Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1012: Go to the center of the abyss

"As long as you know."

The two Meteor Gods said this, which was a tacit agreement with Lin Yu\'s words.

Lin Yu calculated in his heart.

Now that the other party asks him to join on the back of the tiger-shaped behemoth, he has to think carefully about what the other party\'s idea is.

Could it be that after he surrounded himself, he would shoot and kill him together?

After all, when it comes to the tiger-shaped behemoth, one of the twelve fourth-order meteor gods can become a fifth-order meteorite with the help of the tiger-shaped behemoth\'s heart energy.

In other words, when the time comes, he will have to face one fifth-order meteorite **** and eleven fourth-order meteorites.

This kind of strength comparison, I really can\'t get any benefits.

Of course, in addition to one fifth-order divine body, there are also three first-order divine bodies. If you really want to make a move, you can still prevail.

After weighing it for a while, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant turtle and asked, "Have you found any trace of the flying giant beast?"

"No." The giant turtle replied immediately.


Lin Yu frowned secretly.

At this time, the two Meteor Gods came over and said: "If you don\'t want to come to the back of the tiger-shaped behemoth, then we will change the way."

"You drive your giant beast to approach our giant beast, and then we meet in the middle of the beast\'s circle."


After the two Meteor Gods finished speaking, they asked.

As soon as Lin Yu heard it, isn\'t this the same as the way the abyss overlord did at that time?

The abyss overlord is to make all the giant beasts form a circle, and then everyone gathers in the middle of the circle.

In this way, everyone is at a distance from their own giant beast, and cannot use the anima of the giant beast to increase their power.

"Lin Yu, have you thought about it?"

Seeing that Lin Yu was slow to make a decision, the two meteor gods asked again through voice transmission.

Seeing that they kept urging, Lin Yu said, "Then the second way, everyone\'s giant beasts form a circle and gather in the center of the circle."

This method is relatively safe, and it is easier to gain the upper hand yourself.

"Okay, then form a circle."

The two Meteor Gods agreed immediately, appearing very sincere.

This made Lin Yu wonder if he was thinking too much.

Without hesitation, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise and let it approach the opponent\'s giant beast.

After he finished speaking, he warned again: "I will wait until all the Meteor Gods come out before going over."

"In this way, the eleven giant beasts will not be controlled by the Meteor God, and will not be able to stop your footsteps."

This must be considered in advance, because once the giant tortoise is trapped, it means that it is trapped.

boom boom-

In the sound of loud noises, the giant beasts gradually moved closer and gradually formed a circle.

Among them, Lin Yu\'s giant tortoise walked the slowest, until the circle was formed, it slowly went over to fill the vacancy.


After the eleven giant beasts stopped, the meteor gods above flew out one after another and gathered towards the giant circle in the middle.

Lin Yu asked the giant tortoise to carefully observe the number, and after confirming that all the twelve meteorites had arrived, he flew out of the palace and joined them in the past.

While flying, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise: "You continue to search for the trace of the flying giant beast, and as soon as you sense it appears, send it to me immediately."

"Okay." The giant turtle replied.

Lin Yu didn\'t say more, and quickly converged towards the twelve meteorites.

During the flight, he was also observing the shape of the eleven giant beasts, speculating about where the artificial blood vessels on their bodies would be.

After flying like this for a while, Lin Yu came to the twelve meteor gods.

"He is Lin Yu!"

The two Meteor Gods who had just talked to Lin Yu introduced the other Meteor Gods.

All the meteor gods looked at Lin Yu one after another.

At this time, the two Meteor Gods continued to speak: "From now on, he will work for San Yijia God Venerable together like us."

As soon as the voice fell, all the Meteor Gods gave a welcome welcome.

However, no matter how Lin Yu listened, he felt that their words were a little insincere.

"These guys must have ghosts." Lin Yu secretly said in his heart.

While thinking about it, he carefully observed the twelve Fallen Gods.

If you just infer from the breath, it seems that these twelve meteor gods really only have the fourth-order **** body.

In this way, the two meteor gods who enslaved the tiger-shaped beast just didn\'t lie.

At this time, the two meteor gods who controlled the giant tiger-shaped beast began to introduce the names of each meteor **** to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu found that these Meteor Gods did not take names like Abyss Overlord or Abyss God Lord, but used their original names.

He guessed in his heart that it was probably because they were afraid that such a name would be too domineering and overshadow San Yijia\'s name.

After all, these Meteor Gods are all serving San Yijia.

"Lin Yu, Sanyijia God Venerable is now in the center of the abyss, and we will go there now."

The two meteor gods who controlled the giant tiger-shaped beast said to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu thought about it and said, "Okay."

Judging from the current situation, these meteor gods don\'t seem to want to do something to him.

Of course, it\'s hard to say what will happen after the center of the abyss.

But Lin Yu felt that it was useless to think about it so much now, let\'s follow them to the center of the abyss first.

"Then let\'s go now."

The two meteor gods who controlled the tiger-shaped beast gave an order and turned around and flew towards their respective beasts.

Seeing this, Lin Yu also turned around and flew to the giant tortoise.

When he returned to the throne and sat down, the other giant beasts had already raised their feet and started to follow the tiger-shaped giant beast.

"Follow them."

Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant turtle.

The giant tortoise had no objection, and moved his limbs to follow at the back of the team.

"Lin Yu, from the contact with them, do you think they can be trusted?"

asked the giant tortoise.

"No." Lin Yu said decisively: "I don\'t believe them, and even I don\'t think their so-called center of the abyss does not exist."

"Then why are you still with them?"

the giant tortoise asked again.

"There is no choice now." Lin Yu said, "I have to find a way to go to the eternal paradise, and I can\'t stay in the abyss forever."

"Follow them now and have a look at ~www.novelhall.com~ maybe there will be some gains."

The main reason is that the abyss is too big. If you only rely on giant tortoises and yourself to search for enslaved giant beasts, you don\'t know how long it will take to get enough energy to modify the divine body.

You must know that to strengthen the fifth-order divine body to the sixth-order divine body now requires a full 1.6 million yuan of spiritual energy.

With such a large number, it is not easy to get together.

Also, even if you collect all these energy, you will only modify the divine body to the sixth order, and the seventh order, eighth order, and ninth order will not be counted on at all.

Because the elemental energy required for each modification of the first order will double, and the amount of elemental energy required later will be more and more, and it is impossible to collect so much elemental energy in this abyss.

Therefore, Lin Yu had no choice, so he decided to join San Yijia\'s camp first to see if he could get some useful information from him.

In this way, the twelve giant beasts lined up as a long dragon and moved forward rapidly under the leadership of the tiger-shaped behemoth.