Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1011: join in

"It\'s really rare to have amnesia."

The two Meteor Gods were speechless.

After that, they looked at Lin Yu and asked, "What are your plans now?"

"No plans, I\'ve been wandering around now." Lin Yu replied.

"If you don\'t plan, how about joining us?"

The Meteor God on the left asked.

"Oh? What price do I have to pay for joining you, and what benefits can I get?" Lin Yu asked.

The two Meteor Gods looked at each other, and then the Meteor God on the right said: "The only price is that from now on you must obey the words of God San Yijia, and must not disobey his orders."

"If there are benefits, there are more. The most important one is that after you join us, you will have the opportunity to return to the eternal paradise."

As soon as his voice fell, the Meteor God on the left nodded again and again.

Afterwards, the two Meteor Gods looked at Lin Yu quietly, waiting for him to make a decision.

Lin Yu was lost in thought.

The thing that bothers him the most right now is how exactly San Yijia\'s father is related to Won.

If they were friends with each other, then joining San Yijia\'s camp by themselves would be like a sheep\'s mouth.

And if they were hostile to each other, it would be a good choice to join San Yijia\'s camp.

After all, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

As for saying that after joining, you have to obey San Yijia, this is not a big problem.

the reason is simple.

Whether or not to obey someone\'s words depends on the strength of the individual.

If the strength is weak, there is no room for negotiation at all, and if the strength is strong, it can completely turn against the customer.

Of course, Lin Yu wanted to join San Yijia\'s camp mainly because he wanted to know something about the eternal paradise through San Yijia.

Especially when it comes to meta.

"Everything has to pay a price." Lin Yu secretly said in his heart: "Just join them first, and take a step by step."

Thinking of this, Lin Yu said to the two meteorites, "Okay, I\'ll join you."

When the two Fallen Gods heard this, they immediately showed joy.

The Meteor God on the left said, "Come on, come with us to meet the other Meteor Gods."

The other Meteor Gods in his mouth refer to those Meteor Gods gathered in the distance behind him.

Lin Yu asked, "How many of you are there?"

"Counting us, there are twelve people in total, and there are eleven giant beasts in total." A meteorite replied.

As soon as Lin Yu heard it, he thought that he didn\'t lie about the number of giant beasts, but he didn\'t know if the number of Meteor Gods was true.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu asked again, "What is your strength?"

"We all have Tier 4 Divine Body." The Falling God replied again.

Lin Yu thought to himself that this would be twelve fourth-order meteorites and eleven enslaved giant beasts.

"Any questions?" asked the meteorite **** on the right.

"It\'s gone for now."

Lin Yu replied.

"Okay, then let\'s go over and get to know each other first, and then we\'ll take you to see God Venerable San Yijia."

The Meteor God on the right said.

Lin Yu had no objection, turned around and flew towards the Dadi Cave.

Even if they choose to join them now, they cannot let them know that their behemoth is a free beast and has signed a contract with them.

The two meteor gods saw Lin Yu flying towards the earth cave, as if to control the giant tortoise, so they also turned and left, flying back to their tiger-shaped behemoth.

It didn\'t take long for the two giant beasts to step forward one after another, walking towards the gathering point of the Meteor Gods in the distance.

in the palace.

on the throne.

Lin Yu said to the giant tortoise: "Wait, take a look at it, find a good position, don\'t be surrounded by those enslaved giant beasts, so you can run anytime you want."


The giant tortoise responded, and then asked, "You don\'t trust them?"

"I don\'t trust them, I always feel that they are with Gu Xin and Yuan." Lin Yu replied.

"Then you still want to go with them?" the giant tortoise asked curiously.

Lin Yu explained: "I\'m not sure if the guess in my heart is right now, so I can only test the risk. Otherwise, if we sit still like this, nothing will happen."

He still held at least half of the hope in his heart, betting that San Yijia\'s father and Yuan were rivals.

Seeing that Lin Yu said this, the giant tortoise stopped talking, and followed the tiger-shaped giant beast in front of him.

The two giant beasts came one after the other, and soon came to the vicinity of the gathering point of the Meteor God.

"What monsters are there?"

Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to the giant turtle and asked.

At this time he was not suspended in the giant tortoise

On the Turtle Back Continent, so I couldn\'t see what the giant beasts were in front of me, so I could only ask the giant tortoise.

After all, the giant tortoise has a contractual relationship with him, not a relationship of slavery and slavery.

If it is the latter relationship, then he can directly observe the situation ahead with the help of the giant tortoise\'s five senses.

"There\'s a monitor lizard, a giant snake, a..."

The giant tortoise quickly told Lin Yu what he saw.

After hearing this, Lin Yu nodded secretly, thinking about the plan in his heart.

But at this moment, the giant tortoise suddenly sent him a voice transmission: "Lin Yu, the giant spider just sent a voice transmission to me, saying that it sensed the flying giant beast, and said that the flying giant beast seems to be flying in our direction."

"Huh?" Lin Yu was alert and hurriedly asked: "Ask it again, where the flying beast is now."

The giant tortoise immediately replied: "It said it didn\'t know. UU reading www.uukanshu.com said that the flying behemoth flashed by within his sensing range, and it should be actively avoiding it."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Yu replied.

The flying giant beast is in a state of enslavement at this time, and it cannot sense other giant beasts by itself. It can only rely on the God of Meteor who enslaved it, that is, Gu Xin, to observe the movements around it.

And the sensing range of the Meteor God is far less than that of the free beast, so it is normal for the flying beast to accidentally break into the sensing range of the giant spider.

Of course, this is not what Lin Yu cares about at this time.

What he was concerned about was why the flying behemoth flew in this direction.

Could it be that Yuan and Sang Yijia, and Sanggu and his son are really together?

"Looks like I\'m going to guess it right."

Lin Yu frowned secretly, and then sent a voice transmission to the giant tortoise: "You feel it carefully to see if the flying giant will really fly here."

"Okay, I\'m looking at the back now," said the giant tortoise.

At this time, the two meteor gods on the tiger-shaped behemoth suddenly sent a voice transmission to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, I will call everyone out later and meet on the back of our tiger-shaped behemoth, and I will introduce you to you."

Lin Yu asked, "Why do you want to go on the back of your tiger-shaped behemoth, can\'t you come to me?"

"I\'m afraid that won\'t work." The two meteor gods explained together: "You are so powerful, everyone is afraid of problems."

"Afraid that I will kill you all?" Lin Yu asked.

It\'s easy to understand that the other party is afraid. After all, he has a fifth-order **** body, and he can also use the giant tortoise\'s anima to increase his power. If he converges on the giant tortoise, it is really easy to kill all the twelve meteor gods.