Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 840: Practice quickly!

Whenever the arena starts, the audience is overcrowded.

Lin Zhen followed the staff out of the room and went to the ring.

A tall crystal wall connecting the world and the ground on the first floor completely separates the boxing ring from the auditorium, so that people outside can clearly see the inside, but will not be hurt by the aftermath of the battle inside.

A fight has just ended on the ring, two Sanhua warriors are fighting each other, one side is killed and the other side wins.

The host is introducing the next pair of players, Lin Zhen and his opponent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the first player who played today. He has won four consecutive victories in our arena and killed his opponent four times to win. He is strong, cold, and ruthless, although he played There is not much time, but there are already a lot of fan support. He is a fighter in the Sanhua realm, **** demon cow...Gibson!"

A dazzling light flickered, and Gibson came on stage.

This player is a demon cow clan, tall and strong, looking like a hill.

The two sharp horns on the top of the head shone with dim light, making people shudder.

The pinnacle of Sanhua, coupled with his outstanding talent, made him basically invincible at the same level in the ring.

In fact, no one who is able to board the ring is weak, and they are all the best in the same level. Leapfrogging is also commonplace.

According to the rules of the boxing ring, the opponents faced by the players in the first 30 boxing matches must be of the same level.

If you can get thirty wins, then the next opponent level can be improved.

However, only one of the highest-level opponents who signed the contract between the two parties can appear during the Yum.

Lin Zhen was in the longevity stage, but there were not a few warriors in the longevity stage to participate in the ring, so Lin Zhen was automatically classified into the three-flowering stage.

Fighting in the ring, the use of weapons is prohibited. After Gibson took the stage, he took a big step and circled the ring, screaming at the bottom from time to time, showing his strong muscles.

Many people below waved banknotes and shouted Gibson's name.

In this boxing match, the vast majority of people support Gibson.

Even if they don't support Gibson, no one supports Lin Zhen, because in their opinion, Lin Zhen is too weak.

"The second one to appear on the stage is Lin Zhen, a rookie in boxing, a young man with super potential, from Yuanjie! Welcome everyone!"

With sparse applause, Lin Zhen took the stage.

"Remember, you can surrender if you lose the battle. As long as you surrender, the referee will prevent the opponent from killing you. I believe you can do this."

The staff behind carefully warned Lin Zhen, he had already received Sanhu's order and told him not to kill Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen sneered at the corner of his mouth and jumped onto the stage.

The referee drew the two people together and said loudly: "Except for the use of weapons, there are no other rules. You can fight as much as you like. If one party concedes defeat, then you must surrender in time. If the surrender is slow, you will be at your own risk and you will understand. Got it!"

Neither side made a sound, and the referee retreated to the corner.

"Boy! If you go under my crotch, I will leave you a way to survive this scene, because I have been taken care of by some people and let me let you have a way of life, but you have to know each other yourself. "

Lin Zhen didn't answer Gibson, and turned to face the referee: "Can we start?"



A mental shock hit it, diamondizing 100% of the mental power, and Gibson headshot with one blow!

Gibson didn't even hum and was killed on the spot!

The audience hasn't waited to call their idol's name, the battle is over!

People's shouts were all in their throats, and it was very uncomfortable to be up and down.

Lin Zhen faced the referee at this time: "The next game must start as soon as possible. I don't have time to waste here."

The referee was dumbfounded, then ran over and announced Lin Zhen's victory.

Lin Zhen turned to leave the ring and returned to his room.

After winning the first battle, he easily gained a few points and a bonus of 10,000 yuan.

In the first thirty games, each battle cost 10,000 yuan.

Lin Zhen ignored the hustle and bustle of the outside world. After returning to the room, the drowsy smell came again, and he soon fell asleep again.

The result of Lin Zhen's first battle shocked the people in Bai Hutang.

I thought that maybe the first game would destroy Lin Zhen's pride and make him willing to play for Bai Hutang, but he didn't expect that Lin Zhen's mental power was so strong that he would kill his opponent with one blow, making their plan frustrated.

Sanhu said with an ugly expression: "Some underestimate this kid. His mental power is indeed a trouble. For the opponent in the next game, remember to give him a treasure that wears mental defense. You can't let him pass this easily."

The scenery in front of him changed, and Lin Zhen came to Qingqiu Mountain again.

The dream was the same as last time. After the person called the young lady appeared, Lin Zhen spoke.

"who are you?"

Although she looks young in front of her, the charming woman said: "You don't need to know who I am. You deserve it. When the time is right, everything will be revealed."

The woman waved her hand, and the huge nine-tailed fox appeared again.

A new round of challenges has begun!

The last time he fell asleep, Lin Zhen only supported it for less than three minutes. This time his star power had grown a lot, and he wanted to hold on for a while.

However, the body and the clone resisted repeatedly, and still completely defeated within three minutes.

When Lin Zhen woke up from his dream, he found that the sweat wet his clothes again.

But the thing that made him ecstatic happened again, and the medicinal properties in his body were once again resolved by more than half.

As long as he dreams again, he will be able to advance to the ninth level of longevity!

Seeing that the time was still early, Lin Zhen simply took out the pill to make alchemy.

When he took out the pill, Xiao Gu suddenly ran out of him, came to a white bottle, and arched his mouth a few times.

This bottle is quaint and dim and has not been used for a long time.

Lin Zhen didn't even remember that he still had such a medicine, and when he took it over, it turned out to be a medicinal pill taken by the generals!

"This is still the medicine of the earth time, I accidentally brought it out, does Xiaogua need this?"

Open the lid of the bottle and hand it to Xiaogua, who immediately ate the bottle of pill, like a bottle of jelly beans.

After taking the medicine, Xiao Gua lay beside Lin Zhen and seemed to fall asleep.

Lin Zhen didn't bother about Xiaogua's actions, but began to refine Yanghuawan.

No matter what this dream is about, he must prepare the elixir of the Sanhua realm as soon as possible, otherwise once he enters the Sanhua, it will be a bit tragedy without the medicine for cultivation.

The amount of medicinal materials in the world in his body is quite sufficient, and what Lin Zhen first refined was the flower pill for energy.

Lin Zhen put a variety of medicinal materials three times and succeeded twice, and the efficiency was very good.

By the time the alchemy was over, another day had passed, and Lin Zhen had harvested two bottles of Flower Pills.

"I don't know what level of energy flower itself will reach after I enter Sanhua, let's prepare a little bit more first."

After the alchemy was over, Xiao Gu also woke up.

Lin Zhen was shocked after seeing Xiao Gu, because he saw that Xiao Gu had grown a lot!

If the puppy was not as big as the puppy before, it is now a circle bigger than the puppy.

Lin Zhen once again found the general-level medicine and gave Xiaogua, but Xiaogua was indifferent.

"Does this little guy need Ares-level drugs? I should have them too."

Before Lin Zhen could find the medicine, the staff came to inform again that Lin Zhen could participate in the second boxing match.

"The schedule is quite dense, so it's just right, the sooner the better."

Holding the melon in his arms, Lin Zhen went to the ring again.

After the first battle, not many people would pay attention to Lin Zhen. It was nothing more than a strong mental power. Knowing this, every boxer would make corresponding preparations, as long as a mental power defense Lingbao was enough.

So in the second battle, most people still supported Lin Zhen's opponent, because this person was a seven-game winning streak.

After Lin Zhen appeared on the stage, he said nothing, until the referee announced the start of the battle, Lin Zhen suddenly waved with one hand!

Jian Gang!

The five-meter-long sword light flashed past, and the opponent was completely unprepared, and was directly broken by Lin Zhen!

Killing the opponent with one Lin Zhen turned around and stepped down again.

With the dumbfounded referee and the dumbfounded spectator behind, Lin Zhen scored the second point.

"This is impossible! How strong is this kid? Find me a master in the next game, an absolute master, I don't believe that Lin Zhen's realm of longevity can sweep the three-flowering stage!"

Inside the Baihutang, the three tigers threw the cup angrily. Regarding Lin Zhen’s news, the hall took it very seriously, and even the boss came out to ask questions. Three tigers must ensure that Lin Zhen must be absorbed. How can it continue? .

After Lin Zhen went back, he wanted to fall asleep again, but he didn't do it, because Xiao Gu hunched around him, obviously wanting a pill.

At this time, Lin Zhen seemed to understand something, and apart from anything else, he gave Xiaogua a bottle of God of War medicine.

After taking the medicine, Lin Zhen and Xiao Gua fell asleep at the same time.

It was still the same dream and the same experience. When Lin Zhen woke up again, his medicinal power was completely resolved.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Zhen immediately swallowed the medicine he had prepared long ago and entered the ninth level of longevity in one fell swoop!

His star power has grown to 140 million!

The clone star power has grown to 200 million!

After Xiaogua woke up, he had become a little fox more than half a meter long, like a half-large dog.

Lin Zhen gently stroked Xiaogua's head: "You really are not simple, I don't know what you have experienced, but you can rest assured, I will guarantee your supply of pills until...until you If you don’t need these things anymore, this is the fate of you and me."

Xiao Gu lay next to Lin Zhen, closed his eyes slightly, and his long tail swayed. Vaguely, Lin Zhen seemed to see that it had three tails.

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