Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 894: Lin Daxing encounter

Wen Tao and others did not know that a group of vicious ghost warriors was approaching quickly. He still used the professional attitude of a reporter to broadcast news about the eye of the storm.

"The ground race warriors are at a disadvantage here. There are also many factors. The endless race sneak attack is the biggest reason, but there are also factors of incompatibility between the ground race warriors. For example, three years ago, the ruthless king of Futian city was against the sky. The city saint-level alchemist Lin Zhen made a nasty mess, and yelled at each other in the dimensional universe. In the end, Lin Zhen used strong financial resources to overwhelm the Ruthless King, and the two also formed a grudge."

"There is no need for the warriors to be united at ordinary times, but they are still fighting in such a moment. There is really a demeanor of the strong..."

Wen Tao's words immediately sparked another discussion.

The warriors who came to participate in the Eye of the Storm were basically people from dozens of cities near this starry sky, and they had all heard of Lin Zhen's name.

As for the ruthless king, let alone the veteran powerhouse.

Unexpectedly, these two people would still have a conflict, because in most people's eyes, although Lin Zhen's reputation is not small, he still can't compare with the Ruthless King. As for the strength, let alone the difference. Up.

"Lin is really tired of life, he dare to fight each other with the ruthless king."

"It's over! The saint-level alchemist is about to fall in the eye of the storm. The ruthless king is cold-blooded and ruthless, and he will definitely not let it go if he loses his face."

"It's all rubbish, and it's almost killed by the endless races, and they don't forget to fight each other. Such people will not be respected no matter how strong they are."

"What rubbish? When Lin Zhen and the Ruthless King were fighting internally, the endless race hadn't attacked the ground race yet."

"That shouldn't be, you should unite a little bit when you enter the eye of the storm..."

There are countless people speaking below the video, including many warriors in the eyes of the storm.

These warriors were also very happy, and finally had a place to communicate, some of whom even recognized Wen Tao's location.

"This reporter from the Dimensional Universe Company seems to be in Linda Planet, right? Poor birds in that place don't shit."

"Yes, the planet Linda is simply the most barren place in the planet's cemetery. I know that there is a small team who arrived there three months ago and searched for three months without believing in evil, but they didn't find a **** stone. It's recorded."

"Be careful, if you report these things, maybe it will attract endless races."

"I wipe~~~!!! I seem to see something!"

As a warrior made a sound, everyone saw the anomaly.

In the direction behind Wen Tao, a black cloud pressed forward, with gusts of cloudy wind, even across the screen, it seemed that the murderous aura from the eye of the storm could be felt!


"No! It's a ghost warrior, then the reporter should run!"

Someone chanted, but they couldn't help much at all, seeing Wen Tao too late to escape.

Wen Tao saw the reflection in the eyes of the warrior who was in charge of shooting himself.

The assistant's eyes were full of fear, and within his eyes, he could see the approaching enemy.

Wen Tao turned around, and the ghost warriors had reached a dozen meters behind him.

"Jiejie~~! Dimensional Universe relies on being the largest company in the universe, so it really doesn’t put anyone in the eye! The eye of the storm is the battle between the ground race and the endless race, whoever wins and loses will be with you. Dimensional Universe Company is okay, what are your nosy reports here?"

Wearing a black robe, the judge of the Divine Stone Realm held the judge's pen and stared at Wen Tao with a gloomy grimace.

Wen Tao took a deep breath: "I have no danger to you, and the Dimension Universe Company is not here to **** the **** stone."

"Don't mention the Dimensional Universe Company, you are a giant industry, but are you bigger than the entire endless race? Since you don't know what is good or bad, don't blame me for being polite."

An impermanent ghost in the back said to the judge: "My lord, don't talk nonsense with him, kill it!"

The judge nodded and waved to the person behind him: "Do it! Don't leave one!"

Two impermanent ghosts, a group of bullheads and horses waiting for the ghost warriors, howled and rushed up from behind.

Wen Tao didn't panic too much. Since he dared to report to the eye of the storm, he was well prepared for danger.

As soon as the palm of the hand was lifted, a banner was waving in the wind!


Cover the sky!

As soon as the sky-shielding flag came out, it completely covered the sky above Wen Tao and others, like a rolling ocean wave, blocking all the opponent's attacks.

More than a dozen ghost clan warriors tried their best to bombard indiscriminately, and they couldn't break the defense of the Zhetian Banner.

"Sure enough, it is the Dimensional Universe Company, with rich wealth, and it has the treasure of defense!" The judge's eyelids twitched.

The defensive treasure is not so easy to break, although it is just a low-grade treasure, it is not the ordinary God Realm period that can be broken.

But the judge doesn’t care too much. No matter how good the treasure is, it must be driven by people. The users of this treasure are too weak. As long as they work hard, they will be able to use up the opponent’s mana before long. This banner may be Will become his bag.

"Hahaha! What a treasure of defense, but it's a waste of holding it in your hand, let me keep it for you today!"

The judge rushed up with the judge's pen in his hand, hitting the flag to cover the sky!

There was no change in the flag, but Wen Tao's face changed.

The judge's attack was so strong, the realm of God Stone, completely crushed his divine transformation, if it were not for the benefit of the treasure, this one would have seriously injured Wen Tao.

Even so, Wen Tao couldn't hold on for a long time. It won't be long before he continues, his star power will be exhausted, and when he has a treasure, he will be caught.

Under the leadership of the judge, the ghost clan warriors swarmed up, and countless attacks were smashed down without interruption.

And all of this has been broadcast into the dimensional universe.

"Quick, quick! Rescue this reporter, otherwise the ground race will be more passive in the eye of the storm."

"How many ground races in the planet cemetery are located near the planet Linda, hurry up and save people!"

"I am here, I am 70 million kilometers away from here, and I will be there in three minutes!"

"My two companions and I arrived in five minutes, and the reporter held on!"

The broadcast of the dimensional universe is not only for the ground races, but also for the endless races.

Now in the planet cemetery, the number of endless races is much higher than that of the ground races. Seeing the situation here, there are also many endless race warriors coming quickly.

The ground races came here to save people, and they came to encircle the ground races.

This encounter started because of the reporter suddenly broke out.

Because communication is possible in the dimensional universe, everyone can know the situation here. When the first ground race warrior arrived on the scene and launched an attack on the ghost race warrior, everything was a little out of control.

This time, those who came were basically scattered martial artists.

Today, on the planetary cemetery, ground races are basically scattered people, with small targets and not easy to find.

Because the powerhouses of the intersecting continents refused to pay attention to the planet cemetery, these people basically felt that the ground race had no hope.

Because the endless races are organized, and the ground races have no communication, how can they fight against the endless races?

So this time I saw a reporter connected to the Dimensional Universe. Basically all the ground race warriors that could come nearby came.

As soon as the war started, it went dark and dark!

From the first person launching an offensive to his death in battle, to the arrival of the second and the third, and then the arrival of dozens and hundreds of people!

At the edge of the planet Linda, it was originally a ground race's range of activity, just like a guerrilla group that avoided the regular army. At this time, it actually formed a local advantage, and the number of people exceeded the endless race!

The judge held the judge's pen, and led the Onizu warriors and hundreds of companions and ground races who came to the battle to start a melee.

But at this moment, the number of ground races was dominant, and after several counterattacks, they suppressed endless races.

This is a huge surprise. Every warrior yelled in excitement, and used all his energy to explode all the energy. The storm began like a storm, and it was bound to be swept away by the endless race in the planet cemetery. The haze!

A strong man in the realm of gods and stones faced the judge alone, entangled him for life.

Another big bearded warrior of the tall human race descended from the sky.

A bright nine-ring knife in his hand waved, bringing up layers of water-like light of the knife, pouring out quickly!

The dazzling light of the sword was invincible, and brought up a fragment of limbs and arms, and put four or five ghost warriors to the ground.

Two wolf clan warriors who belonged to the endless camp wanted to make a sneak attack, and the bearded sword once again slashed horizontally, cutting the two God Realm stage opponents into four!

The body rushed forward, and two more demons fell under his sword.

Under his leadership, the ground race finally broke through the endless race front, and victory was about to come!

"Hahaha~~! The children of endless races are no more than this, today I am going to kill with a mad knife, perhaps not easy!"

With that said, Xu Buyi, the bearded man, gestured a victory sign to Wen Tao: "Friends from the Dimension Universe Company, please give me a big close-up. From now on, I will not be the hero of the ground race Up!"

Under the protection of the shielding flag, Wen Tao had been observing and shooting, and seeing the bravery of Mad Knife, he immediately pointed the camera at him.

"Dear fellows of the ground races! Today I finally saw a heroic figure. This man named Xu Wuyi is extremely brave. He has already cut seven warriors of endless races in a row. If the Lin Daxing encounter today wins, this person will be First work, please remember his name, remember his look!"

The blood-boiled ground races below that were stimulated by the war began to frantically screen.

"It's not easy! It's not easy!"

"Hero! Hero!"

"The sky above your head and your feet on the It's not easy to have a child!"

The camera advances, giving a close-up of Xu Buyi's charging.

Xu Buyi charged in a cool manner, turned his head back and smiled, and then turned his head, only a white light passed by!

Puff~~! !

The blood flies ten feet!

Xu is not easy to fall to the ground!

A Mozu wearing dark armor with sharp horns appeared on his head, holding a long knife in his hand. It was this knife that was not easy to kill!

Demigod~! !

The demigods of endless races are here!

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