Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 892: 15 years underground

At the planet cemetery, the arrangement of endless races is very successful.

Different from the fragmentation of the ground race, this time the action of the eye of the storm was made by the emperor Juetian himself.

Most of the people involved in endless races have accepted unbelievable orders.

Although it is important to collect sacred stones to exchange treasures, it is the priority to kill ground races.

After a large number of demon warriors entered the eye of the storm, they did not collect the sacred stones, but rushed at full speed, first arrived at the planet cemetery and set up an ambush.

When the ground race arrived, it was immediately devastated.

The warriors of the ground race came one by one, and they happened to be eliminated by the concentrated power of the endless race.

For twenty days, these twenty days are twenty days of darkness.

The warriors of the ground race came to the planet cemetery, except for Chen Yuan, they did not run out to survive. The people in front were dead, but the people behind did not know it.

Every day, more than 10,000 people fall in the Azure Star region. In these twenty days, nearly 300,000 warriors of the ground race have fallen!

You know, the total number of ground races entering the eye of the storm is only 500,000.

This dropped two-thirds, and then removed some masters who went to the intersecting continent, and then removed some of the warriors who were living in other places. Currently, there are fewer than 100,000 warriors in the planet cemetery.

This is also because yesterday, the ground race warrior Chen Yuan finally collected 20 sacred stones and issued a warning to all ground races.

"All compatriots of the ground race, don't go to Canghaixing, where the endless races of warriors have laid a net of heaven and earth. In the past, it was a death. I was lucky enough to escape with the help of Saint Master Lin Zhen’s Ninth Rank Golden Core. I hope that the masters of our ground races can see this message and help us ordinary warriors to get justice!"

This message of Chen Yuan will be like a super bomb, making all the warriors of the ground races boil.

Other warriors also have many speculations. For example, there are fewer and fewer people in the planetary graveyard. For example, we often see the emergence of warriors of endless races in groups, and the survival of ground races is difficult.

Now everyone suddenly realized that all the warriors of the ground race were dead!

At this time, not many people were still stingy with the **** stone, exchanged one speaker after another, and began to curse.

The golden trumpet is spoken in the human race, and the silver horn is spoken in the demons.

Or simply use the two speakers together, the galaxy said.

"The trifles of endless races! Everyone comes to the eye of the storm to ask for money. You set up an ambush with such an extinct humanity. Do you really think that our ground race has no one?"

"Damn! I can't bear it anymore, that **** brother is with me, let's go to Canghaixing to fight with these grandchildren!"

"This man is courageous, the little brother Demon Yuecheng Dong Xuanzi is not talented, and would like to take a trip with you!"

"Count me, Li Tianba in Siam City would have seen these guys displeased a long time ago, let's go together!"

"Count me, and revenge my brothers..."

"Can you guys who are simple-minded calm down and rush over so stupidly? Is it useful? The opponent has a large number of people and has already occupied the entire sea star. Don't you also die in the past? Besides adding a little red to the opponent's military medal No use of the outer eggs."

"You don't have to be yin and yang there, you dare not go and forbid others to go, are you brothers dead in vain?"

"Grass~! When did I say that? What I mean is that if you want to reverse the situation between the sea star and the planet cemetery, you must come back from the masters of the intersecting continents. See who knows who The strong? Find some to be saved."

The discussion on the ground races is in full swing, and the dimensional universe is frantically refreshing.

But at this time, the strong shadow of the Hall of Fame from the endless race spoke up.

"My blood shadow, warn all the warriors of the terrestrial races in the intersecting continents, the planet cemetery situation, you'd better not go back and participate, otherwise my endless race army will definitely do my best, and I will kill you all without collecting the gods!"

"That is, I am the Demon King Shura. Every level has wars at every level. It is better for you to stay calm. Everyone is in peace. Nosy people will never end well."

"Even if you come here, you will die, the ghost king of the ghost clan is sitting on Canghaixing. If you don't accept it, come!"

Powerful men of endless races spoke, with threats in their voices, and the murderous intentions were revealed.

The strong men of the ground race chose silence at this time.

They are absolutely unwilling to let them go from the intersecting continent to Canghaixing.

The number of sacred stones in the planet cemetery is not as large as that of the intersecting continents. Even if it is a demigod or a king, it may not be beneficial to go to the sea star.

What's more, those who died were not related to them, and died when they died. What does it have to do with them?

Talking about revenge and not revenge is simply bullshit. Each of these warriors has a heart like steel, and no one has a selfless spirit. At this stage, everyone is pursuing the strength of their own force.

Seeing that the powerhouses of the ground race, including the Hall of Fame like Xiao Cangsheng, and the powerful kings like the Ruthless King and the Soul Chaser, did not speak, and some warriors scolded their mothers.

But they didn't dare to scold them by name or surname, otherwise those strong men would not dare to go to the endless race, it would be easy to come back and kill them.

Some radicals really chose to go to Canghaixing to seek justice, but of course there was no return.

Most warriors chose to fight against each other outside of Canghaixing, but because the number of people was too small, they were already at an absolute disadvantage, and Canghaixing, a golden treasure land, was completely occupied by endless races.

"Long live the Great Emperor Juetian!"

"Hahaha! Little trifles of the ground race, why don't you dare to come? Grandpa is waiting for you here."

"Have all of them shrunk into the woman's crotch? Waste! Rubbish! Your future will either become dust or become slaves!"

But the warriors in the planet cemetery are still holding on and resisting. They all hope to increase their strength, or hope that a certain strong person can come back and lead them to a decisive battle with the other side.

But according to this situation, this hope is getting smaller and smaller.


At the end of the second year after the eye of the storm opened, Lin Zhen mastered a seven-fold slowdown.

After having seven times the time to decelerate, Lin Zhen one day is equal to seven days, which gives him plenty of time.

Temporarily stopping the practice of slowing down time, Lin Zhen began to concentrate on improving his realm.

At the beginning of the third year, Lin Zhen entered the middle stage of his spiritual change.

The leap from the early stage to the middle stage brought Lin Zhen an increase of 200 million stars.

After three months of the third year, Lin Zhen raised his mental power to 50% of the azure realm, completely stabilizing in the middle of azure.

In the third and a half years, Lin Zhen made another breakthrough, and his realm entered the late stage of his spiritual change.

Another increase of 200 million star power brought Lin Zhen's total star power to 1.3 billion.

This star power is already extremely powerful, the entry star power of the Divine Stone Realm is 500 million, and the stronger ones, that is, one billion star power, are very good.

Only a handful of relatively talented Divine Stone Stages can have star power exceeding one billion.

Lin Zhen's current star power can be compared to an ordinary demigod.

A martial artist wants to break through from the **** stone to become a demigod after the **** fails. The lowest star power of a demigod is one billion, and a star power of 1.3 billion is a general demigod.

But Lin Zhen still didn't choose to leave the customs. He continued to practice underground, and finally at the end of the third year, he raised his realm to the pinnacle of spiritual change.

With an additional 200 million star power, Lin Zhen's star power reached an unprecedented 1.5 billion!

This star power is also a strong one among the demigods!

And Lin Zhen made progress at the same time, as well as his clone and treasure hunter.

The realm of the clone rose with Lin Zhen's realm, and when Lin Zhen reached the peak of his spiritual consciousness, the clone was already at the peak of the **** realm.

But at this time, Lin Zhen's main body's star power finally caught up with the clone, and the main body clone's star power was all 1.5 billion!

In fact, the combat power of the body has surpassed that of the clone. Although the clone is a five-element mutant unicorn, it is still a bit worse than the black hole beast. The black hole beast stands at the peak of all mutant galaxy And the clone has not been idle for the past three years, and has successfully penetrated the seventh picture of the stone stele without Shadow Step.

Treasure Hunting Teng has grown up over the past few years, and it can be considered a powerful combat power, but what Lin Zhen values ​​most is its treasure hunting ability.

In the area near the planet Linda, the sacred stone could not be found at all. In the last half a year, the treasure hunter went out for a few days and found nothing, proving that he could no longer stay here.

Lin Zhen's accumulation of sacred stones was also fixed in his early 20,000 years, mainly because there was no profit at all in the later stage.

Now it is the limit of Lin’s true power. If he wants to continue to progress to the God Realm stage, unless he is a pill with the God Realm stage, or he can calm down and cultivate in this place for several decades before he can make a breakthrough. may.

And there is no light for the birth of stars, and it is impossible to make a breakthrough in the comprehension of Sun Luo sword technique.

Still thinking about moving, Lin Zhen's continued staying here on Planet Linda has no meaning.

"Huh! It's almost time to go out!"

Lin Zhen stretched his muscles and bones, "It feels like I have been here for a long, long time."

Kris, who had been sleeping on Lin Zhen's shoulder, also woke up now.

"It's been a long time indeed. Master, you have been here for three years. If your time slows down, you have actually been here for fifteen years."

"Oh! It's been so long, it really means that the time has passed since the cultivation, and I don't know what's going on outside?"

"Master, the situation outside is not very good. Before you practiced, you said you don't want me to disturb you, so I didn't tell you that the planetary cemetery is basically the world of endless races."

With that said, Kris told Lin Zhen one by one what happened during this period of time.

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