Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 895: The light of hope!

When a demigod appeared in the battlefield of high-end combat power, the god-stone period would definitely be broken.

The reason why demigods are called demigods is that they themselves have completed the triple realm of the transformation of gods before and are ready to break through to the gods.

Although the breakthrough has failed, their bodies, consciousness, thought power, and many other aspects actually already have the characteristics of gods, and they are no longer in the same state as the gods.

The lowest starting star power of the **** stone is 500 million, and the demigod directly doubles to one billion!

Breakthrough failure means that the demigod's aptitude will not be too high, so the upper limit of the demigod is not too high, which is probably the only shortcoming of the demigod.

The demigod in front of him is not a powerful king, but it is enough to despise everyone on this battlefield!

And behind him, he also followed three hundred demon warriors!

This team originally searched for ground races in this area and annihilated them. After seeing the situation here through the dimensional universe, they immediately rushed over.

Although they arrived a bit late, it was enough to bring disaster to the ground race.

All the ground races watching the battle in the dimensional universe could not help but close their eyes in pain.

That's it!

The ground race in the planet cemetery suffered a heavy blow again. About 400 ground race warriors have gathered here, but they are generally in the two stages of the gods and gods. How can they stop the demigod's poison.

After slaying the beard, this horned demon demigod walked step by step.

The earth seemed to tremble under his feet, followed by trembling, and the hearts of the warriors on the ground.

The judge of the **** stone powerhouse of the ghost tribe saw this unicorn demon tribe, and said, "I have met the seniors."

The horned demigod snorted from his nostrils, and finally locked his eyes on the human **** stone powerhouse who was fighting against the judge.

"Jie Jie~~~! Lao Tzu is now at the critical moment for the six-star upgrade to the seven-star. As long as he can be promoted to the seven-star, there will be the possibility of becoming a king in the future. A **** stone realm has 10,000 points. The mouse is yours to clean up, and this sacred stone realm is mine."

Of course, the judge did not dare to disagree, nodded and said, "That is natural."

The human **** stone warrior watched the unicorn demigod walk step by step, his face changed a few times, and finally he laughed: "I know it's not your opponent, but it's not easy to kill me, Lao Tzu can It is not comparable to ordinary people!"

"I won't play anymore, goodbye~!"

The Shenshi Warrior made an unexpected move and turned around and ran!

And the speed of this warrior is indeed very fast, his body almost turned into a light, disappearing from people's vision in the blink of an eye.

"Want to run! In front of my one-man White, there has never been a sacred stone that can escape, you leave me!"

The single-horned demigod White's face turned black, and his body also turned into black light, chasing the **** stone warrior.

His speed is a bit faster than that of the Shenshi Warrior, but it is definitely not easy to catch and kill the opponent in a short time.

The biggest crisis on the scene was temporarily resolved, and the warriors of the ground race had a glimmer of confidence. As long as they could kill the judge of the **** stone realm, this battle might not have no chance.

Before the demigod returns, as long as they disperse, the opponent's whole body can't chase so many people.

A warrior at the pinnacle of the gods yelled: "Brothers! Now is our only opportunity. There are more than 400 people on the other side, and we are almost 400 people. Fight with them!"

"Fight! Go!"

"The opportunity to avenge our ground race brothers is here!"

These warriors shouted in unison, and once again launched an attack on the warriors of the endless race.

The battle that had just been stalled because of the demigod's appearance was once again in full swing.

All warriors are in the realm of God Transformation, and everyone has the ability to destroy asteroids. This battle is simply turned upside down!

But the battle scene did not win as the ground race imagined, and even a half-and-half draw did not appear.

The warriors of these endless races advance and retreat in an orderly manner, with a clear division of labor, and their strength is quite strong, behaving more like a team.

Especially the judges in the realm of Shenshi, holding the judge pen, are invincible on the battlefield, and there is no opponent at all.

As a divine stone realm with a star power of more than 700 million, these divine consciousness and divine realms were really not enough in his eyes.

The judge's pen can really harvest people's lives, and there are corpses everywhere.

It didn't take long for the battle to come to an end.

The number of people who fell from the endless race was less than one hundred, and the number of people who fell from the ground race was almost 300.

The remaining less than a hundred people surrounded Wen Tao, and they were fighting stubbornly, but it seemed that they could no longer cause any damage to the endless race.

Standing among the crowd, Wen Tao was recording all this under the protection of the Zhetian Banner, and continued to introduce it into the dimensional universe.

"Compatriots of the ground race, this time I am a bit reckless. I feel very sad that so many compatriots fell to save me."

"It seems that today's battle will be the last broadcast of my career as a reporter for Wen Tao, but before I die, I still want to say a word."

Wen Tao said in a painful tone: "Earth of the Storm has the same number of participants and similar strengths, but why did this result? In the final analysis, there are two reasons, infighting and indifference!"

Wen Tao once again named Ruqing Wang and Lin Zhen. As a dying reporter, he had no scruples at all, taking as an example two people scolding each other in the dimensional universe.

The people watching were silent. Everyone knew the indifference of those powerful warriors. The planet cemetery was at stake here, but the powerhouses of the intersecting continents turned a blind eye to them. All they care about is their own strength.

But this cannot be said to be wrong, because everyone is like this. Can you blame who is right and who is wrong?

Moreover, when people from across the continent come back, people of endless races can also come back. I'm afraid it's still unprofitable. No one will do anything that is thankless.

As for Lin Zhen, this time also has a negative reputation.

Seeing that the situation has already collapsed, Wen Tao's last few words as a reporter rebuked Lin Zhen and Ruqing Wang were almost shouted out.

"Saint Master Lin Zhen! Ruthless King! With cold-blooded people like you, there will never be hope for the ground race!"


Far at the other end of the eye of the storm, above the intersecting continent.

The ruthless king dressed in white is watching the melee in the planetary cemetery.

He saw Wen Tao accusing him and Lin Zhen for the second time, but Wang Ruqing was not moved at all.

He would never rescue those ants-like guys. As a powerful king, what does the life and death of these ants have to do with him? His enemies are the kings of endless races.

Unless Lin Zhen appeared at this moment, King Ruthless would definitely go to the planetary cemetery, but the purpose was not to rescue, but to kill Lin Zhen.

Hearing Wen Tao's loud shout at the end, the ruthless king couldn't help but frown secretly.

"Idiot! I have repeatedly compared the truth about Lin with me, but I don't know that that kind of stuff is simply not qualified. Even if you die, you deserve it!"

The Ruthless King simply closed the Dimensional Universe, not seeing it or getting upset, no matter what the battle in his planetary graveyard was, it had nothing to do with him.

As for what other people think of themselves?

The Ruthless King sneered at this, if anyone dared to talk nonsense in front of him, he would kill him with a single sword.

It was precisely because the Dimensional Universe was closed that he did not see that a ray of light was bursting out from the depths of the earth!


The battle is over!

The remaining number of the ground race is less than fifty, and the situation is precarious. Under the violent attack of the endless race warriors, even Wen Tao's sky-shielding flag will not be able to support it.

Although the treasure is strong, it is useless if the person using it is not strong enough.

After Wen Tao shouted, he simply walked out of the Zhetian banner.

"Captain, what are you going to do? It can last a few minutes!" People from the Dimension Universe Company called Wen Tao one after another.

Wen Tao looked back at his companions: "Everyone, it's useless. No one will come to save us. Rather than being killed by others, it's better to die vigorously. Don't forget, although I am a reporter, But at the same time I am also a warrior of the God Realm stage."

"But Captain, you haven't experienced any actual combat."

"I know that my strength is not good, but I can't. I'm also better than the inhumane guy like Lin Zhen Ruqing, and I must die vigorously!"

Wen Tao roared and drew out a sword, which was actually just a low-grade spirit treasure, just like the sword of Zhan Kong that Lin Zhen had obtained in Nanliang.

Such a sword is a treasure on the ground of the Metaverse, but when it reaches the endless sea of ​​stars, there is indeed a bit of garbage.

With such a sword, Wen Tao used his weak star power and rushed out resolutely!

The eyes of the people behind were a little moist, and the captain was not very strong. He belonged to a person who was trained by the Dimensional Universe Company's drugs, but because he hadn't experienced too many killings and battles, he had a pure heart.

This pure conscience is really rare among senior warriors.

But the cruel endless race on the opposite side wouldn't care about this. A tiger demon clan warrior howled and slashed with a long knife!

In his opinion, this reporter in the early days of the God Realm could easily be killed with a single knife.

The terrestrial warriors who watched all looked sad at this time.

Some people closed their eyes, some shed tears.

The person wearing the hat took off his hat neatly and bowed slightly to the dimensional universe.

"Reporter Wen Tao, you are a nice person, and we will miss you."

"This is the best reporter I have ever seen. It's a pity that good people don't live long. May you be well in the future!"

People looked helplessly, waiting, waiting for the moment Wen Tao died, their tears were already in their eye sockets, ready to flow out excitedly, for their few blood and feelings.

A dazzling starlight blooms from the center of the earth!

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