Era of Universal Evolution

~: Happy birthday black soil!

I set up a scheduled release for this single chapter, and the time is zero!

Because at this time, it is Hei Tu's birthday, and it is also my daughter's birthday.

Time flies so fast, unknowingly, the black soil is also getting old, already the uncle of Bensi.

People are going to be old, some people are old, left, and have nothing, but the black soil feels that I am still lucky, because what I write is good or bad, he has survived, maybe decades later For hundreds of years, someone will see it.

Thank you readers for your company all the way. Birthdays will not affect normal updates. I have to eat noodles and boiled eggs early in the morning. This is a northern custom. Then in the evening, the black soil may have to go out to celebrate with friends, although it’s just one birthday. One less, but you, but, he will still be less, and he is still drunk now.

thank you all! Finally, please ask for a birthday gift, monthly pass? Reward? recommend? All are considered gifts, and thank you for your gifts in advance.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flowe