Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 620: The test of the last star river beast

While the light and shadow were twisting, Lin Zhen was wearing divine armor and stepping on the void, just about to climb to the supreme throne!

Rebirth for a thousand years, he finally realized his dream and came to this step.

The powerful people of the universe worshipped at his feet, the sky was falling in disorder, the golden lotus was rushing from the ground, and hundreds of millions of people shouted for Emperor Lin Zhen.

"Please ascend the throne!"

A strong man in the longevity realm smiled at Lin Zhen, his face a little fuzzy, as if chasing the moon.

Lin Zhen stayed in front of the steps leading to the throne, his steps a little out of control.

is this real? is this real?

How long? Is the step he yearned for in this way achieved?

Lin Zhen couldn't believe it, but everything in front of him was so real.

Faced with the position of the pinnacle of the universe, it is difficult for any cultivator to refuse such temptation.

"Please ascend the throne!"

Countless people below made the sounds of mountains and tsunamis, including many familiar faces of Lin Zhen. All the people he experienced, good and bad, friends, enemies or relatives, were smiling at him.

"Dad, father! Go and sit on it."

When she was young, Meier was shouting to her father, and she seemed to have a playmate beside her.

Oh, that's Ya-Ya, the Ya-Ya who once saved her in Magnolia, are she good friends with Mei Er?

"Son, come on, how long have you been waiting for this day?"

Lin Liye and Li Qin smiled and waved on it.

"Mom and Dad." Lin Zhen made an unconscious voice, some not knowing how to choose.

"Husband, come here, we have to go home after we have completed the ascension to the throne." Su Mingyue joined An Ning and greeted Lin Zhentian sweetly, and they still have girlish appearances as mothers.

"Go home.... Go home..." Lin Zhen only felt a little dazed.

"Yes, go home, your little phoenix is ​​still waiting for you to marry her after you become the throne, don't you miss her?"

Above the void, dressed in a fire-red costume, Feng Qingluan, who is like a waterfall, gave her a white look, with a variety of styles and souls.

Lin Zhen finally walked towards the throne uncontrollably, step by step, towards the top.

When he passed by, countless people all knelt to the ground, shouting the emperor!

That kind of scene of countless people kneeling down at the same time, I don't know how shocking it is without seeing it in person.

Walking to the throne, turning around, facing the universe, Lin Zhen raised his arms high.

In the sky, above the ground, and in the ocean, all kinds of races gathered together until the end of the horizon. When Lin Zhen raised his arms, all the noisy voices immediately disappeared, waiting for the Great Emperor. Speak.

"Warrior..... To wait for the peak, rely on oneself to come step by step, there is no other way."

Lin Zhen looked around, and said to the somewhat blurred longevity martial artist: "Is this position supreme?"

The longevity warrior lowered his head: "Yes, your Majesty, sitting in this position, you are the only king of the entire universe, the Metaverse and the New World."

"Oh, since it's so great here, how about I invite you to sit down?"

"No, no, your Majesty, this is your position. Anyone who sits on it will be put to death."

"Since I am your majesty, then what I said is up to you, let you sit down and sit down, otherwise I will execute you first!"

The longevity warrior was shocked, Lin Zhen suddenly shot, and directly pressed him onto the seat!

Numerous venomous snakes rushed out of the throne immediately, tied him firmly, and at the same time opened his blood basin and bit him.

But it stopped halfway through, and this longevity realm warrior looked gloomy: "How did you find the flaw?"

"Do you think I am an idiot? The appearance of other people is understandable, but Ya-Ya has been a person who has been dead for many years. How can she appear in front of me alive, seeing her, I was surprised, and then I became sober Up!"

"This is my negligence, but it does not mean your victory!"

"It doesn't mean your victory, go to death!"

As soon as Lin Zhen raised his hand, the Yin Yang spear collapsed and hit the longevity martial artist directly.

The space in front of me was shattered, and everything disappeared.

Then, the smoke and dust floated, and an ethereal bell echoed in the mountains.

Lin Zhen came to a temple, facing the Buddha above, like an ant.

A novice monk folded his hands together: "Donor, please offer incense if you want to worship Buddha."

Another young novice monk came to Lin Zhen holding a joss stick, waiting for Lin Zhen to reach out and pick it up.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn your head back to the shore, put down the butcher knife, stand on the ground to become a Buddha, benefactor, you kill evil, if you are dishonest and pale, I am afraid that in the future you will fall into eighteen hells, and you will never be superborn!

Lin Zhen raised his head: "Is the eighteenth **** terrible?"


The novice monk yelled, and before he could make a move, Lin Zhen suddenly shot him to death.

"Pretending to be a fool, I also want to scare Laozi!"

The spear swung, and the temple collapsed.

The Buddha in the Buddhist hall rose into the sky, suspended in the sky, like a huge planet.

A huge golden palm pressed down from the void, pushing away the cloud with irresistible power.

"Hahaha~~! There are no gods and Buddhas in the world of warriors, and there are only strong ones. Even if you are a Buddha, you are actually just a powerful warrior. I want to see how your tricks can withstand me!"

Lin Zhen held a spear into the sky, and confronted this palm, which was bigger than the Asian continent!

It's like a moth leaping into the fire.

The seemingly disparity between the two met, but Lin Zhen smashed the giant spirit to pieces, and the Buddha's golden body shattered!

A Buddha was destroyed, and countless Buddhas appeared in the sky.

"Bold Lin Zhen actually blasphemed the gods, but the Buddha has the supreme body. If you kill one, you will become two, and if you kill 10,000, you will become 20,000. How much can you kill! Just catch it!"

"I can kill you one, I can kill you 100,000, and I can kill as many as I come. See if your mana is strong enough to be a god!"

The yin and yang spear is an arrow, and he soars into the sky again, into the endless Buddha kingdom.

A shot was fired, a scream came, and then it changed again.


In front of the sky, the Buddha Kingdom disappeared, the golden smoke was scattered, and Lin Zhen had already arrived in a market.

"Here.... How does it feel like the ancient times of the earth's AD calendar? The Tang Dynasty? The Han Dynasty? Or the Spring and Autumn Period?"

Just as Lin Zhen was puzzled, a little girl's soft voice sounded.

"Brother, give me some money. Mom is going to starve to death."

Lin Zhen lowered her head. The little girl had delicate eyes and big eyes like deer. Her wet look was very attractive.

"Who are you? Are you hungry?"

"Yeah...but you don't care about me, big brother. Niuniu doesn't eat it, as long as the big brother can give mom a little money or a little food."

The little girl's sensible appearance made people feel distressed, and Lin Zhen also felt sad for a while, and knelt down to the little girl.

He touched it in his arms and found a piece of silver.

Although he didn't know why he spent the money, Lin Zhen still passed it out.

"Niuniu, take this back and buy it for my mother, OK?"

"Thank you, big brother! You are such a good person!"

Lin Zhen smiled bitterly and watched the little girl stretch out to pick up her money.

"Wait, what's your mother's name? How about I find a doctor for her." Lin Zhen asked suddenly.

"Mom... Mom's name is Karina."

Lin Zhen suddenly retracted his silver hand, and then squeezed the little girl's delicate neck like lightning.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" The little girl was about to cry immediately.

"Why don't you, send you to see your mother!"

With a single-handed force, the little girl's neck was pinched off with a click, and she died on the spot!


The picture trembled for a while, followed by a screaming scream, and saw a young woman stumbling over from behind, picked up the little girl's body, and pointed at Lin Zhen and said, "This butcher! This servant! Niuniu is only four years old. , Why are you killing her? Why?"

People around came to criticize one after another, and some even picked up stones to beat Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen stood up and said nothing, his spear trembling, and one shot to slaughter the people in the market.

Finally, the little girl's mother, this pretty woman, was also shot to death by Lin Zhen.

The picture trembled again, and the space finally collapsed.

A black and red monster finally fell from the air and fell heavily in front of Lin Zhen.

"The last star in the tower, a mirage."

Lin Zhen held the Yin and Yang spear and came to this monster.

The monster is not big, looks the size of a dog, looks like a human, and has been seriously injured.

"I don't believe, how can you not be tempted? Don't you have any weakness?"

"Your mirage stunt is really amazing, but it is a pity that the flaws were exposed the first time you cast it. After that, I became vigilant and protected my brain with all my mental power, so I can always see your mirage. flaw."

"The second time, you used Mantian Gods and Buddhas to suppress me, but you forget, how can a warrior be suppressed by others!"

"The third time, you used the little girl's sympathy to impress me, but it is a pity that I have completely lost that cheap sympathy countless years ago!"

"And the most important point is that in your repeated temptations, my mental power has reached the perfect state of Cuimang 100%, and there is no trace of flaws. How can you confuse me!"

The Mirage would be attacked by Lin Zhen every time it failed. Repeatedly several times, it had lost its power.

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, he raised the gun and dropped the mirage with one shot!

After killing the mirage, a light flashed before his eyes, and the door leading to the tower had appeared.

And beside Lin Zhen, Mu Huaiyu had apparently just woke up from the entanglement.

Lin Zhen kicked Mu Huaiyu aside, then stepped out.

In this trial of Keqing, he finally won the first place!