Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 108

Thunder and rain.

It came from a long distance, with low and dull thunder, which kept rolling in his ears.

In a trance, he felt that he was lying on a small, narrow sofa, because his hand touched the soft cloth under his body, which was full of a damp smell.

Not only that, he felt the ground vibrate, accompanied by the rolling wheels and the roar of trains.

Where am I?

He asked himself this, and then he felt that he should open his eyes and look at his environment. However, his body was so heavy that it was so hard to open his eyelids, and his breathing became difficult. It was like drowning in the deep sea.

His mind was blank and he didn't know what to do. He was at a loss and confused. At this moment, he heard the footsteps.

The patter of footsteps

But the voice was very slow, as if it was walking very slowly. It was not too much to describe it as tortoise speed. He listened to the footstep sound from far to near, and it seemed that he slowly came to his side. Then he felt flustered. The owner of the footstep gave him a sense of inexplicable fear. He wanted to open his eyes to see who it was, but he had no strength.

The footsteps stopped by his side.

Then he heard the breath again. It was the breath of a stranger, which was very close to him. He felt that the breath almost sounded on his head. He soon realized that the stranger was bending down to observe him. He could even feel the heat from the other person's breath.

Fear unconsciously deepened, he tried to mobilize his body, he wanted to move, open his eyes, action!

Because he felt the danger!

Sure enough, the next second, the terrible stranger stretched out his hand and pinched his neck!

He clearly felt the strength of these hands. It was a pair of very rough hands. The nails were very long and almost pinched into his flesh! Pain and suffocation began to attack his body. He wanted to struggle and struggle violently, but his hands and feet were still unable to move, and the pain was increasing unilaterally!

Will die, I will die!

Fear almost permeates the whole brain.

At this time, he seemed to hear a voice, the terrible murderer who held his neck was lowering his head, squatting in his ear and saying to him in a low voice and sneering voice:

"will you do anything to survive?"

Then he was scared to open his eyes, his body like a spring jump, sweating on the sofa.

It turned out to be a nightmare.

"It was a nightmare..." He mumbled to himself, stupidly stupefied for a long time, and then began to observe his surrounding environment. He found that he seemed to be in a train, an empty train, and he was in a certain carriage of the train, sitting on a sofa seat looking very old.

The sofa seat is the kind of old-fashioned black leather sofa seat, but it is covered with white sofa cover. The white sofa cover looks like it has not been washed for a long time. There are some dark brown marks on it, large and large, which make people think of dried blood.

The carriage is very crowded, the seats are densely arranged on the left and right sides, and the aisle in the middle is narrow enough for only one person to pass through. This dense arrangement always makes people feel suffocating.

What's more, it looks strange inside the car.

On the ground, there are a lot of melon seed shells, chewing betel nuts, smoked cigarette ends, and all kinds of scattered melon and fruit skins. There is a small table fixed on the wall between the two sofa seats. There are all kinds of water bottles, eaten things, scattered cards, and even some steaming instant noodles in barrels.

There are some bags and backpacks on the sofa seat, and all kinds of suitcases are packed on the top of the luggage rack.

Is it strange that there is such a situation in the whole carriage?

Yes, it's strange! It's like the car was full of people the second before, people crowded into narrow seats to eat, play cards, or huddle up to sleep and have fun during the journey. And then the next second, all the people disappeared, and what they ate, what they used, their luggage, they left in the car.

This strange feeling makes people shiver all over.

He tossed his head and got up from the sofa seat. He felt that he had noticed and forgotten a lot.

By the way, what have I forgotten?

He couldn't help thinking, what time is it now? How many years, how many days? What time and minute? And why did he appear on the train, or even sleep in this strange carriage? He unconsciously looked down at his body and found that he was wearing a suit Well, it's like a patient's uniform, but it's gray blue, and it feels more like a prison uniform.

There were a lot of pockets on the clothes, and there was an embroidered name plate on the chest, on which was engraved a string of English words. He could barely understand the meaning of "R" - crow.

Crow?Don't understand, he simply reached out his pocket all over, half a day only to find a piece of paper.

A small piece of paper printed with purple patterns, with rows of words written on it. He squinted at the note and saw the beginning of the note as follows:

[brave adventurer:]

[you are on a train, you have lost your memory, lost your strength and skills, and you are in danger of life. 】

[the train will run for six hours and crash on the cliff of the terminal station after six hours. If you can't escape the two trains within six hours, you will go to hell with the train. 】

[the train has thirteen cars, and you are now in the last carriage, which is the carriage at the end of the train. 】

[every carriage of the train is closed, and the doors and windows can not be damaged. The door can only be opened when the key is found. By the way, the train can be stopped only by going to the operation room of the locomotive. 】

[each car is a secret room of * * and has a unique key. There is information about the location of the key on the door between the cars. 】

[you have four companions in the same situation as you, deprived of memory and power. But three of them are your true accomplices. Before you lose your memory, you are the best friends of life and death, and the remaining one - a murderer of extreme ferocity. 】

[you may recover your memory, but most of it can only be recalled before you die. By the way, only the murderer is special, and he may recover his memory at any time. 】

[don't trust anyone, including yourself. 】

after turning over the note, there is only one sentence on the back of the note, which is inexplicably familiar:

"will you do anything to survive?"

This sentence made him shiver again, and he felt some inexpressible panic in his heart. Is the thing written on this note true? He's now locked in a train, lost his memory, and will die in six hours? And there are four other people in the car who are in the same situation as him. One of them is still a murderer?

These perceptions made him think of the dream, the terrible dream. In the dream, he still seems to be the poor man who can't move. He is severely pinched by the throat, watching death approaching him, but he has no resistance.

"You look like me." At the moment when he was confused and disoriented, a voice suddenly rang out beside him. He immediately looked back and was surprised to find that there was a man sitting on the sofa next to him!

"Who are you?" He was frightened, because until the man made a noise just now, he didn't find any other person in the car except himself! This man is just like appearing here out of thin air!

"You don't have to worry. Actually, I've been lying on the sofa behind you. When you wake up, I almost wake up. You're so focused on the note that you don't find me."

The man saw through his mind at a glance, smiling and explaining.

He found that the man would have dimples on his face when he laughed He looks cute and looks small. He looks like a teenager at a glance. He has a gentle temperament, but There was something strange about him.

"My name is owl." The man said so, and pointed to the plaque on his chest, which was engraved with a string of English - L - meaning owl.

"We are all amnesia, this kind of amnesia is man-made, so in order to prevent us from being confused and difficult to address each other, we have temporarily given us a name."

Name? He could not help but look down at his chest that engraved with the English word crow plaque, and then some vigilant inquiry asked: "how do you know this English meaning? I mean, to address each other? "

"Because I'm smarter than you are." As like as two peas, he had waved his hand, and he had a similar purple pattern on his hand. "We wear the same clothes, leaving the same note on the body, with almost the same note on it, and we will die if we do not run away from the train for six hours."

"But it's also written on this note that one of us is a murderer, and we may have been killed in less than six hours." So the crow said - it's time to call him a crow. Before he thought of his real name, he could only use such a ridiculous name.

"But how do you know that the so-called murderer is bound to kill?" Owl smile response, his eyes are very deep, look at the crow eyes also show a strange, crow found that the man's ear actually wearing a black stud.

"You see, I can't remember anything now. I can't remember what time it is, what date it is today, what I did yesterday and what I'll do afterwards. I can't remember my name, my relatives and friends, what I've done since I was little, and I can't remember anything."

The owl murmured, but strangely, the crow could not hear the panic in the man's voice. Generally speaking, would he not be afraid or nervous after amnesia? Like the crow himself, from the moment he woke up, he felt nothing but bewilderment and fear."Why aren't you afraid?" Because of doubt, the crow had to try again on the owl. He couldn't believe a stranger! It's possible, though, that before they lose their memory, they're really close friends of some kind.

But in the absence of memory and emotional support, the man is just a strange stranger to the crow.

"Afraid?" The owl tilted its head, and he laughed again. He was very cute, and his face gave him credit. But the crow felt that the strange smell of the man was getting stronger and stronger.

"We don't need to be afraid. It's just a game, even if it's a game of life." The owl said, "you know what? In the condition of losing all memories, what is exposed is the most real nature. "

"The reason why human beings can form consciousness is because of the accumulation of memory, memory and wisdom, which enables us to have consciousness. The formation of human character is based on the influence of the environment, the influence of the people around us, and the influence of everything we encounter. This influence forms memories in our minds, so as to shape and change our character. "

The owl suddenly stood up from the sofa seat, which made the crow have to look up at him. The dim light in the carriage reflected on the man, making his smiling face a little gloomy.

"And when we lose these memories, we become compassionate, like wild animals in the cruel nature, just to survive without breaking the means."

The author has something to say: the new copy is open_ (:3」∠)_