Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1033: Anima of 3 beasts

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After entering the cave of the ruins, the giant tortoise went all the way down, keeping a distance and following the tiger-shaped behemoth in front.

While walking, the giant tortoise suddenly transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "Lin Yu, the tiger-shaped behemoth, the giant ape and the flying beast have all stopped."

"Why stop?" Lin Yulian asked.

"Wait for me to take a good look." The giant tortoise replied, and after speaking, it fell silent, concentrating on sensing the environment in the distance.

After a while, the giant tortoise said again: "There is a dead end ahead."

"Dead end?" Lin Yu wondered.

"Yes." The giant tortoise responded, and then explained in detail.

After listening to the description of the giant tortoise, Lin Yu finally realized that there was a huge square-like open space in front of him.

But this square is surrounded by closed rock walls on three sides, and only the side facing him and the giant tortoise has a way.

Of course, those three sides cannot be said to be completely closed.

There is still a road, but it is very, very small compared to the giant beast, and can only allow normal creatures to pass.

That is to say, the behemoth cannot move on, but man can move on.

It is because of this that giant tigers, giant apes and flying giants have to stop.

"Lin Yu, what should I do now?"

After clarifying the situation, the giant tortoise asked.

"In this case..." Lin Yu thought for a while, and then said, "Put me down, then leave here and go back to the ground."

Since there is a dead end ahead, Uga, Guxin and the others can only leave the giant beast and move forward alone if they want to move on.

That is to say, in the next journey, the giant tortoise can\'t help him much.

Also, if the giant tortoise stayed in the square like the tiger-shaped giant beast and the flying giant beast, it would be prone to accidents if the Meteor God came over.

Lin Yu felt that since Roerta and his giant ape would come here, it is possible for other meteorites to find this place.

When they discover this place and come here to see the giant tortoise, they will know that they have come here first.

Lin Yu didn\'t want other meteor gods to know that he was here, so he had to let the giant tortoise leave this place and return to the ground.

Anyway, the giant tortoise is a free giant beast and can act on its own. If you need it, you can contact it through voice transmission at any time.

"Okay, then I\'ll go up first." The giant tortoise replied: "I\'ll scout the surrounding environment on the ground, and I\'ll let you know if there is any situation."

"This is better." Lin Yu said happily.

After practicing meditation, the giant tortoise has an extremely huge sensing range and can perceive situations that are very far away.

Therefore, there are giant tortoises scouting outside, so you can control every move around the ruins.

Which giant beasts are coming, and which meteor gods are on the giant beasts, you can know all of them.

This will greatly benefit your next actions.

Afterwards, Lin Yu flew away from the giant tortoise and continued to move forward, while the giant tortoise returned along the same path to the surface.

In this way, the two sides moved in opposite directions, and soon Lin Yu flew to the square just mentioned by the giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise returned to the surface smoothly and left the ruins.

on the square.

Lin Yufei was at a high place, overlooking the giant tiger-shaped beast, the giant ape, and the flying beast in front of him.

He had to take a good look to see if the Meteor Gods such as Uga, Guxin, and Rorta had left their respective giant beasts.

At this moment, the three giant beasts were all motionless, standing there like statues.

Lin Yu flew around them several times, and finally was 100% sure that the Meteor Gods on the three beasts had already left the beasts.

Then, he flew against the wall of this huge square, looking for the path that the giant tortoise just mentioned.

After flying around and searching carefully, Lin Yu found a total of thirteen passages.

"So many passages, where did they go?"

This is very worrying. I am alone, and it is impossible to try one channel after another, right?

"No, there\'s simply not enough time. By the time I find the right channel, maybe things will be over."

Lin Yu quickly gave up the idea of ​​finding the right channel.

After all, in the current situation, this approach is not advisable.

Thinking of this, he slowly turned his head and looked at the three abyss beasts again.

He suddenly thought in his heart that the Meteor Gods who enslaved these three giant beasts are not here, and it is a good time to take the opportunity to absorb anima.

If you want to modify the fifth-order divine body to the sixth-order divine body next, you have to collect enough energy of 1.6 million yuan of spiritual crystals.

But now there are only tens of thousands of yuan of spiritual energy, and the gap is huge.

Therefore, any opportunity to absorb anima cannot be missed.

"For me, Yuanneng is strength, so I don\'t need to rush to find out what Gu Xin is looking for. First absorb the Xinneng of these giant beasts."

"Otherwise, once the opportunity is missed, you won\'t know when you want to wait."

Lin Yu made up his mind and decided to ignore Gu Xin and Uga\'s affairs, and honestly absorb the energy first.

Even if Gu Xin and Wu Ga gained some treasures from the ruins, it had nothing to do with them.

This trip can successfully absorb the anima of these giant beasts, even if it is a success.

Without further thinking, Lin Yu quickly turned back and flew towards the three-headed beast.

But halfway through the flight, he suddenly remembered something.


"As long as I start absorbing the anima of the giant beast, it won\'t be long before the owner of this giant beast will find out."

Lin Yu almost forgot about this important thing.

You must know that those Meteor Gods carry soul boxes with them. Once the heart energy of giant beasts is lost, they can sense it through the soul boxes.

"If they find the situation, they will definitely come to check the situation, and then..."

At that time, I will either kill the Meteorite who came to check the situation, or I can only stop the behavior of absorbing anima, and then take the initiative to avoid it.

Lin Yu was lost in thought.

After thinking about it, he suddenly had an idea and came up with a wonderful idea.

"Yes!" Lin Yu was overjoyed, "If they come here, I will be able to know which passage they entered!"

When the owner of the behemoth came back to check the situation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was bound to return along the same path.

At that time, as long as you look at which channel the other party came out of, you will naturally know which channel is the right way.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu resolutely flew to the giant ape in Rolta, and he decided to start absorbing anima from the giant ape.

Because Luo Erta and Uga and Abu are the two meteor gods together, and he absorbed the anima of the giant ape, Luo Erta will find out the situation, and then tell Gu Xin, causing Gu Xin to be alert.

Later, when he went to absorb the anima of the tiger-shaped behemoth, Gu Xin would definitely not be able to sit still and would send Abu over to check the situation.

In this way, he can find the correct channel according to Abu\'s whereabouts.

As for Gusin\'s flying beast...

Lin Yu thought about it and decided not to fight the flying beast this time, because doing so would easily make things beyond his control.
