Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1037: Break each

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boom boom-

The loud noise is getting closer.

It didn\'t take long for five giant beasts to come to this incomparably wide square.

The giant ape transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "They are here."

"Okay." Lin Yu responded and asked, "What kind of beasts are they?"

"A giant snake, a giant dog, a giant rhinoceros, a giant deer, and a giant rat." The giant ape explained one by one.

"Okay, I get it." Lin Yu nodded and commanded, "Next, continue to observe and tell me their movements."

The giant ape agreed immediately, and then it closely watched the movements of the five giant beasts.

After the five giant beasts arrived at the square, they quickly formed a formation, surrounding the tiger-shaped behemoth, the flying beast and the giant ape in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, a meteorite flew out from the giant rhino, the giant deer, and the giant dog, and flew towards the three giant beasts.

The giant ape stared at them closely and informed Lin Yu of their every move.

Therefore, Lin Yu immediately knew that the owner of Julu was flying towards him.

"Kill him by surprise."

Lin Yu thought to himself.

He decided to kill Julu\'s master directly when he came to check the situation.

Anyway, in order to liberate these giant beasts, sooner or later, these Meteor Gods must be killed.

So take this opportunity to kill one first.

The master of Julu quickly flew to the Throne of the Giant Apes, and during his flight, Lin Yu had changed into the appearance of Roerta, waiting for him to arrive.


As soon as the master of Julu came to the throne of the giant ape, he called out the name of Rorta.

However, as soon as the voice in his mouth came out, he saw that "Rorta" suddenly attacked him with lightning speed.

"Rorta, you..."

Before the master of Julu finished speaking, he was beheaded by Lin Yu on the spot.

Until his death, he did not know that this rota was not a pilorta.

The real Rolta is already dead.

After Lin Yu killed the master of Julu, he immediately changed his appearance to look like the master of Julu.

Immediately afterwards, he first took out the soul box that imprisoned Julu\'s soul from the body of Julu\'s master, then left directly between the thrones and flew towards Julu in the distance.

At this time, the owners of the five giant beasts did not know that the owner of the giant deer was dead, nor did they know that Lin Yu had transformed into the master of the giant deer.

They all thought that the Meteor God who flew out of the giant ape was the master of the giant deer.

Lin Yu went straight to Julu without hesitation, and soon came to Julu.

Once he arrived, he started looking for the artificial blood vessels on Julu.

After finding the artificial blood vessel, he followed the artificial blood vessel to find the blood vessels of the deer itself.

The absorption of Xinneng was very smooth this time, because there was no Meteor God to stop him.

Looking at the prompts for obtaining Yuan energy that kept popping up on the modifier panel, Lin Yu secretly thought, wait like this, kill the owner of the giant beast first, and then absorb the anima of the giant beast.

After absorbing the anima, liberate the behemoth.

In this way, when they absorb the Anima, they will not cause any suspicion of the Fallen God, and until they have absorbed the Anima, they will not know what happened.

Of course, this is when no one bothers to absorb the anima, but they will soon discover the fact that the Fallen God has died.

Once found, they will definitely start investigating.

It is unknown how long it will take to find out the truth.

Lin Yu believes that this time will not be short.

I can definitely absorb the anima of at least two or three giant beasts before they discover the truth.

On the modifier panel, the prompt to get meta energy keeps beating.

And as time goes by, the numbers behind Yuanneng also get bigger and bigger.

In the end, Lin Yu absorbed a total of 140,000 yuan of spiritual energy from Julu.

In addition to the original ones, there is now a total of 470,000 yuan of spiritual energy.

470,000 is already more than a quarter of 1.6 million. If you work hard, the sixth-order divine body will be hopeful.

Seeing that there was no longer a prompt to obtain Yuan Energy, Lin Yu immediately left the damaged blood vessel and rushed to the throne of Julu.

After arriving at the throne, he did not hesitate to smash the soul box in his hand and let Julu\'s soul return to his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thank you, Engong!"

Julu thanked.

Lin Yu didn\'t say much nonsense, and said directly to it: "That giant ape is also free now, you wait and contact it, ask it about the cultivation method of meditation, let it teach you, just say I said it. "

"Thank you for your grace!" Julu thanked again.

Seeing that Lin Yu seemed to be very anxious, it did not ask what the art of meditation was.

Anyway, wait and ask the giant ape to find out.

Lin Yu continued: "Now tell me the whereabouts of the four Meteor Gods and see where they are."

"Okay." Julu agreed, and immediately began to observe.

Lin Yu continued to stay between the thrones of Julu, waiting for Julu to respond.

He didn\'t make a contract with these giant beasts, so if he wanted to communicate with them, he had to stay on them.

Otherwise, you can\'t talk to them when you are far away.

When Julu was observing, the remaining four Meteor Gods had already discovered something was wrong.

Just now, they sent a voice transmission to the owner of Julu to inquire about the situation, but the owner of Julu didn\'t respond for a long time, and he couldn\'t even sense his breath.

So they guessed that the owner of Julu was dead.

Now they are discussing and analyzing with each other, guessing the cause of death of the owner of Julu.

"I just watched him fly out of the giant ape and fly back to his giant deer, so even if he died, he must have died on the giant deer."

"Well, I also saw him fly out of the giant ape."

The two Meteor Gods spoke in succession.

As soon as their voices fell, the Meteor God immediately questioned: "Not necessarily, it is possible that he was killed by Roerta, the owner of the giant ape, and it is not him that you see behind."

When the two Fallen Gods heard it, they felt that it was reasonable to say so, and they had to consider this point.

"What now?"

One of the Meteor Gods asked.

The object of his inquiry was the leader of their giant beast team~www.novelhall.com~ The leader of the team was thinking about the cause of the death of the owner of the giant deer, and when a subordinate asked, he said: "First Go to Julu and Giant Ape and check it out."

After speaking, he quickly arranged it.

He went to check on the giant ape himself, and then designated another meteor **** to check on the giant deer.

This arrangement is mainly because he has a fifth-order strength and is not afraid of a sneak attack by Rolta.

You must know that Rorta has a fourth-order divine body, and after using the giant ape\'s anima to increase, he has a fifth-order strength.

After the leader of the team made arrangements, he and another Meteor God moved quickly, leaving their respective giant beasts and flying towards the giant ape and giant deer respectively.

This scene was naturally seen clearly by Julu.

It hurriedly transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "Engong, the owner of the giant dog is flying towards me, you are ready."