Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 107

Sniper failed!

The ghost couldn't figure out how to fail. It was clear that everything was almost in his calculation. In Mingming's telescope, he really hit the target, but he failed. Because the clown fell on the ground for less than a minute, he got up in a trance. The ghost even saw the bullet hole on his forehead, which proved that the ghost's sniping had not failed!

But the enemy is not dead!

The ghost drew out the telescope from the sniper gun and looked at it in surprise through the lens.

The clown's face was even whiter. The clown's makeup, which had been spent, was now stained with his own dark red blood, which looked like a devil crawling out of hell.

Wait, is the blood dark red?

That dark red, sticky blood, it doesn't look like living blood at all.

This guy is a dead man!

The ghost suddenly realized that the clown was a dead man! It is because he has died that he looks completely different from before he was alive. It is because he is dead that his actions can be easily controlled by people. Just like a robot, he can only passively accept orders. Moreover, because he is dead, his body may be developed to the extreme. He does not have to worry about the bearing capacity and consumption of his body to use the kind of excess Ordinary people's skills and reaction speed.

How can I beat this guy?!

The ghost kept asking himself that his sniping had failed, and he had been exposed. At this time, it was the best choice and the worst choice to turn around and run away in order to survive. Because the ghost knew how fast this guy was, he would easily catch up with the ghost and kill him.

However, under the sniper mirror, the ghost finds that the clown is not pursuing himself. He just looks down at the location of the ghost, then turns his head and continues to walk up the spiral staircase.

The ghost hesitated for a moment, reloaded, aimed at the clown and shot again. If the other side does not pursue, the ghost will never be polite.

This shot hit the heart, the clown's body was dull for a moment, and he continued to go up. Even though he was beaten into a sieve, he would not stop his own pace!

The ghost narrowed his eyes and fired two more shots. This time, he shot the other party's leg joint, and his leg bone broke. Let's see how the goods can go. Indeed, the clown in the sniper's mirror tilted and fell to the ground, but soon got up and walked on like nobody was in trouble.

"Damn it!" The ghost threw away his sniper gun. He suddenly felt that he could not waste his time here. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to him. Even if he had several guns in his body, he would not stop for the ghost, and even did not give a look to the ghost.

The ghost reassembled his sniper gun and turned it into a portable pistol. This time, he almost didn't want to hide himself any more. He started to run up the spiral stairs. The clown who was in front of him looked down and found that the ghost was running after him. Juran didn't want to hide himself any more and started running!

In this way, the clown and the ghost, one after the other, seemed to be racing towards the end.

But at the end of the race, gradually, the ghost found that the clown in front of him slowed down, his limbs seemed to start to stiffen, which made his speed very slow, so soon, the ghost gradually kept up with the clown's pace, and began to prepare to surpass him.

After all, it's just a dead man.

It's easy for the ghost to guess why the clown's speed slows down. Generally speaking, after an animal dies, the corpse begins to undergo the stage of postmortem stiffness. At first, the body will gradually become cold, lose normal temperature, and then appear muscle relaxation phenomenon. Within one to three hours of death, stiffness will appear, and in four to six hours it will spread throughout the body.

This rigid phase of the body peaked 12 to 24 hours after death, but gradually eased after 24 hours.

The ghost can't know the exact time of the clown's death, but there must have been three hours. That is to say, this guy has begun to appear stiff after death. The other party's blue skin and brown spots on his neck once again confirmed the ghost's conjecture that the goods were really a corpse.

And I can't even beat a corpse?

The ghost gritted his teeth in secret, but did not dare to be careless. He got closer to the clown in front of him. They were only a few meters away. Moreover, the clown also realized that he was being chased. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the ghost.

As soon as the other party turns his head, the ghost is startled by him.

The clown's makeup on the clown's face has been completely covered by his own dark red blood, but a pair of eyes changed from the original black pupil to gray white, which was particularly frightening. The ghost trembled for a moment, drew out his gun, aimed at the clown in front of him, and approached him step by step.

When he is stiff after death, his muscles will become stiff. If he has to move his body hard, his body will certainly not be as flexible as before. In other words, this seemingly terrible enemy will lose his advantage of his terrible ability of close combat, and even can't make a good counterattack against the attack of ghosts.This is an opportunity for the ghost. Even if the clown can't completely die due to some special forces, during his rigid period, the ghost can push him down the spiral ladder, and his body is so stiff that he can't move even if he wants to move, let alone climb up.

"Do you think you won?"

To the dismay of the ghost, the clown actually spoke, and the muscles on his face seemed to be stiff, and his lips did not seem to move when he spoke.

Not only that, but the ghost found that he was talking like a normal person, which was quite different from the robot like reaction before.

But what about that? The ghost followed with a grim smile: "it doesn't matter whether you win or lose. As long as you have no room to turn over, in the end, you are just a dead man."

"Death It's just the beginning. " The clown twisted his stiff facial muscles and reluctantly showed a smile, accompanied by the bloodstain on his face, looking at more infiltration.

"Then go to hell and start again." The ghost subconsciously just wanted to pull the machine board of his pistol. He knew that the impact force of the bullet was enough to make the goods fall down the stairs, and it was estimated that it would not be able to climb up for a long time.

But the ghost did not expect that the clown still has such a terrible reaction ability at this moment!

Obviously the body has been stiff, but he still suddenly pounced on the ghost! The power is powerful and the speed is extraordinary. All of a sudden, it presses on the ghost's body, and reaches out to hold the ghost's throat.

The clown's strength is very strong. Because he is a corpse, he can press his muscles and bones without any restriction. He doesn't have to worry about his body's wear and tear. What he can't do before he dies can be completed.

The ghost was caught by him by his throat, and suddenly his eyes were blackened. He took the gun and fired several shots at the enemy's chest, but he failed to shoot the clown from him. The clown was extremely calm, pressing the ghost dead and hard with his fingers.

The ghost suffocates, his brain is short of oxygen, he can't breathe, his neck is strangled, which makes him have the illusion that his neck will be broken. However, apocalypse is worthy of apocalypse. Even at this critical moment, the ghost does not forget to fight back. He grabs the clown's clothes and puts the muzzle of the pistol on the clown's forehead.

The clown completely ignores the attack of the other party. He was shot in the head by a ghost sniper gun before, but he did not kill him. Therefore, for the clown, even if he has no head at all, he can still act arrogantly.

But the ghost seemed to win. Even though he had been pinched and his eyes would fall out, he still grinned grimly and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "go die!"

At the same time, he pulled the board off.

The ghost's weapon is a gun, which can be converted into different forms. Naturally, his bullets can also be transformed into different forms. He is good at collecting various kinds of bullets, such as armor piercing bullets, dum bombs, and even biochemical bullets that can carry special viruses.

This kind of bullet was obtained in a special secret room, in which he found a social form and technological development completely different from modern society.

Frankly speaking, the ghost saw another civilization in that chamber.

And this bullet is obtained from that civilization. When the bullet enters the organism, it will start to spread a special virus, which will make any kind of creature start to collapse and disintegrate in just a few seconds. In short, it is like the whole human being suddenly disintegrated, and the body begins to melt and turn into a pool of blood.

It's a terrifying bullet that, even if it's just grazed, can quickly invade your body and leave you dead.

The ghost has never used it since it got it, because it's rare and precious, only one.

But no matter how precious the bullet is, it is no more important than one's own life.

As he expected, the clown screamed and turned into a pool of blood. When he melted, the ghost got rid of the clown's arm in a hurry. Far away from him, the virus of the bio chemical bomb was infectious. If it was too close, the ghost himself would be affected. Fortunately, the virus survived in the air for less than a minute.

Seeing that the enemy had disappeared in front of him, the ghost could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He stepped over the pool of blood and continued to climb up the stairs. Maybe he was pinched too hard by the clown. His neck was blue and blue, and his throat was dumb and speechless. But the ghost's mood was somehow better. He felt that the exit was not far away from him.

As the ghost approached the exit step by step, Luo Jian was also thrown off the high tree trunk by the God. He struggled desperately in the process of falling, and grasped a vine to cushion the trend of his falling. When he thought that he had escaped a disaster, the God jumped down with him and suspended in front of Luo Jian.

The deity was obviously ill intentioned and insisted on letting Luo Jian fall to death. But at this time, Feng Yulan and Duan Li climbed up. Seeing this scene, they naturally rushed to rescue Luo Jian, but they were too far away from each other. So as soon as the God pulled out the vines, Luo Jian immediately continued to fall down again. The trees and vines on the ground were like a giant net woven To welcome the arrival of Luo Jian.At about the same time, the ghost quickly climbed to the top of the spiral staircase. He saw a dark hole in front of him. Outside the hole was a dark chaotic world.

It's the exit!

The ghost was excited, but hesitated. He was not sure whether this was the real exit. What if it was just a trap? It's strange to think of the little boy who saved his life for no reason. The other side disappeared in vain and told the clown to find the exit in front of the ghost. It was strange, as if on purpose.

The ghost stood in front of the dark hole and thought for a while. He couldn't help but get closer to observe it. He almost reached out to touch the darkness. But just as he lifted his wrist, the ghost heard a voice from behind him:

"I said - death is just the beginning."

Just as soon as he heard the sound, the ghost suddenly felt a pain in his back. He could clearly feel that there was a slender knife stabbing into his body from his back, as if it had penetrated the heart.

With one hand on the ghost's shoulder, the ghost looked at it blankly, and found that the clown who had just turned into a pool of blood had appeared, and it was terrible. Half of the clown's body was almost in the melting posture, which was the state of continuous reorganization and continuous melting. In short, it seemed that One is growing and the other is dying.

"You..." As long as he takes the first step forward, he can get out of the ghost's throat.

But the clown easily grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. The ghost fell on the ground so easily. He didn't know what the clown had done to him. He just stabbed him in the back, but this knife stabbed the heart, which made the ghost feel very painful in the chest, and did not know how to describe that terrible feeling.

If you want to escape quickly, you have to be faster

The ghost lies on the ground and raises his head, but the clown next to him drags his steps into the dark exit. The ghost is watching the chaos devour the figure of the clown, just like a piece of people choosing to eat The blood of the beast.

The author has something to say: HOHO (╯)_ This copy has come to an end.