Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 893: Dimensional universe company report

Seeing what happened during this period of time, Lin Zhen frowned slightly.

"I rescued Chen Yuan two years ago, but I didn't expect things to be like this. I didn't even look at what they said in the dimensional universe. It turned out to be like this here. The endless race is so vicious."

"This can't be blamed on the endless race. Both sides are inherently immortal enemies. We can't do anything too much. People on our side hate the endless race, and the endless race may still think they are heroes."

Lin Zhen nodded: "Of course I understand this, but I can't watch the endless races being so arrogant here."

"Master, aren't you planning to go out to show off again? This is not in line with the low-key behavior of the warrior!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Zhen's mouth: "Low-key? Why should I keep a low-key? I have disappeared in recent years. I am afraid that I will be forgotten. I don't want to be forgotten, so I have to help them remember me."

Kriss helplessly spread her hands: "Well, since the master insists that I have nothing to say, but I want to remind the master that the collection of the sacred stone is to be spent, so don't rot in your hands."

"Oh! By the way, thanks to you reminding me, I still have more than 20,000 sacred stones."

"Yeah, you have a lot of more than 20,000 sacred stones. It’s just the third year after entering the eye of the storm. Everyone doesn’t have much stock in their hands. If you make good use of your 20,000 sacred stones, it will definitely give you your strength. Improve it a bit."

Lin Zhen immediately opened the exchange panel.

If you want to exchange it, Lin Zhen thinks it's better to exchange some treasures first.

I remember that there were nine great treasures on the exchange panel, but now Lin Zhen opened it and saw that there were only five left.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, shields, armors, swords, and long swords have all been exchanged.

Lin Zhen is a little bit regretful. Shields and armor are good items among the treasures. Although the price is higher, Lin Zhen also wants them, but now they don't have them.

"My Emperor Tian and Hua Yun double swords are the best spirit treasures, and they can still be used for the time being. Since the sword is gone, let's exchange it for a spear."

Lin Zhen looked at the treasure spear above.

The purple golden gun is five meters long and weighs as small as a small satellite. The gun itself is made of extremely precious purple gold.

Zijin is a kind of heaven and earth. It has no attributes, but it is precious because it can inject any attributes at will.

The price is seven thousand **** stones.

Lin Zhen looked at it and felt satisfied, and directly exchanged it for seven thousand sacred stones.

The total number of his sacred stones is 22,000, which cost 7,000, and there are 15,000 remaining.

"Master, you can choose to exchange the exercises with other treasures, and it will be useful."

Lin Zhen waved his hand gently: "No, I don't need the exercises for the time being. I can't practice the exercises right now. I'd better understand what I have now. As for the other treasures, I don't need them, and I believe that I will be able to do it later. Find other treasures."

"What does the master want to exchange?"

"Exchange God Crystal!"

Lin Zhen had spent the Divine Crystal in exchange for the Supreme Treasure Misty Divine Clock, and there was no Divine Crystal in his hand.

Chrissy said at this time: "Master, you don't need it. I think with your strength, you can cultivate into a **** by yourself sooner or later. Once you become a god, you will be the best among the gods. Why choose to refine the gods? What about this road?"

Lin Zhen smiled: "I didn't exchange it for myself. Even if I don't need it, my family still needs it."

Lin Zhen already had calculations in his mind, his parents were very poorly qualified, and now he could hardly make progress in his cultivation to longevity.

But Lin Zhen still hopes that one day they can become gods, as long as he is there, countless pills will be smashed over, and sooner or later they will be smashed into the realm of gods.

As long as you reach the peak of the **** stone, you can refine the **** crystal, and Lin Zhen needs to prepare two for them.

Su Mingyue and An Ning are not easy to say, the aptitudes of the two of them are not bad, but Lin Zhen has not yet reached that point in self-cultivation, so they still have to reserve them for the two wives, and be prepared.

Little Phoenix and Xuan'er shouldn't be needed. They are both the proud daughters of Heaven in the Metaverse. They have unlimited potential and should have the hope of becoming gods.

For his three children, Lin Zhen hoped that they could become gods by themselves, but like his wife, Lin Zhen had to leave behind.

The family alone needs seven crystals, and Lin Zhen still has a few people to take care of.

For example, the Angel sisters, such as Ling'er, have been with their family members, but they are actually Lin Zhen's family members. Lin Zhen naturally cannot ignore them.

The qualifications of the three of them are not enough to cultivate themselves into gods, so three more are needed.

In this way, Lin Zhen had to reserve at least ten **** crystals, which did not include any emergencies.

Lin Zhen directly exchanged the remaining fifteen thousand **** stones for five **** crystals.

There are a total of fifty **** crystals here, and when Lin Zhen exchanged it, there were already more than 20 left. When Lin Zhen finished the exchange, there were only a dozen **** crystals.

What's left is that hands are fast and slow, and Lin Zhen guesses that he won't be able to get it anymore.

Putting away the purple golden gun and the five **** crystals, Lin Zhen sorted out, put away all the pill furnace and other things.

As soon as he raised his hand, the treasure hunt Teng turned into a very small silk-like thing, wrapped around Lin Zhen's wrist, which looked like a golden ornament.

Looking at this basement, Lin Zhen jumped up directly.

The flower of the earth element turns, breaks open the surface layer, and goes straight to the ground.

"Finally it's my turn to play!"


Above the ground, several Terran warriors are studying a thing.

These warriors have uniform clothing, and they are all employees of Dimension Universe Company.

No, not employees, but senior technicians of Dimension Universe.

This time the Eye of the Storm was opened, and someone from the Dimensional Universe Company entered, but they did not come here to collect sacred stones in exchange for treasures, but to start the Dimensional Universe business and cover the communications of the Dimensional Universe to the Eye of the Storm.

Of course, this is a long way to go, and it is definitely not something that can be done in one or two days to cover the eye of the storm.

However, the people of the Dimensional Universe Company have now also made a breakthrough, that is, they can transmit the images around them through the Dimensional Universe.

The warriors inside the eye of the storm can log in to the forum they temporarily created to communicate.

Zi Zi~~~ Zi Zi~~~ Zi Zi Zi~~~! !

"It's done! It's done!"

Several warriors cheered loudly in excitement, and one of the leaders of the **** realm was beaming.

Knowing that the situation inside the eye of the storm is dangerous, the Dimension Universe Company has also made preparations. This warrior in the realm of the gods is here to report the things inside the eye of the storm.

Regarding the major events within the eye of the storm, he intends to open it to everyone.

As a member of the human race, he has a very good atmosphere for what is happening here, so when the dimensional universe is successfully connected, he can't wait to make everything public.


After a wave of current fluctuations, the dimensional universe stabilized.

A warrior started video recording at the leader.

"Dear friends, I am Wen Tao, a reporter from Infinite Xinghai Dimensional Universe. After the unremitting efforts of our company, I finally successfully connected the communication in the Eye of the Storm on this day."

"Because of the particularity of the storm's eye area, it will take 10 million years to fully cover this area, but this time the situation in the storm's eye, I can broadcast to everyone."

"Just two years ago, when the army of the ground race and the endless race came to the planet graveyard, the people of the endless race set a trap, a trap..."

Wen Tao began to talk, telling the story of the endless race of the Sea Stars and the defeat of the ground race, the brutality of the endless race, and the insensitivity of the strong ground race.

Wen Tao still tried his best to tell the story here from an objective perspective, but in his opinion, the eye of the storm has basically ended. People of the ground race will not do much. Okay.

As a member of the ground race, Wen Tao was very depressed.

This live video soon caused great heat in the endless star sea area!

People are very curious about the things inside the eye of the, but because of the interference of the light blue planet fragments there, the signal cannot pass and people cannot know it.

Unexpectedly, there is a reporter who can broadcast in the eyes of the storm.

And the content of the broadcast is very explosive, and the ground race is about to be wiped out!

Although the high-end warriors are still there, the warriors here in the planet cemetery are about to face annihilation.

"God! My idol laughs at the common people, regardless of the life or death of ordinary warriors, his glorious image in my heart collapsed."

"The ruthless king is really ruthless. He doesn't care about anyone except himself."

"The ground race needs a hero, where is the hero?"

"Don't be silly, I'm afraid that you haven't even arrived at Sanhua when you say this. The more advanced warriors these days, the more selfish they are, and where there are heroes."

Each comment was frantically swiping the screen, not only the outside world knew what was going on here, but even the warriors inside the eye of the storm had seen it.

Just not far from Wen Tao, there is a group of ghosts in action.

The leader is a judge in the realm of God Stone, wearing a black robe and holding a judge pen.

"This group of **** from Dimension Universe can actually complete the communication within the eyes of the storm. This is absolutely impossible. They should not be allowed to report too much about the things here, otherwise it will destroy the plan of the Great Emperor."

The judge of the Ghost Race waved his hand: "Everyone follow me, take advantage of the fact that this matter has not expanded too much, kill these people from the Dimensional Universe Company, they want to report here, wait for the next life!"

Dozens of ghost warriors behind him suddenly let out a burst of ghost cry and wolf howling, and a storm of wind was rolled up.

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