Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1081: ask for help

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After the giant golden eagle came to the giant goshawk, its wings fluttered and its height rose rapidly, directly above the giant goshawk.

Immediately afterwards, the giant golden eagle grabbed its claws down and directly grabbed the back of the giant goshawk.

During this period, Gu Xin always wanted to control the giant goshawk to dodge, but the flexibility of the giant golden eagle was stronger than that of the giant goshawk, so he failed to dodge successfully.

Of course, there is another reason for this, because the giant golden eagle has practiced the technique of meditation, and its combat power itself is stronger than that of the giant goshawk.

"Lin Yu, I have caught the goshawk."

The giant golden eagle sent a voice transmission to Lin Yudao.

"Okay." Lin Yu replied, "I\'ll deal with Gu Xin now.

After speaking, he warned again: "By the way, be careful with San Yijia. If you see him coming with a giant bat, remember to contact me with the technique of meditation."

If San Yijia came, Lin Yu would definitely choose to return to the giant golden eagle.

Because after San Yijia arrives, if he finds that his giant golden eagle can fly with five people, he will definitely be suspicious.

"Don\'t worry, I sensed that his flying behemoth will definitely tell you as soon as possible."

The giant golden eagle guarantees.

Lin Yu quickly left the head of the giant golden eagle, flew along its body, and came to the back of the giant goshawk.

At this time, the giant goshawk was struggling under the control of Gu Xin, trying to break free from the iron claws of the giant golden eagle.

But when Lin Yu came to it, its struggles stopped immediately.

Because Guxin has left the throne room.

Soon, Lin Yu saw Gu Xin on the back of the giant goshawk.

"Unfortunately, I didn\'t kill you last time. I didn\'t expect you to die so quickly with the original fruit."

Although Gu Xin was worried in his heart, his mouth was not at all downbeat.

And his confidence comes entirely from Yuan.

Lin Yu didn\'t talk nonsense with him, and directly urged his divine power to take action.

On the opposite side, Gu Xin saw that Lin Yu started without saying a word, and he also decisively refined the fruit in his dantian.

Before Lin Yu and San Yijia left Jianmu at the same time, he drove the giant goshawk to the canopy of Jianmu and stole some fruits of Jianmu.

And the reason why he was tracked by San Yijia was actually because of this.

It\'s just that he doesn\'t realize it yet.

Gu Xin only took a moment to refine the fruit, and his strength rose steadily.

In an instant, he had the strength of a sixth-order divine body.

And just when he realized that he could attack Lin Yu in this way, he suddenly found that Lin Yu\'s strength had improved a lot from the last time.


A loud bang.

Gu Xin was smashed in half by Lin Yu\'s punch, and he almost felt resentment on the spot.

At this time, after urging the power of Jianmu, Lin Yu\'s strength is close to the seventh rank, which is logically much stronger than the sixth rank of Gu Xin.

Gu Xin was able to survive successfully, entirely because he absorbed the power of the giant goshawk\'s anima augmentation in time.

That is to say, when Lin Yu\'s fist first touched Gu Xin\'s body, Gu Xin only had sixth-order strength.

But then, Gu Xin\'s strength climbed to the seventh rank.


Gu Xin mobilized his divine power and dragged his broken body back quickly.

She stepped back and was shocked.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for a few days, Lin Yu\'s strength has been greatly improved.

Sure enough, Lin Yu dared to come to chase and kill him alone, not without confidence.

On the other hand, Lin Yu saw that Gu Xin was urging his divine power to repair the broken body while retreating, so he immediately followed closely and was ready to attack again.

At this time, Gu Xin was stronger than him after obtaining the increase in the anima of the giant beast, so his chances of winning were not large, and he had to seize every opportunity to act.

And now that Guxin is seriously injured, there is no doubt that it is a good time.

Gu Xin fled wildly.

Lin Yu chased after him.

The distance between the two gradually narrowed.

When the distance was almost the same, Lin Yu burst out violently, urging his whole body to approach Gu Xin.

During the march, his right fist was ready to launch, ready to launch a full blow at any time.


In Gu Xin\'s panic and exasperation, there was another loud noise.

Lin Yu\'s right punch successfully hit Gu Xin.

However, this punch did not break Gu Xin\'s body, mainly because Gu Xin\'s current strength is already seventh-order.

But even so, Guxin was still hit hard after the blow.

At least it interrupted his progress in repairing his injuries.

And Lin Yu wanted this effect.

He doesn\'t expect to win this battle all at once, as long as the current situation is maintained for a while, then Gu Xin will surely die.

Gu Xin retreated sharply under the impact force, while Lin Yu was chasing after him.

The two moved at high speed on the back of the giant goshawk.

After flying for a while, Lin Yu chased again not far from Gu Xin.

Immediately afterwards, he burst out with all his strength again, and his right fist hit Gu Xin with precision.

Looking at the rapidly approaching fist, Gu Xin was desperate.

Because he also discovered that if Lin Yu kept chasing after him like this, his injury could not be repaired, and he would definitely lose in the end.

You must know that the total number of tree fruits that I stole this time is only seven.

Each one can increase the power by one minute, which means that there are only seven minutes in total.

After seven minutes, his strength will drop instantly, from the current seventh-order back to the second-order.

At that time, Lin Yu can easily kill himself.

"Master save me!"

Guxin desperately called for help.

He knew that Yuan had been watching, and he knew that Yuan knew the situation very well.

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, Yuan\'s echo came.

"I\'m entering your sea of ​​consciousness now, don\'t make any subjective resistance."

Hearing this, Gu Xin hurriedly responded as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Yes, Master!"

In the next instant, he felt as if his brain had been impacted, and it shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, he found himself entering a misty space.

He knew in his heart that this was his own sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, his body was already occupied by Yuan, so his soul was trapped in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Gu Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn\'t know what would happen next, he felt that Yuan would at least save his own life if he took the shot himself.

On the other side, after chasing for a while, Lin Yu suddenly found that Gu Xin was a little different, and his eyes and temperament had changed dramatically.


The first thing that Lin Yu thought of was Yuan~www.novelhall.com~ After all, this is not the first time that such a situation has occurred. The last time he fought against the abyss god, Yuan occupied the body of the abyss god.

This time is almost exactly the same as that one.

"Lin Yu, your strength is growing so fast, even if you give up the original fruit, I will stop you."

Yuan suddenly said.

His tone was very firm, as if he had made up his mind.

"What\'s more, the original fruit has been eaten by you, and it can no longer be planted into a world tree, so it is of little use."

Yuan added.

Hearing this, Lin Yu secretly thought that Yuan had already guessed where the missing part of the original fruit went.

While thinking about it, he shot again and swung his right fist towards Gu Xin\'s body.