Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1065: get away

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Not long after Lin Yu left, a figure flew out from a giant building in the distance of the giant tower.

This person is Guxin.

"so close!"

"I was almost overtaken by San Yijia!"

Gu Xin let out a long sigh of relief.

If it wasn\'t for Yuan\'s help just now, I found a place to hide, and I would definitely be caught up by San Yijia.

At that time, it will definitely be miserable.

"Gu Xin, where is the original fruit now?"

At this moment, Yuan\'s voice resounded in Gu Xin\'s ears again.

After hearing the other party\'s words, Gu Xin\'s heart suddenly froze.

It\'s still coming.

He didn\'t tell Yuan about the loss of the original fruit just now, but now Yuan is still asking.

Gu Xin quickly organized the language and said, "Master, the original fruit was eaten by Lin Yu."


Yuan was surprised: "He ate the primordial fruit?"

"Neither." Gu Xin hurriedly explained: "To be precise, he ate the transparent ball that contained the original fruit, and the original fruit was still in that ball."

Yuan was silent, and after a while he said in a deep voice, "In other words, you lost the original fruit."

When Gu Xin heard this, he immediately begged for mercy: "Master, it\'s my incompetence, mainly because Lin Yu suddenly appeared, and San Yijia woke up later, plus my strength..."

Gu Xin spoke incoherently, trying to explain the situation as quickly as possible.

He was afraid that if he couldn\'t say anything clearly, Yuan would blame everything on him.

"Okay, stop talking!"

Gu Xin was only halfway through speaking, and Yuan stopped talking.

Gu Xin hurriedly stopped and stopped talking, waiting for Yuan to speak.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan said: "Lin Yu and Sang Yijia are really difficult to deal with, I don\'t blame you for this."

Hearing this, Gu Xin was instantly relieved.

At the same time, his admiration for Yuan grew suddenly, and he secretly vowed to serve Yuan well in the future.

There are not many bright masters like Yuan in the world.

"Master, what should I do next, please teach me."

Gusin pleaded humbly.

Yuan was silent again, and after a long silence he asked, "Does San Yijia know about Lin Yu\'s acquisition of the original fruit?"

As soon as Gu Xin heard this, he immediately came from his heart and asked, "Master, do you mean to tell San Yijia about this, and let San Yijia deal with Lin Yu, and then I will seize the opportunity to get back the original fruit? "

"If I ask you anything, just answer it, don\'t talk too much."

Yuan scolded.

Gu Xin hurriedly apologized: "Master, it\'s my fault, I shouldn\'t talk too much."

He was in a hurry to earn performance just now, so as soon as Yuan opened his mouth to ask, he thought far away.

After apologizing, Gu Xin hurriedly said, "Master, San Yijia doesn\'t know about this yet."

"Well, he doesn\'t know the best."

After Yuan heard Gu Xin\'s answer, his tone calmed down again.

"He doesn\'t know, the initiative is in our hands."

Gu Xin heard the words and asked cautiously: "Master, can\'t you tell San Yijia about this? If you tell him, you can provoke their relationship."

"I think too much." Yuan snorted coldly and said, "Lin Yu is not San Yijia\'s opponent at all. If you tell San Yijia about this, you are giving San Yijia the original fruit."

Hearing this, Gu Xin said cautiously again: "But master, that Lin Yu is not easy, maybe he can think of a way to counter San Yijia."

Yuan was immediately displeased, and scolded: "Sang Yijia is the son of a high-ranking god, and the means are far more than you imagined. Don\'t think that this opportunistic luck is better than him, so don\'t take him seriously."

"Don\'t dare." Gu Xin hurriedly pleaded guilty.

Yuan slowed down his tone and said, "Anyway, don\'t think about trying to provoke their relationship. It\'s better for the original fruit to fall into the hands of Lin Yu than to fall into the hands of San Yijia."

"In Lin Yu\'s hands, we still have a way to get it back. In San Yijia\'s hands, this thing has nothing to do with us."

"Master, I will remember what you said." Gu Xin sold himself first, and then carefully reminded: "But Master, what if Lin Yuwan took the original fruit out of the ball? Maybe he will It will really eat the original fruit."

Guxin recalled the battle just now.

It was found that Lin Yu\'s motive for eating the original fruit at that time was very strange. It seemed that in Lin Yu\'s eyes, that thing was originally edible.

Otherwise, who would be a normal person who would think about eating that thing, and wouldn\'t they be afraid of exploding and dying after eating it?

On the other hand, Yuan, after listening to Gu Xin\'s words, suddenly noticed this, and hurriedly asked: "Wait, you just said that Lin Yu ate the original fruit?"

"Yes!" Gu Xin quickly described the detailed process again.

After hearing this, Yuan said, "So, Lin Yu thought it was edible..."

Speaking of this, Yuan stopped suddenly and asked again: "By the way, have you found the remaining original fruit fragments?"

Seeing Yuan asking about this, Gu Xin thought he was going to blame him again, so he said nervously: "Master, not yet, the original fruit is still missing a piece."

"Where did Lin Yu come from? Did he come out of a certain spherical world?" Yuan asked again.

"Yeah." Gu Xin replied decisively.

As soon as these words were finished, Yuan fell silent and did not speak for a while.

After a while, he said, "In this case, those fruit fragments should have been eaten by Lin Yu."

When Gu Xin heard it, he immediately reacted and exclaimed, "Yes! Only in this way can we explain Lin Yu\'s motive for eating the original fruit."

Lin Yu took a huge risk in the battle to eat the original fruit, which only shows that he believes that the thing can be eaten.

And why do you think you can eat it? It must be because it has been eaten before.

So Yuan reminded him like this, and Gu Xin instantly wanted to understand the cause and effect.

"Everything is clear now." Yuan said again: "Lin Yu ate some of the original fruit fragments, so that the original fruit could not be fully recovered."

"Well, it must be so." Gu Xin agreed.

After he finished speaking, he asked again, "Master, if he ate the pieces, can we still fully restore the original fruit?"

"Yes." Yuan immediately gave a positive answer.

"Master, what should I do?" Gu Xin asked.

"Kill Lin Yu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to refine his divine body, so that the fragments eaten by him will be separated from his divine body."

Yuan Sheng said coldly.

"Next, do as I said, be sure to grab the original fruit from Lin Yu."

Gu Xin responded immediately: "Yes, Master."

After he finished speaking, he asked cautiously: "Master, Lin Yu shouldn\'t be able to break that transparent ball, right?"

"Don\'t worry, neither Lin Yu nor San Yijia can break the ball with violence." Yuan said with great confidence.

"But San Yijia should be able to find a way to break the ball, so you must not let San Yijia know that the original fruit is now in Lin Yu\'s hands."

Yuan warned again.

"Master, rest assured, I will never reveal this matter." Gu Xin assured.