Exclusive Love from the Ghost Husband

C255 I have my own chick now

The world was quiet, and everything was still. It was as if we were the only two people left in this world, and there was no room for anything else but each other.

I looked at Bai Jing from start to finish, Bai Jing also looked at me, I forgot to see the crowd's reaction.

Fortunately, it was very quiet. Only our singing echoed in the imperial garden.

When the song ended, there were tears in the corners of my eyes and a gratified smile at the corner of my mouth.

Some of the girls below immediately covered their faces with handkerchiefs and cried.

"What a sad story. What a moving story." A woman in a pink dress whimpered beneath it.

"Good song, such as resentment or admiration, it is as if you are crying and complaining." The good song, such as grievance and admiration, is as such, such as crying and complaining. Young Master Mo Yan's zither is even more amazing. " Chen Yangguo's prince stood up and clapped.

This prince had once again caught my attention. I think he smiled at me, but he also nodded politely towards me in greeting. It had nothing to do with wind and moon.

"As expected, our country has a plethora of talented people." The emperor opened his mouth and said a "reward". Bai Jing and I thanked him before turning around and walking to our respective seats.

"This won't do, I have to abandon the Young Master Qi! The Prince Jing is even better!" Immediately, the lecherous girls' words changed.

"Even the Prince Jing is not as cold as the rumors say. Look at his gaze just now, it's filled with deep love. If I were to be stared at like that by him, my life would not have been lived in vain!"

"Don't you guys think this princess is the prince's adopted sister? Why do I feel like they're lovers?"


"However, I would rather hope for them to be together. Look at that Baili Princess's face, it's really interesting."

It was rare for me to hear a voice that was pleasing to my ears, so I unintentionally looked in the direction of the intense discussion.

It was a young girl wearing a light blue butterfly dress. She looked young, around 15 years old.

"That's right, that Baili Ningxiang will never marry anyone but the Duke. If she really marries into the Xia Rong Country, we'll be screwed.

"I feel a chill just listening to Baili Princess. I don't want her to marry the Prince, how can an immortal prince be tainted?" I was shocked by this shocking statement.

I originally had a piece of meat in my mouth, but after being frightened, I immediately choked and violently coughed.

From the sound of it, I could tell that it was the woman who said it. Her tone made it sound like she was talking about a flower stuck in cow dung. I found it extremely interesting.

"This girl is too funny, I really like her." I said, coughing.

Next to me is the white scene, the white scene patted my back, to my satisfaction.

"Look, look! The prince is giving the princess a pat on the back. He's so gentle and so fitting." the girl said excitedly.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry from her actions. At first, I thought that it was nothing.

"Can you hear them?" Bai Jing looked at me in confusion.

Only then did I realize that I was the only one who heard it. No wonder Bai Jing looked so calm.

However, I forgot that my senses were more sensitive than anyone else's.

"Oh, my hearing is a bit better than ordinary people." I nodded.

It was no longer uncomfortable, so I sat back down and straightened my back.

Bai Jing looked at me worriedly. Then it was done.

"Why is the two of them not interacting? Did you hear what we said?" The little girl's voice floated into his ear again.

"That can't be, we are so far away, how can we possibly hear it?" The others immediately denied it.

"But I keep having the feeling that the princess is looking at us. Forget it, don't be so quiet."

The roots of his ears instantly cleared. I'm not used to it yet.

"Yu Xing, Yu Xing." I was in the midst of a boring struggle with a lion's head when I heard the call of the moon.

I turned my head, and Xiao Yue waved her hands excitedly behind me. Yu'er, who was sitting at the same table, also looked at me with a happy expression.

"Hey." I also excitedly greeted them.

I was about to get up when Bai Jing grabbed my hand and asked me with his own eyes.

"I'll go and drink with them." I expressed myself by comparing the language of the hands with Bai Jing's.

Bai Jing hesitated for a moment. With a pitiful begging expression on his face, Bai Jing finally let go of me.

I happily held up my skirt and slipped away.

When I went in, I found that she had drunk a lot of wine and was a little tipsy.

"Big Sis, how much did you drink? Didn't I tell you to restrain yourself? I've helped you build your image with great effort."

I wailed.

"It's fine, I'm happy. Yu Xing, tonight is my happiest night. Come, cheers!" She held up her glass and handed it to me. It was full.

"Cheers." I happily took the bottle of dissolving moon.

Our cups bumped into each other countless times. Yu Er was a real lady from a famous family who couldn't drink, so she just smiled and looked at us from the side.

"Both of you, watch out. Don't get drunk." Yu'er looked worriedly at the two of us.

"It's fine, I can't get drunk. This is fruit wine, and the taste is the same as the drink. It's not even as good as our beer. I wasn't drunk before." I write with my hand.

"Drink, beer, what are you talking about, Yu Xing? Are you drunk?" She waved her hand in front of my eyes.

"How could that be possible? Besides, what's there to be afraid of? We're all happy." I laughed wantonly.

She and I looked at each other, smiled, and continued to drink our wine, talking and laughing.

"The way the princess drinks is so nice to watch. She's someone I like after all. I admire her." Just as I was enjoying my drink, the woman began to speak again.

My hands trembled, and the wine in my glass scattered. I held my forehead. Could it be that this girl has a problem with her sexual orientation and likes girls?

"Sister Xiang, are you alright?" Yu'er worriedly held my hand.

"It's nothing. I accidentally swayed a little." I smiled.

The banquet lasted until late at night. After I drank one cup after the other, both of us had a blushing look on our faces.

"The two of you are blushing too much. Stop drinking and go home." Hong'er snatched the wine glass from our hands.

"Where's the person? Why is there no one else?" I looked up and saw that there was no one on the other side.

"Where is there no one? So many people … Eh, why do all of them look the same?" With a drowsy look, she stretched out her finger and placed it on the empty table.

I looked in the direction of her hand. There was no one there. When I saw that her eyes were blurry and her head was swaying, it was as though she was drinking fake wine. She looked cute and adorable.

Looking at her expression, I couldn't help but laugh.