"What\'s more, Lin Yu seems to be getting help from Jianmu now."

When Gu Xin heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Master, how could Jianmu help Lin Yu?"

Won didn\'t answer the question because he didn\'t know the reason either, everything was just speculation.

Moreover, those speculations do not have enough evidence, nor are they convincing enough.

"Don\'t worry about this." Yuan said, "You will follow San Yijia and Lin Yu firmly, and follow my orders."


Gu Xin nodded decisively.

When the giant golden eagle let go of the giant goshawk, Gu Xin had already rushed back to the throne, so he immediately immersed his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant goshawk, and controlled the giant goshawk to track San Yijia and Lin Yu. .

In this way, the three flying giant beasts shuttled fast in the mist of the white abyss, you chase after me.

On the giant golden eagle ~www.novelhall.com~ Lin Yu asked through a sound transmission: "How long can you fly with your current heart reserves?"

During this period of time, the giant golden eagle consumed a lot of anima, and he never rested. Lin Yu was worried that its anima was not enough.

"If you keep flying at this speed, it will definitely be no problem to drag the giant bat down."

"But I\'m afraid that San Yijia has a way to make the giant bat suddenly accelerate and catch up with me. It\'s hard to say."

The giant golden eagle said with some concern.

Hearing it say that, Lin Yu couldn\'t help but recall the process of going out with San Yijia to chase the giant golden eagle.

At that time, the giant bat suddenly accelerated and flew above the giant golden eagle, which allowed him to come to the back of the giant golden eagle smoothly.

If this happens again, then...
