Era of Universal Evolution

~: The first wave of 3 bursts even more! Seek monthly ticket for support!

Baidu asks the novel net to be responsive! Read the full text in the era of national evolution! Seeking novel network, responsive!

The third is closer to 10,000 characters. Some readers told me that I can update the two thousand one chapters. If I open it, it will be a burst of five more!

But Hei Tu is used to writing three thousand words, and will not easily disassemble short chapters.

This is the first time since Hei Tu wrote a book, but these three are not the end of today. It's up to everyone. The monthly pass will add one chapter to one hundred, and one million reward will also add one chapter. Capped, September, as much as you can write!

Ask for votes~~~! ! ! ! 8)

Baidu asks the novel net to be responsive! The latest chapter of the era of national evolution, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!