Exclusive Love from the Ghost Husband

C254 stunning

The emperor is obviously someone who has seen the world, yet so many beauties can still remain so calm, unlike others, who are too vulgar. I silently thought in my heart, and my impression of the emperor improved a little.

"Yu Xing, I did it. I did it." The moment I came out, she excitedly hugged me and tears flowed down my face. I couldn't help but shiver.

"Hmm, I said you can do it, but you don't believe me. Did you see the expressions of those people below? They are currently regretting their underestimation of you. I'm afraid even their intestines have turned green from regret." I had a face full of smiles as well, as I was extremely happy for her.

"But your fifth brother isn't breathtaking." She looked a little disappointed.

"My fifth brother is just a military general. He spends his days with a few tough elders. He seems to have become a little silly. There will be a lot of time in the future." I comforted her guiltily. If fifth brother knew that I evaluated him like that, would he die of anger?

"How could that be? Your fifth brother is a hero who thinks he's proficient in martial arts, but he doesn't seem to be different like the others. If he is like the others, then doesn't that mean he's also a shallow person?" She straightened her back, a relieved smile on her face as she regained her confidence.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I looked at the sometimes cloudy and sometimes clear woman. Although she looked fierce on the surface, her heart was pure, kind, and lacking scheming. This was really the best choice for her sister-in-law.

I looked at her father and mother. Their faces were brimming with excitement and pride, and they were grinning from ear to ear.

He looked like a loving couple. It was only because of these parents that they were able to bring up such an innocent girl in this feudal and pedantic era.

"Yanyue, no matter who marries you in the future, it will be the greatest fortune of his life." I took her hand and said solemnly.

"Who would be the lucky one to marry you? If you were my sister, I would definitely love you to death. No, if you were a man, I would definitely marry you." Yan Yue's face was filled with infatuation.

"Then what about Fifth Bro? Who do you want to choose?" I looked at her playfully.

Xiao Yue pondered this seriously, "That depends on your performance. I'll take the one who treats me well." She laughed heartily.

"You're really greedy."

She had a happy smile on her face. I hastily pulled her back, "Restraint! You are a lady now. You should smile tactfully."

She immediately closed her mouth and used her hands to cover it as she smiled like a lady.

"Forget it, you should still be more normal. I feel uncomfortable watching you laugh like this." I helplessly said that she was a lady.

But I was used to her usual sloppy manner, and now I felt goosebumps all over my body.

When she saw my face full of resistance, she immediately became unhappy and rolled her eyes at me. On the contrary, I found her eyes to be even more pleasing to the eye.

"Alright, it's Qi Mo." When I saw that a few people had already walked up to me, I immediately stopped my teasing, which was about to start again.

The Moon Soluble God and I simultaneously looked at Qi Mo.

Qi Mo went up. The crowd was restless again

Isn't this the Young Master Qi? Could it be that he wants to perform?

"It can't be, is the Qi family running out of money?"

"However, his clothes are so strange, yet inexplicably beautiful."

"Really? I want to ask him too."

These were the comments from the young masters of the aristocratic families. They were relatively ordinary, but the ladies were not as calm.

"It's the number one merchant, Young Master Qi. "So handsome."

"As for the other young masters, they look pretty good too."

"Oh my god, they're dancing!"

"So beautiful! I've never seen such a dance before. So beautiful!"

"I want to marry to Young Master Qi."

"I don't have high hopes for the Young Master Qi. Even if it's any other person, they would be excellent."

I was shocked hearing that, I thought only modern girls would be infatuated, but who would have thought that these Miss Venerable s, who normally never step out of the door, would actually be infatuated with their ancestors when the ladies of the famous sects went crazy.

"Girls, these words are said without shame, the people of Xia Rong Country are really uneducated."

Amidst the praises, a very discordant voice came out. I didn't even need to look to know that it was Baili Ningxiang who was complaining again.

I was speechless. This woman was so excited when she saw this. She jumped up and down in anger, yet she had the nerve to scold others.

"She's everywhere!" I muttered.

"Ignore her, she's free, she's so jealous, she's just jealous of our Xia Rong Country." She took my arm to comfort me.

Very quickly, Qi Mo and the others finished singing and dancing, and also burst into applause, which continued for a long time.

"Qi Mo, we didn't know you had such an ability before, but it looks like you are going to capture the hearts of the women in our Xia Rong Country." The Emperor held a glass of wine in his hand and smiled.

"Of course, the Emperor is the most perfect person in the hearts of the women in Xia Rong Country." Qi Mo laughed and said, his handsome face was covered with a thin layer of perspiration.

"Hahaha, your mouth is awesome. Reward." The emperor waved his hand, and all of them retreated in gratitude.

"How is it, did I catch your attention, is this young master handsome to the point of exploding," Qi Mo said narcissistically.

After being together with me for a long time, Qi Mo spoke in a tone that was similar to that of a modern man.

"Just barely. It's just that it's a bit too coquettish." She Yue Mu looked at Qi Mo and said disdainfully.

"What do you know about me being both soft and strong?" Qi Mo said unhappily.

"Alright, elder sister, it's your turn. You guys can slowly argue. Remember to clap when you want to." I looked at the two of them, then stepped forward.

Bai Jing had always been by my side, but in front of everyone, Bai Jing was like an iceberg that hadn't melted in a thousand years.

"Big brother, you have to remember to watch me later. We need to interact to be able to move others." Bai Jing and I walked side by side as we softly warned each other.

"Yes." Bai Jing made a sound with his nose. I feel helpless, so I might as well leave it to fate.

Bai Jing and I went in together and there was a collective intake of breath.

I almost fell down. Was it just the two of us acting? Was it really worth it?

Not only others, even the Emperor and Fifth Brother, who had always been as calm as water, had faces full of shock.

Fifth brother was filled with disbelief and curiosity. The Emperor's eyes were complicated, and I couldn't make out what he was saying. There was surprise, unwillingness, and confusion in his eyes.

Ignoring the gazes of others, I looked at Bai Jing who was beside me. Bai Jing happened to see me as well.

The hubbub was gone in an instant, and our eyes were only for each other.

The sound of a zither cut through the silence. Mo Yan was playing on the side and was thinking with an extremely powerful musician from the music-shop.

One zither and one flute, the two voices entangled with each other, telling a beautiful love story.