Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1066: problem

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On the other hand, when Gu Xin and Yuan were discussing the next plan, Lin Yu had already returned to the passage where he came.

Along the way, he didn\'t see San Yijia or Gu Xin, and he always felt a little strange in his heart.

Of course, after thinking about it in his heart, his footsteps did not stop for a moment.

In this way, he flew carefully in the passage, and finally returned safely to the giant square at the beginning.

At this time, there were still only nine giant beasts in the square.

Among them, there are six free beasts and three enslaved beasts.

Among the three enslaved giant beasts, the tiger-shaped giant beasts of Uga and Abu can also be freed immediately, but the two flying giant beasts of San Yijia and Guxin will not be liberated for a while. .

Lin Yu glanced around carefully, and after making sure that there was no danger, he hurriedly flew towards the tiger-shaped behemoth in Uga.

As soon as he came to the tiger-shaped behemoth, he went straight to the throne room above his head.

Crush the soul box between the thrones, so that the soul of the tiger-shaped behemoth returns to his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thank you Engong!"

The tiger-shaped beast sincerely thanked him.

"Don\'t thank me first, how much mental energy do you have now, can you move?" Lin Yu hurriedly asked.

"My heart is empty, it will take time to recover." The tiger-shaped behemoth replied.

Hearing this, Lin Yu thought for a while, and then said: "Then you can restore your mental energy here, and don\'t move when you see any Meteor God coming out."

"Okay, I\'ll remember."

The tiger-shaped beast agreed.

It naturally understood the reason why Lin Yu said this, because it was afraid that other Meteor Gods would find that it had regained its freedom.

"I\'m leaving first, you can do it yourself."

Lin Yu said goodbye, and then flew directly from the throne room to the giant ape in the distance.

The giant ape, the giant snake, the giant dog, the giant deer, the giant mouse, and the giant rhinoceros are all free now, and have spent a lot of time recovering their anima, and can leave here at any time.

Lin Yu decided to take them away together, so that when San Yijia came out, he would be confused by the changes here.

Although this doesn\'t change anything, it can at least cause some trouble for San Yijia.

Lin Yu flew quickly, and soon came to the giant ape.

As soon as he landed, he immediately sent a voice transmission to the giant ape, asking him to notify the other five giant beasts to leave here quickly.

The giant ape did not ask any further questions, and immediately did.

Soon, the six giant beasts, including the giant ape, all moved and walked towards the outside.

Lin Yu hovered above the giant ape\'s head, looking at San Yijia\'s flying beast from afar.

He just wanted to use up the psychic energy of this flying beast and Guxin\'s flying beast and obstruct their actions.

But after thinking about it, I decided to give up.

On the one hand, the time is pressing now, and on the other hand, if you do this, it will definitely attract their attention.

"It\'s best if they can fight and lose both."

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

He didn\'t know where Gu Xin and San Yi Jia had gone, but if San Yi Jia could catch up with Gu Xin, a big battle was inevitable.

The best outcome of this battle is to lose both sides.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yu stopped thinking about it, turned his head slowly, and looked in the forward direction.

The six giant beasts walked fast, and soon came to the entrance of the ruins.

Until now, everything has been fine, and Lin Yu has basically felt relieved.

This time, it was generally a near miss, and there were no major accidents.

Not only that, but he also got the biggest benefit.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu looked inwardly and glanced at the original fruit in the Dantian space.

"The outer shell of this thing is so strong, what should I do to get the fruit out of it?"

Lin Yu was a little worried.

Before that, he had absolutely no idea what this thing was, and even the name had just been heard from Gu Xin.

The only thing he knows is that this thing can be eaten, and after eating it, it can be transformed into Yuan energy.

So now the most critical question is how to get the fruit out of the transparent shell on the outside.

"Let\'s think about what to do when it\'s over."

"At that time, you can ask Jianmu, in case Jianmu knows the situation..."

With this in mind, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise and asked the giant tortoise to come over and join the six giant beasts.

After the giant tortoise got his voice transmission, he immediately set off and walked quickly towards this side.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Just when the two sides were about to meet, the giant ape suddenly sent a voice transmission to Lin Yu and said, "Eunuch, just now the giant tiger sent a voice transmission to me, saying that a meteorite flew out of the passage."

"What does the Meteor God look like?"

Lin Yu asked hurriedly.

The giant ape quickly described the other\'s physical appearance.

After Lin Yu heard it, he quickly knew the true identity of the Fallen God, Gu Xin.

"Guxin came out first than San Yijia. It seems that San Yijia failed to do anything to him."

Nodding secretly in his heart, he then sent a voice transmission to the giant ape and instructed: "Keep your eyes on the entrance of the ruins, and be careful not to be discovered by the flying giant beasts flying out of it."

"Yeah." The giant ape agreed and went to talk to the other five giant beasts.

Immediately afterwards, the giant beast team continued to advance towards the giant tortoise in front.

After walking like this for a while, the giant ape suddenly said again through voice transmission: "Eunuch, the giant tiger just told me that another meteorite came out of the passage."

"It seems that it should be San Yijia."

Lin Yu instantly came up with a guess in his heart, but just in case, he asked the giant ape to describe the figure of the meteorite in detail.

The result was as he expected. According to the description of the giant ape, the meteor **** who came out later was indeed San Yijia.

"Now that San Yijia and Guxin have come out intact, it means that there is no battle between them."

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

At this time, the six giant beasts smoothly merged with the giant tortoise and formed a group.

Seeing this, Lin Yu immediately flew away from the giant ape\'s body and flew towards the giant tortoise.

After arriving at the giant tortoise, before he could speak, the giant tortoise asked, "Lin Yu, what should we do next? Are we going back?"

"Don\'t worry, I have to think about it."

Lin Yu hesitated.

If you want to go back next time, you really have to think about it.

But there is only one question to be clarified here.

That is, did UU read www.uukanshu.com Gu Xin told San Yijia that he had obtained the original fruit.

If San Yijia already knew that the original fruit was in his hands, he would definitely not be able to go back. Going back would be equivalent to death.

But if San Yijia doesn\'t know, he can go back and gamble.

Of course, the reason why Lin Yu wanted to go back was mainly because of Jianmu.

Jianmu is well-informed and knows a lot of things, and it probably knows how to destroy the outer shell of the original fruit.

Also, Jianmu had promised before that if it could pass its test, then it would be willing to create a powerful exercise for itself.

Lin Yu looks like he has obtained this powerful technique.

"Will Gu Xin tell San Yijia about this?"

Lin Yu racked his brains to think.